Treatise on the Diseases of Women
il the separate ingredients of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
nd in so many remedies. When taken into the system they disturb every function, int
cest of products of the vegetable kingdom into her Compound. Each of the roots and herbs is selected with the m
m's Vegetable Compound is that each vegetable is so treated th
und of the coarse root into a mass no larger than could be held on the point of a knife. In this way it is possible for a teaspoonful of the Veget
he was on the right track. She knew that her Vegetable Compound conta
ew that one remedy would heal an inflamed uterine cavity, while another ingredient would cause better circulation in the blood-vessels of
ach other what had been done for them. Soon letters came by the hundreds from all parts of the world. Thousands upon thousa
e first is the story of suffering, of extreme agony with prolonged misery and abandoned hope. The last is a song of gratitude, of great love, of joy and peace. The first tells
s marvelous remedy to cure the diseases of women. How can you doubt it? For a quarter of a century
wn that was so generally used. Wherever there are women, there are suffering women; and wh
k that any could be found who would deliberately do this, and without hope of gain or reward? Yet I could point you to hundreds
on't you think we feel sure of our position? I certainly know what we hav
not be particular whether the soreness in the lower part of your body is in the right side or the left side; whether the pain is sharp, or dull and h
ll show that something is wrong, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound corre
e experiment." Don't come in this spirit, for there is no need of it. Come with the feeling that has inspired so many thousands o
I am anxious to make you happy, hopeful, healthy. Put your confidence i