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The Victories of Love

Chapter 10 FROM FREDERICK. No.10

Word Count: 910    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

worst had br

e tempest's

ings of th

ul wrong is

s dream I br

its agonie

ved it, ea

miliar wi

with fasci

egs of fin

e's near hi

ip and prot

s, in the hin

clasp him w


now, in so

bb'd sand is

hey kiss, Oh,

a smile ac

picturing d


d heart-surp

oodwill an

joy procee

earth's del

air's too gr

of which, t

bird that

broad on fr

e honey an

where all r

moaning o


right to str

is this t

e turns san


ood; the s

the univer

ice which a

hard has sco

and worshi

ou peace; g

love, so pu

by win fo

of the spir

too nigh that

thus, to

as come dow

gain a los

Give the b

r neighbour

love, thoug

'er be your n

hich can in

with such a

ld be at all

ty the prie

grief they

Sorrows nam

hey say, gra

stock of lov

e dies not,

but the lo

akes tardil

earth the bl

ng heals one

s life's et

mission of

in anothe

, to your t

all, hence

least thou c

But, as I th

ons of her

table gloo

e these line

Love, his thr

ests. I look

soft as

ul as the

eck. The Heav

urprised. The

ot thinking

distance s

o him? Howb

so sunny

t live cool

for I have


watch'd his

s bated l

Love, she's

What ask'd

adieu; I s

sea; and

te hope I

yond the gr

at, in the

should ap

and so, by c

r, in the heav

to such nu

ist in the

ere are all

the multitu

nsions, th

onal and p

s in the g

ersal c

r in the s

hem, I beli

nd the drea

s honour'd

ty, is lai

g them I to

l, as a sp

a beauty

eath the sk

'd even b


ould deaden

ne fills th

e vanishin

known her; t

-graceful; th

v'd, and th

and to hea

meet with he

t accident

e full, cel

all sensi

ship and wo

love and l

there the


n up to t

alone tr


terms of

ll, with smi

e, but it

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