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The Victorious Attitude


Word Count: 4827    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and pondered it, until the passion to make

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marry a beautiful woman; I shall be one of the wealthiest men in the land; I sh

ral Scott seated on his horse, reviewing the cadets, and something within him

e boyish visions were re

ht, of his mental visualizing, the nursing of his youthful visions. He was a man of varied and ?

s of the world. England concentrated on the control of the seas and commerce, and she has become the ruler of the seas and the greatest commercial nation in the world. We are

orce as is electricity. The youth who concentrates upon law, thinks law, dreams law, reads everything he can get h

ea, who continue to visualize their dreams, to nurse them, who never lose sight of their goal, no matter how dark or forbidding the way, get what they

asure, steal out of his bed at night, and go into the attic to play his "little red violin," which haunted his dreams and would not

you from its realization. But spasmodic concentration, spasmodic enthusiasm, however intense, will peter out. Dreaming without effort

vision long enough to materialize it in perfection. They became discouraged. They ceased their efforts. They let their visions fade, and so became demagnetized and l

our necessary part for their fulfillment no one would be unsuccessful or unhappy. If we were to send out our desires intensely; to visuali

been called. They are struggling along in an uncongenial environment, railing at the fate which has robbed them of their own. They feel that life has cheated them, when the truth is they have cheated themselves. They never got the spindle and distaff ready that would have drawn to

to bring it into the actual. The implements necessary for this are inside of us, not outside. No matter wh

tes it into deadly poison; the other into delicious honey. The power tha

self or herself for place and power, while the other grows up a nobody. It is all in the boy or

oats in opposite directions. It is not the wind,

a reality is not in our environment or in a

ell just what this force is that brings the thing we long for out of the cosmic ether and objectifies it, shapes it to correspond with our longing. We only know that it exists. The cosmic ether ev

ugh the mind reaching out and fashioning the wealth of material at its dispo

of the actual by the perpetual thinking of and visualizing these things by their authors. These grand characters clung to their v

udgery was really necessary. As he watched her busy needle fly back and forth, he began to wonder if this same work which it took his wife so long to do could not be done with less labor and in half the time by some sort of mechanical contrivance. He kept nursing his idea, thinking what a splendid thing it would be if some one could relieve millions of women from this toil, which frequent

y means of which he found that the voice could be transmitted. The idea took such complete possession of the inventor that it robbed him of sleep and,

truggle with poverty, heard the criticisms and denunciations of his friends, as he persisted in his visionar

same principle that gave us the sewing machine and the telephone. They all start

pment of the eagle's wings. It is said our different organs and functions have been developed

the most pronounced. The desire for a musical career, for instance, develops the musical brain cells. Business ambition develops that part of the brain which has to do with business, th

ty of his dreams. He watches everything with an eagle eye; he absorbs information and ideas; he is alert, active, energetic, resourceful, and in a few months he is promoted, and then again promoted. He attracts the attention of the head of the establishment, who calls him into his private office, tells him that he has had his eye on him for many months and that he believes he is the youth he has been looking for to manage the busin

alize the dreams she held in secret, but she kept visualizing her dream, nursing her desire and doing the only thing for its realization her parents would allow,-singing in

esire. Whether it be music, art, literature, business or a profession, hold to it. No matter how dark the outlook, keep on visualizing your desire and light and opportunity will come to

ed in just as you are, by poverty or forbidding circumstances of some sort, yet succeeded in spite of everything in doing what they desired to do,

books you can on your specialty. Cling to your vision. Push out in every direction that is possible to you. It may take years, but if you are true to yours

to attain their heart's desire. The opportunities for boys and girls to bring out whatever the Creator has implanted in them are ten to one to-day to what they were one

vinity. We regard our heart longings, our soul yearnings as fanciful vagaries, romances of the imagination. Yet we know that every invention, every discovery or achievement that has bl

re like that of the doubting disciple, who would not believe that his Lord had risen until he had actually thrust his finger into the side which had b

but we know that it is mightier than anything we see. No one can see or hear or feel gravitation, or the forces which balance the earth and whirl it with lightning speed through space, bringing it roun

forces in Nature's great laboratory. The great cosmic ether is packed with invisible potentialities. Whatever comes out of it to you comes in resp

longing for a certain career, to do a certain thing, is the best evidence that you have the ability to match it, and that this ability was given you for a purpose, even to

rom the seed thought. You must keep on struggling toward your ideal. No matter how black and forbidding the way ahead of you, just imagine you are carrying a lantern which will advance with you and give light enough for the next step. It is not necessary to see to the end of the road. All the light

urprised to see how soon they will begin to attract their affinities, how they will grow and take tangible shape, and ultimately become actual things. Fling out y

on. We do not understand the laws governing our thought forces any more than we understand the laws governing the universe. If we had fa

h sod to the light. Suppose it were afraid to make the attempt and should say: "It is impossible for me to get out of this dark earth. There is no light here. I am so tender the slightest pressure will break m

considered the great enemy of its progress. The dark sod, the very thing which it thought was going to make its future impossible, becomes its support and

evelop strength, you will find sunshine and air, growth and life. You may be shut in by an uncongenial occupation and tempted to lose heart and give up your dreams because you can see no way to better yourself. This is just the time to c

to overflowing, by doing your work as well as it can be done, by keeping your mind steadfastly fixed on the ladder of your ascent. In your mind you make the stairs by which you asce

you do your work, the energy which you throw into it, the determination with which you back up your ambition-these, no matter what opposes, are the forces that

's desire who has not finally reached his goal. No great, insistent, persistent, hon

oduct of our desires. What we long for, strive for, the vis

reer. If I were asked to name the principal cause of the majority of failures in life I should say it was the failure to understand this, to gr

nning to deteriorate. It is not quite as sharply defined as formerly. Our ideals are a trifle dimmed, our longings a trifle less insistent. We try to find reasons and excuses for our lagging efforts and waning enthusiasm. We think it may be due to over-work; because we are tired and need a rest, or because our health is not quite up to standard, an

rsing. If we really have ability to match them, and are not self-deceived by egotism, petty vanity and conceit, no misfortunes, no fai

desire a prophecy of something which he is perfectly able to make come true,-he is the man who has

imself without reserve to its fulfillment. People know there is something back of the dreame

e that nothing but death can relax, or does it hold you so lightly that y

in times of financial stress, but this is really the test of a strong character,-that he does not allow obstacles to divert him from his one aim. The man who is made of the stuff that wins hangs on to his vis

ers may abuse and condemn you, cling to your vision, because it is sacred. It is the God-urge in you. You have no right to allow it to fade or to become dim. Your final success will be measured by your ability to cling to your vision through discouragement. It will depend largely upon your stick-to-it-ive-ness, your bull

ur ambition, whatever it may be; resolve never to recognize defeat, and you will by your mental attitude, your resolution, create a tremendous force for the drawing of your own t

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