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With the Dyaks of Borneo

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 7284    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e Wins

themselves that Hanns Schlott had returned to the vessel for one purpose alone, and that was to obtain more men, whom he might place at intervals along that part of the coast of Borneo, there to wait for the landing of the Englishmen. Indeed, had there been any doubt in Tyler's mind, the squeaking of the oars and the more frequent splash of paddles told him at once that

"Then we will float slowly down upon the schooner, and endeavour to make the boat fast. After that we will cl

nxiety. Once Hanns Schlott and his boat-load of Malays had reached the shore there had been confused shouts and words of command, but these had quickly died down as the pirates sep

e her along. But first let us discuss our plans so that there shall be no confusion. We must make for our old position, and if it is possi

et aboard go tooth and nail for those fellows. A rush, a few shots into their midst, and some hard knocks with our fists'll send 'em leaping overboard, and once that's the case we'll up anchor and away. Then our

wards the schooner. With shoulders sunk beneath the surface, and finger-tips alone resting upon the edge of the boat, they urged her gently through the sea, halting ev

are while I go for'ard. When you feel the boat shaking you will

m. A gentle splash, however, told that he was moving, and ere long a sharp dip as the dinghy was pulled to one side told him that Tyler had been

tched from the binnacle, and was severed by Hanns Schlott, is trailing over the side and will help us to a

, slowly raised himself out of the water. Lifting one hand above the other, it was not long before his fingers lit upon th

ice of their presence before they catch sight of us, and shall know how to act. If the de

while into the darkness to discover, if possible, some trace of the Malays. But not a soul was to be see

own in the cabin, occupying one of our bunks, for all the world as though he were owner of the vessel, but we'll turn him

them. Slip along to the stern with me and I will drop into the dinghy and hand them up to you. That done, we shall feel mo

es of the dinghy. Groping in the darkness as he dangled there it was not long before his toe struck with a gentle tap against the gunwale, and at once he began to draw the boat towards him. A moment later he was safel

his Malays. Come with me to the companion, John, and wait there while I descend. If you hear a suspicious sound, tap the deck gently with

ded rapidly. Arrived below, he lay down upon the floor of the cabin and listened breathlessly, till the

st swim for their lives. It is the only way in which we can deal with them, for if we endeavoured to make them prisoners by securing them down below we should never know what it was to en

revious evening, so that a gentle twist of the handle released the catch and allowed him to enter. After that he had no difficulty in obtaining what he wanted, for he had helped to place the ammunition in the cabin before leaving Singa

nto view, "and get ready to help me with the gun. After that

t we can get a foresail on her at any rate, and that will take us out to sea. Give m

hen silently, and with every precaution to avoid making a sound which would arouse the Malays, they crammed a charge of powder into the six-pounder, and rammed down upon it a couple of bag

Tyler when the work had been

e cable. It's lucky for us that we haven't a chain one aboard, for then we'd certainly have made

he rejoined Tyler, and as if to show his coolness, indeed, as if he already considered that the schooner had returned to the keeping

e canvas, for otherwise those fellows ashore will be after us with their boat, and, besides, we have to think o

can do so at all, they crept on into the bows and at once set about hoisting the foresail. But here their difficulties were greater, for beneath them rested the Malays who were still aboard, men with the sharpest ears, and

and if only we can get it in position we shall feel more secure. B

e evident, for as they tugged and strained, a head suddenly emerged from the hatchway lea

t no one is about. We have driven the beggarly white men off the ship, and but for a few of us who are lucky to be left, all are gone ashore there to waylay the Engl

ded by the feeble rays from the swinging lantern, his eyes fell upon the two crouching figures, and for a moment he was dumbfounded with astonishment. Then he pee

nd shaking them fiercely. "Rise and prepare for fighting, for I tel

onsider; they are but two, while there are seven of us in all, not counting

I say to you that unless you make a movement to protect yourself, you wil

ative crew were aroused and informed of their presence, they threw themselves upon the sail, and by dint of tugging together

That is capital, and now all that we have to do is to drive the crew overb

ll as from Hans Schlott and his villains. If we had a couple or more men aboard to lend us their help we should be able to pile more sail upon her, but

d coast along the island, and if pursu

ise they would be down upon us, and once our guns have been fired would easily capture u

t until all have reached the deck, and then we will call upon them to leave the vessel. If they refuse, or do not instantly obey, we

the Dutchman standing in the companion-way, while directly afterwards the crew of Malays who had been

have been hurt, and one would think that a boat-load of British sailors was about to board us. Go back to your quarters and let us res

hook his fist in their direction, and

the bows. The lamp which swings aloft lit the dark corner in which they hid, and at once I recognized them as the hated white men. I tel

y the two fugitives! Why, if they have dared to come aboard it will be at the cost of their lives.

