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The Hickory Ridge Boy Scouts: Under Canvas


Word Count: 2722    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

claimed Ty Coll

ou fellows told us there were some whoopers up here; and when an o

erest in the matter; but his indifference was more than made up for by the excitem

think that's only an owl, or even a wildcat, suh

e. It'd take a dozen of the same to scare me off. I may light out before an enraged bull, but you don't find me sneaking away when there's a white thing waving

ne him saying: "Just wait, and we'll see what sort of nerve you've got, Ty Collins. Things seem different at high noon from what they do when it's midnigh

ated. Nancy was quieted by Toby, and the other scouts stood there, listeni

er called o

rst dinner; and I don't know how you fellows feel, but I'm as hungry as a wolf. Make a sha

hey walked on, turned his head and glanced back several tim

rhaps he might find a convert in his belief in George, especially if anyt

g water, and by following this up

surveyed his surroundings, with the eye of one who had camped on numerous pr

unload the contents of the wagon, stake out

t there was little real confusion, or getting in each other's way

h the spring only twenty feet away. Inside these the scouts began immediately to arrang

nge, on top of which they would spread the metal top that was to serve as

kly kindled, for the air was still rather sharp, even for a November

lp Ty, who had taken upon himself the duties of chef for the occasion, since long ago he had proved his cap

best wood in order to make a hotter fire, and occasionally peeping in under the c

. That frosty November air had given them an enormous appetite, and everything tasted better than it could possibly d

l into a disjointed conversation, and almost every subject

cing the various "stunts" which scouts are interested in. Under ordinary conditions there would have been all manner of events underway, such as wigwagging classes, tracking advocates, new wrinkles in nature-study unfolded; photography of wild anima

d give him the most pleasure, only there was no authority brought to bear, and

cking around in this fashion for nearly an hour after eating,

d house that Judge Cartaret built fifty years or so ago. Chatz is clear daft on the subject of spirits, you know. And from what I've seen of him, it w

tion; because if there was such a thing as a real ghost no trap we could manufacture would ever hold it. If Chatz pro

him, and p'raps luminous paint on his face, like I remember a ghost once did. But in that case there was a good reason, for he wanted

rupted the others to say; "and I've got to be shown such a thing before I'll take the least st

e doubter an ardent believer in supernatural things. Scoffer that George was, once he saw with his own eyes, he wen

ubject. Now just yesterday I chanced to be reading an account that told how three scouts in this very state made a study of hunting for the hives of wil

out it," Lil Artha arose to say, "and if so be any of y

y will be to climb the honey tree, after we locate the same, and cause the warm-footed little innocents to vacate, so that we can gath

found that Landy had read all about how to locate a bee tree, if by good luck any such happe

so interesting that when a start was made he

r permission, Landy, I'll tag along, and if you need any help in carrying the stock of honeycomb h

erfully; "but I'd feel a whole lot easier in my mind if

. "This is going to be a bee hunt, not a bull fight, that I know of

purpose; "there might be an old king bee that had a detestation for red, just the same as

t's sounds they get mad at. And then there ain't such a thing as a king bee anyhow-queens, drones and workers make

to use if we happen to run across any bees flying around, which at this late day ain't likely. Best we can do is to watch every tree-top and try to hear the buzzing of a swarm of young bees. They come out every

d if you need any help come back after the rest of the bunch. I see you're carrying our cam

from me for all the honey in seven counties. But in case we do find a tree that looks good to us

Elmer, Toby and

d I can just see that Lil Artha whooping things when the tree drops, and he rushes headlong in among the branches to scoop up some of the sweet stuff that bursts o

ve a great deal of confidence in the ability of Landy Smith to locate a hive, especially

he direction where he knew the old deserted Cartaret house must lie, as though half expecting to see the Southern boy

of the building could not have met with any particular reward. In other words the Cartaret ghost was not very accommodating, and respectfully declined to make its

Elmer asked him, as he came into camp, took a drink

rplexity, for he had heard Elmer chuckle; and all at once it struck him that on the former occasion the scout master had gone back into the house after he and the other comrades had left; and once more the Southern

ntent himself with the thought that perhaps on the coming

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