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The Victories of Love

Chapter 7 FROM FREDERICK. No.7

Word Count: 496    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

my Mother,

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her dear fa

lovelier th

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thought to

us she take

to see him

for her rema

o gaily cle

timely trut

elf so well

abundant ye

of such ha

ot that his

prospects, bi

th small suit,

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and kindnes

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iffen'd, ache

ooer! Blam

ay, dear M

t perfectne

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to charlata

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l fathers be

bread; eno

days cond

rain'd, love'

, scentless

en the cons

haste they

of colour

by month, r

graces, wh

natural gro

then! Bright

onely clou

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