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The Victorious Attitude

Chapter 5 A NEW ROSARY

Word Count: 6112    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y and ask for believe ye have received them and ye have." We are bidden to believe that what

mind, putting ourselves into closer communion into a more vital connection with t

ut the divine inflow; it is the letting into our lives greater abundance from

o you carry that rosary everywhere, and what possible

thing that it seems impossible I should ever get, I take my rosary and begin to pray. Before I have gone over half of its beads, everything is changed. The tired, discouraged feeling is

y." To them it is only "superstition," "nonsense," to repeat the same prayer over and over. These people do not understand the philosophy as well as the religion

e your own, an intangible but very real rosary, and if you say it over, not once, or twice a day, but over a

success in any enterprise; is it contentment, peace of mind, happiness, power to serve, power in your work,-whatever it is you desir

be and to do. Desire is prayer. The sincerest prayer may be the longing of the heart to cultivate a talent or talents, or the intense desire to get an educa

uld be grown up and doing a great work in the service of humanity, she was praying. She was even then laying the foundations of Hull House, and the

power of the great organization she had brought into being. "I always wanted to react on the world about me to my utmost ounce of power," she said in telling of her ea

have often been in churches where people were repeating prayers automatically, while looking all about the auditorium watching other people, mentally occupied, while their lips moved in a so-called prayer, in noticing what they wore and how they looked. There is

l prayer may be struggling in the heart without words, it may be a noble desire, a heart longing which no language can

horse, he offered up a prayer for protection. Years afterward Wesley was called to see a dying man. This man told the preacher that at the time he had passed through the wood, so many years before, he, the robber, had been lying in wait to rob him of the

h intelligence, we will find ourselves in instant accord with power, and like a mighty roaring wi

o believers, for every longing of the heart, every noble aspiration, is a prayer. We pray as naturally as we breathe, for the desire for a better, nobler life, for grander and higher attainment, is an unconscious prayer.

yer, and complain that it is no use to pra

irably expressed in Irving Bach

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er to prayer depends,-faith and work. You don't get the thing you pray for either because you don't really believ

ts we get that which we call out of the universal supply, which is everywhere. Every day some prayer is made visible, something is wrought out of the invisible, manifested in the actual by those two mighty instruments-prayer and work. But if you t

the answer to the plaint of the discouraged, unsuccessful soul, who cries that his prayers

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ght, let no man

natural as well as the spiritual law of all supply. If you don't do your part in the actual

ator answers your prayer by fitting you to answer it yourself, by enabling you to put into practice the law of demand and supply, the fundamental principle on which answer to prayer is based. You must put yourse

th, without any doubt of what you affirm. Say to yourself, "I am that which I think I am-and I can be nothing else." But if you affirm, "I am health; I am prosperity; I am this or that," and

one whose beads shall be your heart's aspirations, your desires to e-volve the

cess, not failure. He never made any one to be a failure. You are perverting the great object of your existence by giving way to discouragement, going about among your fellows with a long, sad, dejected face, as though you were a misfit, as though there were no place for you in this great glad world of abund

by action during the day, otherwise you might as well

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' argument that ought

(the Creator having made you in His image) you must have inherited divine qualities, omnipoten

ought you were taking up room which belonged to somebody else; if you shrink from responsibility, from everything which draws attention t

just as much right on this earth as any potentate, as much right to hold up my head and assert myself as any monarch. I am my Father's heir, and have all the rights of a prince. I have inherited the wealth of the universe. The earth and the stars and the sun are mine. I will quit this everlasting self-depreciation, this self-effacement, this cringing habit of forev

path as before. I am going to face life with a self-respecting, victorious attitude, with a hopeful outlook, for I know that I am victory organized. Hereafter I am going to think more of myself. I am not going to put myself on the bargain counte

orce which will carry you through. Never again allow yourself to harbor thoughts of your inferiority or deficiency. Say to yourself, "I am going to assert my manhood or womanhood and stand for something. I am going to be a force in the world and not a weakling. I was made to make my life a masterpiece and not a botch; I

ld of yourself, you must change all this. You must assert your ability and hold tenaciously the ideal of the able, efficient man or woman you long to be and that it is in you to become. You must not only affirm your power to be that which you wish, but you must replace the picture of your inferiority with the ideal of wholeness, of completeness, of the man or woma

er test questions, but because of fear, loss of self-confidence engendered by the bligh

