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The Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts: Under Canvas


Word Count: 2165    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

floundered around in the midst of the gunny sacks, w

Oh! what a quack I got then on my head. I bet you I'll have a lump ath big ath a gooth egg! Quit clawin

. No matter what the cause of the beast's strange fright might turn out to be, their first b

made to come to a full stop. This occurred fully a mile away from the waysid

other fellows!" gasped Toby, short o

on at such a lively rate that they were only too glad of the chance to gain their feet. Held by a

Canada; and knew a heap about horses. He had sometimes seen animals

little," was what he called, as he jumped down, and

hey heard him give a

ying, as he held up his hand; "lo

and poison like all get-out!" exclaimed George, and it might have been n

er went on to say, indign

?" began Ted, when

t'd be a fine way to pay back what he believed he owed the Hic

get thrown out, and hurt right bad in

rance like a crazy thing? That must a been Angus. And like as not he's doubled up back there right now laughing over seeing how we got t

e known men to get a halter out on the plains for playing that same game. But we

did. He was a natural leader, and it had become second nature for the

Toby suggested; "so climb back on your seat; and be more careful next time how you le

sioned by the pain the little sharp-pointed burrs inflicted. Though still trembling,

ey once more found seats for themselves. George and Chatz, however, it might be noticed, made sure to get a firm grip somewhere on the side of the wag

order to hold the big bay mare in, for he did not think it advisable to let her have her head agai

t coward to play such a mean tr

help himself," Elmer told him, for the Assistant Scout Master was somewhat of a phil

nion of a sneak who could play a dirty trick

e giveth me any thath I'll pull hith

hes if ever you go to pulling his nose," warned George; "be

done can't be undone. Toby, suppose you tell us a little more about this nut grove up at the old Cart

up. To this day some people say she was murdered by a man she once promised to marry before the millionaire judge came along; another lot seem to believe she committed suicide because the judge was so cruel, an

of intense interest on his dark face, "they strike me as being decidedly interesting, suh. If I had a chance I'd

ge plant the thame when he wath trying to make a

with the finest crop ever known, and with never a single fellow brave enough up to this time to go there and gather the harvest. Why, when I heard what that man had to say about it, I was fairly wild to be off. And believe me, boys, we'll make the eyes of the other fellows stick out

ived on the ground, very probably it would only be to find that the trees had been stripped of their burden of nuts by some hardy souls who did not place muc

ng over with nuts. And even then he'll expect some white-sheeted ghost to step up, and demand that we throw every one of the same

hy I always passed with such a high percentage in arithmetic and algebra. They said I'd make a fine carpenter, because I'

r foundation started. The folks would all die off waiting for you to finish your job. A carpenter-whew! excuse me

the worst or the best. I'm of the opinion myself that what Toby says is going to turn out true; for nobody ever goes near the Cartaret place th

l told the goat looking down that it was a lovely place to drop in; and when Billy had taken him at his word he hopped on the goat's back and jumped out. But if I have half a chance I expect to prowl around more or les

ly for a sudden movement on the part of Elmer. Sitting alongside the driver it was the easiest thing go

tonished Toby, when Elmer clapped his h

that side road ahead there!" and at the sam

en by the foliage still clinging to the bushes that jutted out at a bend of the road, was a two-horse wagon, cont

t speedily on without the occupants once looking towar

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