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With the Dyaks of Borneo

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 6969    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

rom the

plintering wood-work as the rascally Dutchman was knocked to the floor were fresh in his memory. Then had come the rapid appearance of the boatswain, to be followed shortly afterwards by the figures of the mutinous crew rushing up on deck to aid their comrades. And all the while his own weapon had been snapping, sending a shower of bullets amongst the occupants of the approaching boat. So much had happened in that short space of time, so rapid had been the s

nd himself, Tyler levelled his pistol at the leader of the pirates, and taking deliberate aim, pressed steadily upon the trigger. At once there was a shout, and the Dutchman swung round with a curse, showing that the bullet had struck him. Indeed, there was little doubt that he was heavily hit, for he staggered to one side, and would h

her on this side and rush at them

istol and fired, sending a bullet swishing so close to Tyler's head that the latter stepped aside involuntarily. Then, tossing the weapon to th

id. If they come on too strongly it will be madness to wait,

. "Are we to stay here on the deck and get slic

erly. "We are hemmed in, so far as I

nt us jumping overboard and swimming to her? It wouldn't take no more than a minute, and then b

ion, for the Malay does not love a struggle which is likely to prove difficult, and dangerous to his life. Some there may be of the pirates whose days are passed in stern encounters, but the majority spend their time in looking for helpless individuals upon whom they may fall suddenly and when least expected. Here, however, the matter was quite different, for opposed to them, and standing beside a gun which, for all they knew, might be crammed to the muzzle, were two of the three Englishmen whom they had hoped to make easy victims. That t

cut from under him and he pitched forward upon his face; a huge Malay followed, kriss in hand, and attempted to leap the unseen obstacle. But he failed to rise

prepared to sever the hempen obstacle. But John Marshall was closely watching the scene, and realizing that once the barrier had gone their chances would be lessened, he stretched towards the man and, just as the blow was


"but get back at once, for the others are

hardly was John Marshall in his former position than the leader of t

which you have given me I will make you suffer well. Y

lwark, he came into violent contact with it, and, as in the former case, fell sprawling upon the deck. Another s

h, "and let that teach you to be more cautious when ne

ess for the obstacles which had been the undoing of his comrades, had safely negotiated them, and at that moment sprang, kriss in hand, to his feet. Then, as the boatswain turned towards him and gave vent to the words, the Malay darted forward a

" growled John in low tones of excitement.

reply, "I'm watching careful

failed to discover the position of the rope with sufficient celerity, and as they fumbled in the darkness they rose so far from the crouching position which they had assumed that their heads suddenly became outlined ag

ink that they are to have it all their own way. Indeed they seem to be inclined to hang back, and I begin to think that a rus

he deck by some unseen means, the remainder faltered, and, as Tyler's last pistol-shot rang out, to be followed instantly by the heavy thud of a falling body and by the clatter of a native kriss upon the deck, they turned about in a body and fled into the bows, placing as great a distance between themselves and the weapons of their opponents as was possible. Peering into the darkness, they looked towards the stern with anxious eyes, and noted with feelings almost of despair that the two Englishmen whom they had hoped to kill so easily were stepping across the rope which had formed a barrier between themselves and their numerous opponents. Indeed, so

to grief, and when we saw you tossed overboard as if you were a child we gave you up for lost, and seeing that the white-faces were about to turn and rush upon us we contemplated flight. But you are here once more, you have rejoined us by a miracle, and

in the face as if he would read his inmost thoughts. "Leave the vessel when there is gold below, and when we have expended so much time and patience to take her! You are joking and cannot mean what you say. You see for yourselves that the two English fools have been favoured by luck, and, tak

oment before they were intent upon rushing upon them, for that they were disheartened and demoralized was easily to be seen. But the aspect of a

s! For I had hoped that he had disappeared over the side for good. But he is with his men again, and there is no doubt that he will persuade them to r

as two rocks, and when things get too warm for us, why, we'll be over the stern bef

heir leader is no doubt telling them of the gold and stores below, and of the riches they will lose if they retreat. Depend upon it, now

d, he placed the muzzle of his weapon across the top of the hole, and held it there in readiness to send a charge of grape bursting through the ranks of the pirates. As for John Marshall, the success which they had already enjoyed, the fact that it was he who had tossed the Dutchman overboard, and the example of coolness which T

's our friend the interpreter, looking a little upset after the blow I've given him. Just stand aside, Mr. Richardson, while

rt of the criminal disturbed his aim. Indeed it almost seemed as though Hans Schlott had dreamt of the danger threatening him, for in spite of the fact that the figures of the two young Englishmen were with difficulty visible through the darkness which covered the vessel, he suddenly ducked and disappeared below, the m

f them, known to us as John Marshall, happened by ill chance to be in the cabin when I fired. He saw the deed, and I know well that neither he nor the other young fool will rest until we are captured. They must not escape! We must

s in his ear as if the Dutchman were a mile away. Then, leaning against the bulwarks to support his unsteady weigh

