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With the Dyaks of Borneo

With the Dyaks of Borneo


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 5097    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


beautiful than it had during the long summer which had just passed. Already the leaves were covering the ground, and away across the water pine-trees stood up like se

ith gabled roof and twisted chimneys. Behind the little residence there was a square patch of kitchen-garden, in which a grizzled, weather-beaten individual wa

cheeks, and general air of ill-health, no one could have mistaken him for other than a sailor; and if there had been any doubt the clothes he wore would have at once settled the question. But Captain John Richardson, to give him his full title, was proud of the fact that he had

, his usually wrinkled brow was puckered in an alarming manner, and the lips, between which rested the stem of his clay pipe, were pursed up in the

n, and with nothing in your pocket to waste. But I'd forego many little luxuries, and willingly cut down my expenditure, if only I could see a way of settling this beggarly question. For three years and more it has troubled me, and I'm as far now from a solution as I was when the matter first cropped up. There's Frank, my brother at Brist

undings. So lost indeed that he failed to hear the creak of the wicket, while his dim eye failed to see the youth who came striding towards him. But a momen

foot of Southampton Water. Why, you are better even than the coast-g

n subject to you. A big overgrown fellow like yourself, with calves and arms which would have been my admiration had I possessed them when I was your age, should be doing something more than merely amusing himself. You've the future to look to

veyed his son, while he slowly abstracted a match from a box which he p

ree months ago, and since that date you have amused yourself without hindrance from me. But your playtime must come to an end. Your fathe

from his fingers, and the sunlight streaming through the creepers on to his figure, one saw a youth whose rounded features bore an unmistakable likeness to those possessed by the captain. But there the resemblance ceased altogether; for Tyler's ruddy cheeks and sparkling eyes betokened an abundance of good health, while his lithe and active limbs, the poise of his head, and the breadth of his shoulders, showe

difficulties there are. Were it not so my answer would be given in a moment, for what was good

for months remained upon the sick-list. Then, seeing that I was useless upon a ship, the Lords of the Admiralty gave me a shore billet, and for two years I struggled wearily to perform the work. But the old wound crippled me, and was a constant source of trouble, so that in the end I was pensioned off, and retired to this cottage to spend the remainder of my life. I'm a worn-out hulk, Tyler, and that's the truth. Had I remained on the active list I should no doubt have made many friends to whom I could have applied at this moment. Perhaps even were I to state the facts to the Admiralty they would find a commission for you, but then my means are too small to equip you for the life, and you would start so badly that your future might be ruined. But there

eyes upon his son. As for the latter, he still remained looking steadily out across the water, as if searching for an ans

mething for my living, and as the navy is out of the question I must accept the next best thing which comes along. I should be an ungrateful beggar if I did not realize the kindness of my uncle's offer, and if I decide to take advan

e gate-post, he vaulted over the wicket and disappeared behind a dense mass of hedge which hid the dusty

he had spoken. She was a big three-master, and lay moored alongside the dock, with a derrick and shears erected beside her. A couple of gangwa

k of the ship was deserted, and Tyler could have gone on board without a soul to oppose him. But he knew the ways of shipping people, for scarcely a day passed without his paying a visit to the harbour. Indeed, so great was his love of the sea that during the last three months he had spent the greater p

that you carry a cargo of grain, an

d shall be taking the grain out of her when dinner's finished. It's come all this way for your naval johnnies-at least that's what the boss has given me to understand; and we are expecting a party of officers along any moment to take a look at the stuf

his head in the direction of three smartly-dresse

id. "Just excuse me, sir, and g

n a good view of the scene below. Beneath was a lower deck and a second hatchway of similar dimensions, the covering of which had evidently been recently removed. A glance showed him that the hold was filled with loose grain to within some

atter was saying. "We've just hove up the hatche

allow the officers to approach it. At the same moment Tyler caught the eye of the elder of the three nava

r, acknowledging it swiftly. "Where did you learn it, my lad? I c

me, sir. He lives close at hand, and would spend his days here up

ined in warfare?" asked t

d-shot fired from a French fort, a

we sailors have to perform. At one time sailing a three-master, and then conning one of the new steam-vessels which have been added to our fleets. Another day we muster ashore, and then an officer can never say what he may

ate. "Say, sir, there's the ladder, and if you'll excuse me, the sooner the in

wooden spades with you, and turn the grain over in every direction. Be careful to see that

was a treat which he would not have missed for anything. It was queer to see the way in which the younger of the two juniors tossed his cane aside with a merry laugh and commenced to delve with the spade; and still more quaint to watch the second as he thrust his two hands into the corn, and, having withdrawn them filled to the brim, walked towards the edge of the hatch with the intention of spreading the grains there the better to inspect them. But-that was stranger still, for, missing his footing, the officer gave a violent swerve, and with difficulty saved himself from tumbling full length. The sight, the exclamatio

terrible misfortune had suddenly and unexpectedly overtaken the naval off

rected his attention to those below, for the former had been engaged i

could be wrong? Ahoy, there, Troutbeck and Maxwell! Why, t

, and stared at Tyler as though he could not believe his e

nes. "Quick, or they'll be suffocated! Hi, fo

that he remained rooted to the spot, leaning over the hatchway, the combing of which he grasped with both hands, whilst he stared down at the two prostrate figures huddled bel

recollecting the condition of his juniors, and realizing that they were in the gravest danger, he spra

understand the danger of the situation. There was gas in the hold, some poisonous vapour unseen by those who entered through the hatchway, but lying there floating o

arsely, "and by the quickest way too. Hi, t

t would require more than double the strength which he possessed, and besides there was the deadly gas to be reckoned with. Like a flash the thoughts swept through his brain, for Tyler was a sharp young fellow, and ere another moment had passed his plan for rescue was formed. Pointing to the winch, from which a stout rope ran through a block attached to the boom above, and from thence dangled down into the hold, he called to the mate, who now came running along the deck with three of the hands, to get hold of

ee me pass the loop round one of them, ho

upon the corn. Ah! He was there, and his feet were already sunk ankle-deep in the cargo. Then he became aware of the fact that, though perfectly clear, the atmosphere was stifling. He felt as though he were choking, for in spite of the thick han

close to the feet of one of the officers, he held it there with one toe, and at once grasped the man by the ankles. A lusty heave brought him

r and the officer for whose rescue he had so gallantly descended were hoisted out of the hold. With a swing the boom was brought towards the side, a couple of men rushed at the dangling figures, and ere the naval officer who witnessed the scene had time to give the hoarse command, "Lower away!" the two were lying upon the deck, while the mate of the freight-ship was eagerly removi

out between the paroxysms of cough

r aside, and set about to restore his animation, the remainder at once leapt to the winch, and set the handles whirling round at such a pace that the rope and its burden were swiftly at their destination. At the same instant the American mate swung himself on to the ladder and went swarming down till he reached the deck below, where he remained ready to lend as

above gave vent to them, their shouts increasing almost to shrieks of encouragement in their eag

voices, and a crowd of eager, anxious faces hung over the

r. "The lad's down, and we're not the boys to stand here looking on and see

ck below, and was looking eagerly about him for the expecte

the cost. Jim Bowman, you can make a turn about your body with the r

t his comrade to see that the words were fully understood. Then with a bound he

ght man to tackle the bus

mate tugged at the prostrate figure of the officer, they sent hoarse shouts echoing down into the hold. Breathlessly they watched as the loop slipped upwards till it

deck, bellowed the command so loudly that it was h

eavier! But still the handles flew round rapidly, and within a short space of time Tyler, the officer, and the Amer

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