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The Victories of Love

Chapter 9 FROM FREDERICK. No.9

Word Count: 1129    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

less than t

oot on Eng

rod, and, str

ugh last night's

shrouds, that r

llows' blas

none was

ry in the

n lightning sh

bout in st

choice! A

s he rose; a


with the b

g, with a

shot from fe

ced deck, e

ound us pres

r in the e

n who had lo

red no mor

else been s

t best, if ju

lk by the ot

nd there cas

or of a

ted of abro

of the ba

te, for 'two

nerves refu

out doubly-d


heart her

g on a br

l up the ab

ng her, I h

y, with stra

have risen

ams chased th

ife's dull

as I knew

glory in

out, I ca

d brain and

her. Or el

t of an

ne with sk

he third s

to some ques

meaning i

oh, Frederi

ll be ther

sweet my s

ame so link'

ins, by gui

erted, watc

in the Ball-

mildness thr

are lovely,

in the mu

ngs seem bu


'm made di

which she kn

ing with a

nt accord

eck my plea

lip the sil

n Angel, 'D

u seek, not

some stran

kiss her, '

you languish

foul phant

ragon and

rue lady in

'Dear my

rue lady

ome waste

shape and

left, where

oice, which

e, for her f

g, 'Do you lo

ly, 'Swee

ed but half

face to the

Love, 'tis to

sudden pu


s as of si


y music; fa

nite distinc

ld voices'

ame which al

cstatic tr

reof none

limed to so

in the whee

throbbing sp

e heaving o

s these come

day with th

nothing? Wh

ay do som

years, and s

d know! He

loving som

moved that n

cy, or, si

wretch, ac

m; or her b

dream!) and t

lease: or to

every ea

er: ah, 'twould

oved her al

I think,

ords and loo

! Did not

my God, an

odest fool,

such a heav

o frail, yet

sees me at

last, the g

sacred Eng

the lovely

nd women lo

roofs where m

e cares to co

gay queen s

whom the wo

the wanton c

drives but b

the realm whe

ges to

s all too w

prospect fo

rivate go

nour, quite

e this was pe

aughan, on

ul Miss Chu

r; and to-

my new po

peace at la

aith, like

'd. Grief is

bout me t

y chill o

ear or dis

he exact

has shown t

'other joys

d disavow

me which i

I blasphem

ecrees, and

nd where can

e knows who

men! Pursuit

er Husband

f heavens of

, lets her pl

ss, guerdon

names, and t


'm happier

lofty loss

ntent with

h Dove, to t

iness an

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