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The Victorious Attitude


Word Count: 4335    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

which we desire with all our heart, is a magnetic power which attracts the things we long for. The more persistently we

ty, will open up the mind, and set the t

what first flows out from us. Whatever thought you send out

may be developed in any desired direction. Each one can so di

s that will make it so. You must learn how to attract, how to draw to yourself all tha

erity magnet. We are living in the midst of a stream of inexhaustible supply.

world you have attracted by your mentality. You may say that you have earned these things, that you have bought them with your

our decision to face toward prosperity hereafter, to cultivate it, to make yourself a

you harbor are day by day building your outward conditions. They are real forces working ceaselessly in the unseen, and the more you think and visualize

arance. Dress as far as possible like a prosperous man or woman, walk like one, act like one, think in terms of prosperity. A mental healer could not cure a cancer by holding in his mind a picture of the hideous disease, with all its horri

e in your mind. You must refuse to see or recognize poverty. You must not acknowledge it in your manner. You must erase all marks of it, not only from your mental attitude, but just as far as possible from your appearance. E

s, surround yourself with a prosperity atmosphere. In other words, you will

ecause there are invisible thought forces radiating from their minds toward the goal they have set for themselves.

g in a comfortable home, wearing good clothes, surrounded with the refinements of life, in a position to d

almost sacrilegious to call upon Him for money to meet our needs. We may ask for comfort, for solace in our afflictions, for the assuaging of our griefs

there would not be a single living thing on the globe. Not a human being, not an animal could exist without it. Not a tree, not a plant, not a flower, no fruits, no vegetables, no grass, nothing green, no vegetable life would be possible. Without the sun's energizing power all life would cease on this planet

od and beautiful, all that is needful for their welfare. We were not intended to live the pinched, starved, stunted lives of paupers. It is our own fault if we do. The door to opulence is open to every human being born into th

birthright; and because it is, you should demand it. Instead of admitting poverty say to yourself,

will not encourage it by dwelling on and visualizing poverty suggestions. Face toward prosperity. Think of, a

eflection on my Father-Mother-God to go about among my fellows looking as though everything had gone wrong with me, as though I were disappointed with life. This is ungrateful. I can at least show gratitude for health, for the privilege of living in God's pure air and sunlight by holding up my head and walking erectly, joyously, as His child should. I

here of hopefulness and show everybody by the new light in your eyes, the light of hope and expectancy of better things, that there is a change in you. Your neighbors will notice it. They will see a change in your home, in your

and threadbare, in a winning, forceful, magnetic countenance. You are thus establishing the conditions of success. The positive prosperity thought flows out like a wireless current and connects itself with similar thought currents. Hold the prosperity conviction, work steadily toward your ob

r a moment doubt you will get it. You do not inherit poverty, squalor. Lack and want have nothing whatever to do with God's children. Your inheritance is divine, grand, sublime. Poverty is a mental d

of poverty. You must think yourself out of it. "The Lord is my Shepherd, and I cannot w

must be your mental plumber to keep the connection open and free. Things of a kind attract one another. The poverty thought attracts more poverty, the fear thought more fear,

dote for the poverty germ. It kills it. The poverty thought cannot exist in the mind at the same moment with t

overty thought, the doubt thought, the fear thought, the worry thought. Keep your supply pipes open by great faith in your Father-Mother-God, who is more solicitous for your welfare than any human parent cou

close them with our thoughts, our convictions. We materialize poverty by our doubting thoughts, by our fears of it. We are just beginning to find that we get out

e go in the direction of our thought and our convictions. By no law can you expect to get that which you do not believe

for the thing you are after. It doesn't matter whether it is work or money, a better position or health, or whatever else it is, your thoughts about it must be positive, clean cut, decisive, persistent. No

hip. As he passed big clothing stores he pictured himself as a great merchant, owner of a much bigger establishment than any of those he saw, and

ught, make themselves magnets to draw to them the things that will help them to get on. Wanamaker attracted to himself th

ip. Still thinking and climbing upward, he next visualized himself at the head of the greatest merchandizing establishment in America, if not in the world. His mind always ra

had stopped thinking himself higher up when the man he worked for in the little Pittsfield store predicted that he never would succeed as a merchant, he never would have been heard from. But Deacon Davis's telling Marshall Field's father that the boy would

of every man who has ever succeeded in his undertakings. They may not have been conscious o

de men among us who have raised themselves from poor boys to the ownership of colo

power and sufficient faith in himself to stick to his purpose will get there. But long before the yo

saturating one's mind with the thought of money and its acquisition that there is no room for any other aspiration, and the constant dwelling on the black and hopeless poverty th

of it as are the inmates of our hospitals. They need advice from mental experts. They have lost their way on the life path, and need to be shown the way back. They need to be turned about mentally, so that they will face the light instead of the darkness. They should be shown that they

ht and go about with a sad, dejected expression on their faces, as though there were no hope in life for them, they will continue to be poor; but that if they will only turn about and face the sun, so that their shadows will fall

discourage; if, instead of expecting poverty, and all that the idea implies, they could go through one year expecting just the opposite,-prosperity,-visualizing, talking prosperity, thinking prosperity, acting as though they expected to be, as though they

ke on a different appearance. There would be a new light in the people's faces. There would be hope there instead of despair,-expectancy of better things would give a glow of cheerfulness to their countenances. There would be a light in t

how to free their minds from thoughts that produce poverty by replacing them with their opposites, thus constant

them, as so many do, by wrong thinking. Clergymen of the future will do much toward eliminating poverty from among their people by instruct

the individual. These are brought into operation largely through faith in the physician, in

en that is fully and firmly established there will be no difficulty in flooding his mind with the prosperity thought, the thought that our Father-Mother-God is the Author o

as done up to the present. Hitherto, in the great majority of cases, we have barely been existing on the husks of things. Now we are beginning to taste the kernel, because we are coming into a knowledge of the powers locked up within ourselves, and also of the illimita

e for the horrible misery and suffering that exist in our midst. There is no reason why the children of the King of kings should be harassed and tortured, driven into premature graves by poverty, for the Cre

o come to us, always expecting opulence, success, we would never allow ourselves to be dominated by the black pictures of poverty and failure. If every one who is suffering from the limitations and humiliations imposed by a grinding poverty would proceed t

rce of all supply, when we know that it was never intended that God's children should be poor or go hungry, that it was neve

oward life and you will overco

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