But I tell you that that will not be the case. For lives which you have already taken you shall pay, and I prophesy that within five m

ly against the front of the binnacle, shattering there into a hundred fragments, which spla

hat if I escape from this ship with my life I will never rest till I have hunted you down, for you are murderers. In cold blood you yourself killed my co

were able to understand their meaning, and instantly those who from the first had been inclined to show the white feather retreated to the bows of the ship, where they displayed every sign of terror. But it was not likely that two desperate men such as the Dutchmen were would permit themselves to be baulked of their prey in such a manner. Indeed, so carefully had their plans been made, so completely did Hans Schlott imagine that he had hoodwinked the leader of the

ting in their bunks. But for the weapons which they carry in their belts they have not a cartridge between them, while

or myself, I will rush at them by your side, and do my best to help you; but much must not

d a large red patch which oozed through the cloth, and, mingled with the sa

peace for him, at any rate, in the neighbourhood of Borneo. "Forward, my men, for I swear to you that you have nothing but their pistols to fear. Th

them was empty. And all the while Tyler and his solitary companion stood there awaiting the conflict with steady courage, but with the certain knowledge that on this occasion they would be beaten back. Holding their fire until Hans Schlott and his Dutch comrade were within a few yards, they levelled their weapons steadily, and at a word from Tyler firmly pressed upon the trigger. Four times in succession did they discharge a bullet into the ranks of the attackers, and on each occasion one of the Malay crew threw his arms into the night and came crashing to the deck. But in spite of their efforts to bring down the leaders, Hans Schlott and Christian van Sonerell still remained unharmed upon their feet

his companion would be overwhelmed "They are massed in a body, and will be upon us if we

encourage his young leader. "B

livid flash against the breach of the gun. Fizz! The powder spluttered up in his face, giving out a column of dense smoke, which was swallowed up instantly by the sulphurous vapour which poured from the muzzle. There was a loud roar as the six-pounder spoke out into the nigh

e, shaking the salt water out of his eyes. "But silen

ing over the bulwark in his endeavour to pierce the darkness. "Stand still

t, where the tide has set her, and if we fire in that direction we shall blow them out of the craft. Here, ge

nghy, fired together in that direction. But only the echoes from the neighbouring shore answered the reports, while the surfa

tances. Let us not waste our time, but send a party after them at once. Fortunately we have a boat at our se

r them, Hanns, my friend, and do not rest till you have killed them; for remember that one of them witnessed the shot which killed their leader, w

d easy, Christian van Sonerell; this is a matter which concerns my safety perhaps more than your own, for I am the man

tful of the throbbing pain in his head, which had followed John's lusty blow, went racing along the deck to the point where the boat was made fast. Already a crew of willing Malays were seated

n these English dogs. Indeed, I myself will give a special reward to anyone who is successful in killing

rse, and within a few seconds she was well away from the schooner, with her nose dir

after swimming a few strokes had the good fortune to come across her in the darkness. At once each grasped her by the gunwa

get into the boat yet awhile, for then we should be easy targets if they cau

it from the ring. I reckon that they will follow towards the s

en we are a hundred yards from the ship let us lie still and listen. Then we shall

e. Soon they had put quite a respectable distance between themselves and their enemies, and at a jerk from Tyler, who back-watered with his f

nd, but for all that I am sure that they fired. Perhaps they thought that they saw us in th

voice carries far across the sea on a still night like this. Listen to that

listened carefully. Yes, there could be no doubt about the matter, for Hanns Sc

l of dollars to the man who lays his fingers upon

nd John Marshall, they clung to the frail boat for many minutes as she lay there motionless in the water, listening with all their ears for sounds of the pirates. So calm was the atmosphere, and so still the night, that, as the latter had remarked, the slightest sound travelled along the surface of the sea in a remarkable manner, and could be heard quite a distance

remaining in it for a long period. Perhaps they will imagine that we have already landed, and in that case they will not venture to go far afield, for the night is too

hat case we should certainly be taken, unless, of course, we waited for, say, a couple of hours

sent, however, I feel sure that we are acting for the best by lying quietly here. Our movements in the future must depend upon circumstances, though you may be sure of this

crammed a handful into my cap, while I jammed it firmly down upon my head. It's made of thick pilot cloth, an

nwale and gently drew his cap from his head. Then, one by one, he picked some

revolvers and place them here to dry. The water will quickly drain aw

n the boat with open breeches and muzzles pointing downwards. Then, satisfied that they had done all that was po

er, as a voice came reverberating across the water. "So

nd what's more, he's hailing the sc

me across the water, was evident, for both Tyler and John were well acquainted with the tones of his voice. Then someone shouted an answer back from the deck of

s their respective positions would allow. "And hark! there is someone moving ashore. Yes,

s unruffled surface, seemed to accentuate the sounds and transmit them with such clearness that, though some hundreds of feet away, the noise of an oar falling into its place in the rowlock, and the splash as

he vessel as a prize, or are they merely returning there until the day dawns and allows them to carry on the pursuit

retch of coast to set a watch on, and that Dutch rascal is cute enough to know it. Supposing that's his game, then

we were beyond them or not," replied Tyler thoughtfully.

that come aboard with

suppose are now aboar

tating answer. "I reckon that the Dutchman cleared off with his

ave reached the shore again. Then, John, my friend, we will float silently down upon the schooner, and will do our best to take possession of our property. We have arms at hand to help us, and if only we can eff

oars again sounded across the water, while the pirates' boat was pulled towards the

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