with the thought of your inefficiency, and make it wellnigh impossible for you to succeed in any undertaking. If for any reason you have d

comes, he wilts. His courage fails and he does not feel equal to it. He can see how somebody else can do the thing required, but he

n, one of the greatest achievers the world has ever seen, hated the word "can't" and would never use it if it could be avoided. He did not believe in the "impossible." When he wa

much? Some people are always using the words, "Oh, I can't do that;" "I can't afford this;" "I can't afford to go there;" "I can't undertake such a hard task, let somebody else do that." These negative assertions undermine power

ome nigh thy dwelling. This is the promise to him that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High. I will restore health into thinking and I will heal thee of thy wounds." "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty," "The Lord is my refuge, my f

f these beautiful Bible passages will increase your fa

intensifying them, say to yourself, "The Power that created, and that sustains me every instant of my life, repairs, renews, restores, cures me. I am health, I am vigor, I am power, I am that which I think I am." Refuse to see or to hold for an instant an imperfect, discordant sin or disease-marred image of yourself. Do not harbor a suggestion of your inferiority, physically or mentally. Always picture yourself

of territory over which they sweep? If you have you are minimizing all your powers and seriously endangering your success, your happiness, your life itself. Ask Sing Sing what the hot tempers, the fires of uncontrolled anger, of je

es and rave like a madman because you miss your train, or because you think some one insults you, when you step down from the throne of your reason and let the brute sit there and rule in your place, you would be so chagrined and mortified that you would leave nothin

dex of a fine strong character. It is a triumph of strength over weakness, of greatness over littl

. Say to yourself, "God's image is in me. I am of divine lineage. I was not intended to be passion's slave. It is unworthy of a real man, of a real woman, to b

me every handicap. But you must be very positive, very insistent and persistent in your affirmations. No matter what fault you are trying to ov

deration because you are not quite sure that you have done the right thing; if you allow yourself to waver, to doubt th

and the divine power within will come to your aid and guide you aright. Repeat the "I am" in every instance. "I am positive." "I can decide vigorously, firmly, finally." Resolve every morning that you will, during that day, decide things without possibility of recall or reconsideration. First go over the matter to be decide

people and things, holding the thought of fearlessness, that you are God's child, that you are not afraid of anything on the earth. Study the stories of heroic lives; think, act, liv

put the law of abundance into operation. Face towards prosperity and success instead of poverty and failure. All the good things you need are yours by inheritance. Claim them, expect them, work for them, pray for them, and you w

Though hungry,

a while. I

or a time-I

r good fortun

her, He has w

ne, health, happ

st it out of your mind, bury it, forget it, say to it, "You have no power over me; I will not allow you to destroy my peace and thwart my career; you are not the truth of my being; the reality of me is

ppiness, thwarted your ambition, cast its black shadow across your whole life, say t

is undermining my health, killing my chances of success in life, and lowering me below the level of the beast. I am a child of the Infinite, sent here to make a worthy contribution to humanity, to mak

our life to be spoiled by unrestrained passion. Make such an emphatic and vigorous call upon your better self, make the demand so appealing that your higher nature wi

a vile thing, and have disgraced me for the last time. Never again can you humiliate me and make me despise myself. There can be only one ruler in my mental kingdom and I propose to be that one. I don't propose to allow you Whiskey, Cigarette, Opium, or other Drug or Devil, to ruin my life, to force me to carry in my face the signs of my defeat, the scarlet letter of my degradation, my failure. You have humiliated, ins

he penitentiary as it is in the greatest saint. There is something in every human being that is incontaminable, something which is never sick, never diseased, and which never sins. This is the God in

ngs as this, "Nearer My God to Thee, Nearer to Thee." This will help you to put up your trolley pole, to make your connection with the Divine wire which

nion, of oneness with the Divine. This is the secret of all human blessedness. When you are in this Godward

we have shut off this power by our wrong thinking, vicious living. Your life will take on a new meaning, a diviner

ou about in the world regardless of your own birthright, desires, and volition. You can make each bead a prayer, an affirmation, to lead you closer and closer to the Source of all things. Whether it be the overcoming of a vicious habit, the strengthening of some defect or deficiency, the g

your doubts, and worries, your fear of poverty, of sickness, of misfortune, of death, put these things out of your mind, and say, "God is my

just in proportion as we realize our oneness with Him, and weak, abject and miserab

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