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The Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts: Under Canvas


Word Count: 2690    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

o be like casting pearls before swine. They'll never appreciate the real motive back of the thing; a

, whenever we find the chance. There's such a thing as heaping coals of fire on another fellow's head, doing a kindness to the one who hates you, and making him ashamed of himself. S

us may ever know jutht how they take it; but when a fellow hath do

carrying those three half-filled hags of nuts all the way to town, just to serve as a "c

fellow in the whole troop of scouts. "Duty is duty, no matter how disagreeable it seems. And when once you realize that it's up to you to

the same, which the ghost is sending you by us to sort of soft soap your injured feelings,' why, d'ye know what he's apt to do; jump on you, an

we'll carry these partly filled bags around to Connie's place, and drop them over the fence. Hold on, here's another of the same

terly; and yet strange to say he was the very first one to start in gathering more nuts and thrusting his find into the fourth Mallon bag; which told Elm

lf filled. No doubt those boys felt better because of this act. The chances were they would never get any credit for what they were

ur badges right-side up, after working so hard for

drawing out the waistband of his khaki trousers to show

we might as well get busy

ny outsider wander on the scene while they were employed elsewhere, the scouts busied themselves in m

f some sort, made after the pattern of the shelf in the kitchen oven at home, with grill bars. This could be easily placed on stones, or even mounds of earth if the first were not available, and there was no danger of anythi

ee-pot, an extra large frying-pan made of sheetiron, and t

to steal forth, causing Toby to sniff

bill of fare, is it? Gee! whiz! you couldn't beat it if you tried all day. And every mi

g on, when we think of that bunch of soreheads hustling for home, not even half

evidently would not feel sure of his dinner until he had devoured it, because, as he was fond of repeati

lendid dinner, which they were soon enjoying to their hearts' content. There was enough and to spare,

much you cooked," said Toby, as he heaved a sigh, and released another button so as to add to his comfort; "I'm

happenings. There was plenty of time to get home before dusk, which was reall

hing more to be done they might as well bring the wagon up, load their cargo of wel

rget one of the most important things

object at once, if the thing

I see a golden opportunity to try it out for the second time. It seemed to work all right with me in a ten-foot drop, and next thing is t

crowded around, curious to learn what it could be that the aspiring inventor had hit on now. So many of Toby's startling devices

imed George, with his accustomed sniff of disdain, as the contents

because every bit of it's brand new. My own inven

ou!" grumbled the

use at county fairs when they go up; well this is an improvement along that line, and is intended to l

by had really never managed to impress his chums with his greatness as an inventor; he was always getting excited

hese days. Some sort of thing goes wrong when they're away up, and nearly every time it means they fall like a stone. My wonderful parachute will make it impossible f

Chatz, as Toby amused himself in opening and closing the folds of th

at all, if he does it's there handy. When he finds his machine has gone back on him all he has to do is to jump boldly out into space. The Jones patent parachute does all t

tried it out, Toby

get caught somehow in the planes or the machinery of the aeroplane, and the poor chump who

. As to trying it out, I've had one little drop, say of about ten feet, but that was too short, because the umbrella didn't have a chance to get fully open; and

ound a way to test the opening of the thing by throwing it o

big rock that overlooks Lake Jupiter, and five different times I tossed the parachute, folded up,

d it work?"

you couldn't expect it to sail along like a thistle-down, with all that weight attached; but the shock wasn't enough to hurt-much, I guess. And while we sat here eating I saw the very

d judge; and enough to kill you if you

n my rubber-soled shoes in the bargain, so I'll be light on my f

ave much trouble climbing, once you get a start," Chatz told h

his comrade, but more than likely voicing his natural liking for being on the side of the opposition,

n handed up the wonderful parachute which, if it turned out to be one-half as successful as its proud inventor claimed, w

g his burden along with him, although it ce

trunk. As Elmer had calculated this was all the way from thirty-five to forty feet from

called out to him, making use of the birch bark megaphone

il, and scared half to death because a critter with two legs has clumb his private tree. He must have popped out of that hole you

d the 'coon all the room they need, because our chu

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