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The Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts: Under Canvas


Word Count: 2639    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ows; now watch m

t seemed to have been attached to his back by means of some device of his own. When open

because you're apt to get a swift knock when you land. Be sure and keep

out everything I invent. Nothing venture, nothing gained, is my motto. And now I'll walk a little furt

started to move out further, looking very queer with that canopy ov

tten limb started to drop earthward. So did Toby, though the parachute caught the air, and sustained his weight pretty fairly. Ho

nimal that had accompanied the rotten limb in its sudden descent did not appear to have suffered any material damage fr

stout material extended in the shape of a parachute, his de

ell over in a heap; though from the scrambling that ensu

ying forward to assist the daring air navi

enough. What she needs is a little more canvas; ain't a big enough sail yet to hold me up. But whee! who'd ever expect that limb to snap off as sudden as that? See what it means to be

e a record drop, and you came through in pretty decent shape; but enough's as good as a feast. The next time thing

h it all, and then running away as if he didn't

I wouldn't want him to be injured. I reckon that 'coon was a mascot to me, and gav

advanced by the scout mast

d Elmer; "and which I hope you can grant without

cast in the quarter where lay the haunted house, it was easy to see tha

d I've always wanted to see what the inside of a

both George and Toby pricked up their ears

ds," Elmer suggested, "we might as well take a look-in over there, and see

ould," Chatz continued, with one of his winn

" and as Elmer made this remark h

irmative!" Toby im

ere," pu

e, and I can pinch his arm, and feel the bones in his hand, I might believe in the stuff; but you never can, and that's a fact. Still, I'd like to see what the inside of this

time, but his chronic way of fault-finding, or unbelief, often took a

agon when it was brought up; Toby also fastened his wonderful parachute in

e stoutly declared, looking defiantly at George, because of course that

o be found. Chatz was fairly quivering with eagerness, and there was a glow in his dark eyes that

nding a more congenial neighborhood in which to reside; for the whole appearance of the place seemed to smack of the supernatural. The breeze actually whined as it passed through

ere to suit me," Toby frankly admitted, a

e throes of dissolution, a mere wreck of its former self, and fit only for bats, owls, and rats. Doors hung on a single hinge, and shutters had been torn off long ago b

agination to picture the tragic scenes that were said to have been enacted here many year

eeps, all right,"

makes pass over you. And as few people have visited here for the last ten y

me, some originally intended for this purpose, and others the result of decay while the

o room, viewing the wreck of wha

lar prison for his young and pretty wife," Elmer announced as his opinion, after they had be

d houses. You could imagine anything might happen here. Right now, if it was midnight, we could watch and see if there was any truth in all those stories about the ghost of the Judge's

, apprehensively, and when he thought no one was looking, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes,

a chance, Chatz," said Elmer, sudden

trying to control the eagerness that burn

hanksgiving holidays in camp somewhere, just to have another l

ered Toby, who was almost as much

nse woods close to the Cartaret house? There's everything to be had that the heart of a campe

that much for me?" a

w it, Chatz," replied the scout master, warmly. "So, w

d, which meant that they

oop along with us on that little outing; and p'raps they mightn't just fancy camping so close to a mouldy o

to speak for them, too," Elmer ventured; "and the chances are when they hea

out for us, I'm thinkin

seemed to be in an unusually good humor, perhaps because of that successful parachu

so many times, that some of the woodwork seemed very mouldy. They frightened an army of bats up there, and there was a live

George, who declared he had had quite enough of the exploration, and that after all he didn't believe in

f which possibly had been constructed by the rich judge to serve as wine cellars, they found Georg

e, and watch the shadow creep around to the hour mark," said Elmer, who must ha

ing back on his old principles, and not

is time, Chatz," Elmer continued, turning to the South

ting visit possible. Yes, and that promise to come up here again next week, when we're out for our li

the horse up, and load ou

that?" shouted

ng?" demanded George, always suspecting th

ent on, pointing, while his face filled

ked Chatz, his interes

" Toby went on to explain; "but it was a white face, and if there ever was suc

ractical joker at times, was not trying to deceive them now; he had seen something up there at that window, or believed he had, wh

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