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The Victorious Attitude


Word Count: 4252    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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our prospects, your career, or your happ

cess and happiness, to believe that the go

d them; if we hold the large mental attitude toward our work, toward life, we shall get

us vigor and determination of one who believes in his divinity, will never do gr

he force of conviction. He must polarize his mind to the positive attitude. This is the attitud

o stand for what he thinks. He does not hesitate to differ with others. He is not a "mush of concession," like the negative weakl

rred to authorities to substantiate its statements; had it tried to prove its doctrines. Much

t fundamental facts. The Biblical writers speak with assurance and authority because of their profound conviction of the truths they utter. They do not argue or plead. They affi

tions. They throw themselves with intense conviction into whatever they attempt. They continually, both mentally a

, the man who can "assert the I" with vigor and the man w

fe to the "I can" note, the

ources, of opportunities. He not only believes but knows that

matter how hard it may be, but will yield to it without a struggle. He sees

e. They are to him but the apparatus in the gymnasium, which give him additional strength and reinforce his determination to achieve. He knows that he can command infinite supply, that the great forces of the u

rself and push your own way, the forces about you will take command and push you. And remember this: When you are pushed you go down-hill; when you push yourself you go up-hill. Every one is either pusher or pushed i

eat force at your command. Get up steam and forge ahead. You will never get very far by any other means. You are only losing time in trying to get any power outside of yourself, in pulls or influence, to move you forward. When the Creator made yo

ith the free and untrammeled exercise of my physical and mental faculties. I will unfold all the possibilities that the Creator has infolded in the ego, the I of me. There is no

and self-assertion. We are too timid, too fearful of results even to attempt what we long to do. And we are too easy with ourselves, too willing to drift with the tide of our

. This is a psychological law. It is to "empty by fil

we can frequently throttle it; by inducing an ex

thing with a dismal voice, and your melancholy lingers. There is no more valuable precept in moral education than this, as all of us who have experienced know. If we wish to conquer undesirable emotional tendencies in ourselves we must assiduously, and in the first instance cold-bloodedly, go through

sualizing of the man or woman we yearn to be or the thing we are determined to achieve, it becomes an irresistible power in shaping events. Act th

agencies employed in mind building. We can literally make our minds, thought b

makes a greater impression upon the memory and especially influences the subconscious mind. It works like a leaven in the whole nature, putting agents in motion that establish a connection between us and

up by searching, heart to heart talks with yourself. In this way, better perhaps than in a

ring. Boldly assume the quality of a hero, vehemently affirm that you actually possess invincible courage, and you will be surprised at your immediate increase of strengt

solve that you are going not only to play the heroic part in life, that you are not only going to begin work upon the duty awaiting you, but that you are going to put it through, that you are going to do things,

or you will never go any farther. Affirmation and resolution without prompt endeavor for realization are worse than useless

't do any good to beat Grant, because he never knew whe

power of an inflexible resolve, an inexorable affirmation of the thing they are determined to accomplish; if they were only taught the invinc

re our friends. They draw us our sure supply. All negatives are our enemies. They drive away supply. Affirm the good, never the bad; the bright, never

e things that are good for you can come into your life. Don't let yourself slip into the foolish habit of anticipating trouble, misfortune, sickness, disaster, accidents. To anticipate or expect such things is to affirm

s, to commune with the Creator. Get into tune with the Infinite, the Source of your strength, the moment you awake. Keep yourself in

t in the world. I was made to radiate joy and gladness and to go through life as a conqueror. If I am indeed a child of the Creator (and I know that I am), it is a positive insult to Him to go through the

negative, blue and discouraged; if you don't feel like working at anything, just go off alone and have a good heart to heart talk with yourself something like this: "Now, look here, young man (or young woman), none of this: you are going to

nd that is, I am going to be positive, creative, to get the most possible out of to-day; I am not going to allow anyt

which has happened to me in days gone by, which has been disagreeable or tragic, no enemies of my efficiency, shall be guests in my spirit's sacred enclosure to-day. Only happy thoughts, joy thoughts, friend thoughts shall find entertainment in my soul this day. No negative thoughts, none of my enemies shall gain admittance to scrawl their hideous autographs on the walls of my mind. There

g and live up to it during the day, you cann

spair, worry, these have no place in the creative brain. They are products of the negati

s will be negative, unpropitious. Hold positive, confident, hopeful,

of the positive thought, the assurance thought, the self-confidence, the self-faith thought; the determined effort to think and a

rs, to so cure their habit of self-effacement and so strengthen their weak self-confidence by constant aud

ves effective, we must root out all of the things which keep us in discord,

him the negative vibration of his inferiority. We radiate our faith, our confidence in ou

ng unfavorable to us or unlike what we wish to be is injurious. How often we hear men and women say: "I never can remember anything. I am always forgetting umbrellas and packages. I never can remember names or faces," and similar negative, depreciatory remarks. It never occurs to them that by making s

in the habit of affirmation. If boys and girls were impressed with the truth that the constant affirming of the good, the beautiful and the true, the insistent holding

human being ever has is inside of him. The very mental attitude of

as had only mediocre success, and in consequence has so soured on life that he seems to have lost the power to enjoy himself. The truth is, the early contracted habit of self-castigation and unfav

dicapped at his very birth by a slovenly slipshod father, and that all through life he has been placed at a great disadvantage compared with other men. He believes, and consta

forts, overturning his best laid plans. Through its machinations, although he has worked harder than anyb

been talking failure all his life, affirming hard times, poverty, ill luck, and disappointment. He has been sowing thistles and al

vests shall be. Our future reaping depends entirely on our past sowing. What we are enjoying or suffering to-day is the result of yes

of all efficiency and happiness. To come into unity with the Author of our being is to realize perfect mental harmony. And th

al in his treatment of His children. They all have the same rights, the same privileges. He will give me through my own effort what I need, what I ask for. The poorest, most ragged wretch that crawls has just as many hours in his day as ha

are. False ambition, envy and jealousy are responsible for much of our uneasiness, our restlessness and discontent. Our minds are so intent upon what other people have and are doing that we do not get a tithe of the enjoyment and satisfaction out of our own work, out of our own possessions, that they should afford us. We think so much about what o

sed on harmony and, when we are in harmonious relations with the universe, we attain the maximum of efficiency, of power, of usefulness to the world. It is then we get the maximum of enjoyment and happiness out of lif

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