Treatise on the Diseases of Women
e, as it is rather a symptom of some disorder of the uterus, or of some constitutional defect. This may
mething is certainly wrong, and treatment should be taken at once in order to correct the difficu
to the skin which has given rise to the term "green-sickness," or "Chlorosis." They fall
should give her daughter regular doses of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This reme
ortant change in the girl's life, but with the help that com
stablished, the condition of the blood is improved, the nervous system is
a great deal to the daughter, as well. Now, the mother can be assured that one great
en for some weeks or months until the habit is well establish
should certainly take the Vegetable Compound for a week before the time when menstruati
hich are usually constipated. To correct this, the girl should take laxative doses of Lydia E. Pinkham'
time, have a most perverted appetite, preferring pickles, olives, rich pies and cakes, and other in
eak, chicken, and good bread and butter. If the milk rests heavy on the
of value, and the sleeping-room should
ended, although the regular monthly flow may continue for two or three months. Of cour
exists, then the person should remain quietly in bed and eat only light fo
rsing, although not infrequently this function is resumed again three or four months after childbirt
not losing ground in any way, then there is no reason why the mother should not keep on nursing her child. If, howeve
or her child; it is usually thin and watery; although, as
more or less fever, and other unpleasant symptoms. It should generally be considered as a dangerous condition, and every effort should be made to restore the menstrual function. Sometimes when
a, or hot lemonade, be covered well with blankets, and every effort be made to bring about a profuse sweating. Then have the person go to bed, and apply hot cloths across the lower part of
time to come, the person should begin at once with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and should cont
cient in amount. As we have stated elsewhere, there is no rule about this, and yet when the men
ily tired, nervous, with little appetite,
nd by the use of an easily digested and very nourishing diet, as just given in this chapter, toget
ation." It is due to a large number of causes, and yet
s and congestion of the uterus. These are so closely allied that it is often quite impossible
different parts of the body; while nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, an
has a heavy pain in the lower part of the bowels, with sharp, darting pains extending down the back of the
nges into a sharp, darting pain, and which culminates at last
h is followed by a high fever. Often the pains are of a bearing-down c
the general health of the person, and if they are allowed to continue withou
rely cured by a thorough course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
not be expected that it can be cured in a month, but by persevera
tion, a day or two before menstruation is expected, should take Lydia E. Pink
truation, certainly as soon as the first uncomfortable symptoms appear. Then have her take a hot foot-bath, get into bed and cover with war
and place these over the lower part of the bowels, directly over the uterus, covering them with dry flannels. As soon as these become cool, change for hot cloths
m habit is very easily contracted and is almost impossible to break up. This is also true of other anodyne
egetable Compound relieved them from the fearful torture which they had been enduring for years once a month, they would use every endeavor possible to
d when we call to mind the fact that some of its ingredients are the strongest of nerve tonics, building up, strengthening, and giving tone t
tly, the finger soon becomes darkened from the obstructed circulation. We say the finger is "congested
tion as effectually as cutting the string relieves the congestion of the finger. When the circulation is perfectly natural throu
loss of blood cannot be stated, as each woman is a rule to herself. From experience she knows ju
cially when sufficient to produce weakness
and pale. When occurring in the former, the person usually complains of a dull, heavy, throbbing headache, pain in the back, and
ccurs in those who are very weak, pale, and thin, there is u
d be better if the person should take but two meals a day and should eat but little or no meat. Immediately upon the appearance of menstruation she
ilitated. Often the most energetic measures are necessary even to preserve life itself. The following rule should be observed when
r them to be carried out. Many women have work that must be done, or children who must be cared for durin
lth for the rest of the month, or whether they will drag along through all the month. We would certainly urge that this s
the bed may be raised three or four inches by placing blocks o
re on file from women who have despaired of relief, given up all hope, and who were confirmed invalids until after taking this famous remedy. Its continued use heals the inflamm
the flow is diminished, the next month it is still less, and s
t means work better done, children better cared for, and all social and domestic duties better performed. I am indeed most
the use of the Vegetable Compound
imes than during the menstrual period, it is given the tec
in order that a careful examination may be made and the cause of this unusual occurrence thoroughly understood. If you do not understand your ailments wr