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Treatise on the Diseases of Women


Word Count: 2096    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

rtion, taking cold during menstruation, etc., there is considerable fever, pain in the lower part of the bowels, nause

g bottles of hot water to the feet, if they are cold, and keeping cool cloths over the head if hot from

this side directly over the centre of the lower part of the bowels, that is, just over the uterus. Cover this flannel with another warm, dry flannel, and allow it to remain on until the smartin

able Compound, in order that the attack may be cut short. This the Co

. Pinkham's Liver Pills; and if there is any discharge from the uterus, Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanat

to say that probably 75 out of every 100 women in the wo

esses down upon the delicate organs in the pelvis; improper attention to the health at eac

there is that dragging, pulling, bearing-down pain; that heavy weight; that terrible depression; and that feeling of abandoned hope. Yet hundreds of thousa

would think such cures were quite impossible. The letters tell as terrible stories, as frightful conditions as could possibly exist, and yet all this has quickly a

at stake. So I urge upon you to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial, feeling

It is a symptom of inflammation of the uterus; and that this disease is

e or after menstruation. It is a symptom that should not be allowed to go untreated, for it shows that there is serious troubl

ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. As I have described elsewhere, this will remove all congestion, heal the inflammation, and bring about

directions, thus thoroughly cleansing the parts, and entirely reli

uncomfortable sensation of any kind about the external parts, then the Sanative Wash shou

atment. I do not believe there is a case of leucorrh?a which cannot be relieved and soon permanently cured by this treatment. There is

retention of these discharges is likely to produce an irritation about the mouth of the uterus which will r

e or less pain, a sense of heaviness and weight in the lower part of the bowels, and a whitish discharge similar to that of leucorrh?a only frequently streaked, or tinted, with blood. The discharge cont

cerations to widen and deepen until some incurable and terrible disease results, they would be

the weight is reduced, Lydia E. Pinkham'

nd the Sanative Wash, have done as great work

ring to the illustration in the first part of this book, it will be noticed that the uterus naturally tips slig

the bladder, and such is the case. The most marked symptom is painful and frequent passing of the urine, with a dull and heavy pain across the lower par

jumping, or straining, or especially by wearing too tight clothing abou

he ligaments of the uterus which hold this organ in place. When the condition of the system is improved, the nerves strengthened, and the blood made more r

in the lower part of the back, as if a movement of the bowels were necessary. There is great discomfort in walking, because of this sense of pre

y the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills, taking these in just sufficient amount to cause a free movement of the bowels daily. Then thorough and prolonged treatment wi

g of all these displacements is that kno

urally support this organ. When the ligaments become weak, they easily stretch, and thus al

, discomfort in walking, painful menstruation, leucorrh?a, a dragging pain i

and tone to the ligaments which hold up the uterus. Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash should be used, also, for its cleansing and strengthening properties, on the local parts. If a sitz bath-tub is in the house it may be used to great advantage in these cas

ts are given strength and tone so that they assume their former power. As they gain strength t

fort and terrible distress which always accompany falling of the womb, that s

ed with these complaints to give Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a good trial, feeling perfectly assured that they will be abundantly satisfied in every way. If you do not understand your ai

ginal cavity. The ordinary syringe is inadequate. It can be obtained by sending to The R. Paxton Company, 221 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Price $1.75, postpaid-registered letter or postal note. It will repay you a thousand times to take the

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