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Treatise on the Diseases of Women

Treatise on the Diseases of Women



Word Count: 1459    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e you had your body racked and torn with intense suffering? Have you eve

mping pain, the cramping, tearing pain, the sickening, nauseating pain? Then you kno

pain, but had just read about it in a book, do you think you would hav

history of nations; but there are some things books cannot do, and the greatest of these is,

friend is passing through the trying ordeal of motherhood, and you have suffered the same, how you can advise, suggest, comfort, guide! If you have had a personal experience of inten

nt orator, you have but little idea whether he is nervous or not, but little idea whether he is undergo

e too much disturbed; and yet how can you judge, for you have never been in their place? And so w


ring, he may have read something about these things in books, but that is all. Even though he might be exceedingly learned in the medical profession, yet what m

e directly from some derangement of the female generative organs; as, for instance, the bearing-down pains, excessive flowing, uterine cramps, and leucorrh?a. Do you think it possible for a man to unde


suffering about her on every hand, and yet no one seemed able to give relief. Her thorough education enabled he

ould relieve all inflammations and congestions of the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, ute

n stove she began the great work which has made her name a household word wherever civilization exists. Without money, but with

city. Now it looked as if a business might be established upon a permanent basi

edy were set forth; and before she was hardly aware of it, she found herself a

ery, one who will listen to our story of pain, one whom we can fully trust." And so the letters began to arrive from every quarter. Now hundreds of these letters are received every day. More than a h

e sitting down by the side of a stranger and telling him all those sacred things which should be known only by wome

y are handed to some other boy clerk to distribute (and probably read) around the office to the various departm

be seen only by a woman, one who sympathizes with you, feels s

am's laboratory many hundreds of thousands of letters from women from all parts of the world,

d of success than Mrs. Pinkham. Thousands of cases come each month, some personally, others by mail; and this has been going on thirty years, day after day, and day after day, thirty years of constant success-think of the knowledge

? What whole corps of physicians in any hospital or medical college

s of the same kind. By special permission of the writers I print a few of the letters showing what cures have been effected. But if the reader could go through these secret files which are never shown,

ry in the world without its multitude of grateful women cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines. They have the l

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