, and while you slept have contrived to load the gun. It is crammed to the muzzle with bullets, and I will fire the charge

ted that ere he awoke in the morning Hanns Schlott and the men who were with him would have laid hands upon them and killed them instantly. And now to be awakened suddenly, before the morning had dawned, and to come on deck to find t

Their insolence astonishes me, and for the moment takes my breath away. Listen, you two. You have f

n carefully counting the seconds.

cky bullet happening to strike the leader, checked the natives almost instantly, and, realizing at once that they were no match for the two Englishmen, who had already shown how stubbornly they could fight, the natives ran towards the bulwarks and jumped o

n Sonerell upon his back. "The bullet struck him fair

r he would, sooner or later, have come to the gallows for this act of piracy. As it is, Hanns

murder, and for that base crime he shall hang. I swear to hunt him down, for otherwise, if I relinquish the matter he will go unpunished, and will still conti

cted some papers and other objects of little importance, bore the lifeless figure to the side.

r it would never do to leave it hanging there. Then I shall creep below and search every corner of the vessel to see that none of the Malays remain. Just keep your ears and eyes open, my lad, for the sh

erything in confusion. Pillows and blankets lay scattered upon the floor where the Malays had tossed them when searching the bunks for valuables. The table which had stood in the centre lay crushed and shapeless in one corner, while the pistol with which the m

e shocked and distressed me. I know that he is dead, for John actually witnessed the deed. That being the case, I have

he Malays should be concealed on board. Then, satisfied that he and John were alone on the ve

ut it's getting darker, as it often does a couple of hours before the dawn, and now that the light has gone from the rigging, and we have slipped away from our berth, he'll have a precious hard job to find us. But that for

, and through which navigation is sometimes possible. It may turn out that we shall have the fortune to strike an opening which will allow us to sail some way into the interior, for the water-ways are wide, and it is fairly certain that a ship can penetrate many miles from the coast. After that a boat would be necessary, for there are shallows higher up. But until the day br

came from the shore, while Tyler promptly set about loading the gun which stood in the bows. That done, he brought

ement of this business have given me an appetite. It seems to me that we should be foolish to neglect this opportunity of eating

a supply of food and drink was kept, and quickly went swarming up on deck

what I wanted; and hang me! now that the food's before me, I remember that I'm as hungry as can be. Share and s

m their view, raised their spirits to the highest, so much so that they joked and laughed there as they crouched upon the deck. And who could blame them, in spite of the fact that they had so recently lost their leader? For their escape had been wonderful, and the relief to their minds was great. Reviewing the events of the night as he sat there beside John Marshall, Tyler could not suppress the feeling of elation with which he was filled. Everything had been so sudden, and almost unexpected. The death of Mr. Beverley, the advent of the boat-load of pirates, and the desperate struggle which followed had come with such startling swiftness that his mind was still in a whirl, while his thoughts were so ful

was to land upon the coast somewhere hereabouts, and then to strike for the interior. His object was partly to obtain particulars as to the productiveness and mineral value of Borneo, and partly to hunt for rubber, which is becoming

ling-piece, and a rifle, with the necessary ammunition, will be far more useful to us than

aily in the island, and that the journey would take us through the thickest forests and deep swamps. Obviously, then

ured to demand. "You won't desert her an

s easiest. Then we can get ashore in the dinghy, and once in the swamps I think we shall be able to laugh at

and once the day comes shall feel that we have all in readiness. There's a double-handed augur in my locker, and some chips of wood which will act a

ur later, when he returned, it was with the information that he had bored sufficient holes to si

ly careful to have everything in readiness for instant flight. Take over the helm again, my lad, while I go below and get rid of this uniform, and put a pair of strong boots

awn we shall have been a couple of hours or more without a bite, and who can say when we shall be able to

ommenced to don the suit of clothes which he had purchased at Singapore. A pair of thick boots and a strong felt hat completed his ap

so, I must not forget that uncivilized natives are particularly fond of cheap knick-knacks, and as we are nearly sure to come in contact with some of them, I will certainly carry a few scarves and looking-glasses with me. Of course, if the pursuit is very keen, we shall have to throw all these things away and ret

ulated should last them with ordinary care for a considerable period. Into the other each dropped a number of gaudy articles with which to please the eye of any of the Dyak tribes with whom they might come in contact. Weapons were now loaded, each of the young fellows selecting a rifle, while a light fowling-piece was placed near at hand, which they would take it in turns to carry. Feeling now that they had done all that was possible, they sat down upon the deck in their old position a

loser to us than I should have wished! See, she has al

nicely, for I reckon that with this wind we should reach the shore an hour ahead of the prahu. Over with the

though she too desired to increase the distance between herself and the native prahu which followed, for she careened to her foresail, and, helped by the strong tide which was making into the bay, went shooti

ectly in, and so get clear of Hanns Schlott and his rascals. Once we are in fresh water, and out of their sight, we will look for a convenient landing-place, and then out shall come those plugs. Yes, if we can

ed until she had drawn a little closer. Then with a match he

had had. "There goes the ball ricochetting across her bows. An inch or two to the left would have plumped it

the greatest care he levelled the weapon a second time and fired, with the result that the ball struck the prahu heavil

ape. "I will give them another shot or two, and then I fancy that it will be time for us to g

d almost hear the missile strike upon her deck, and a keen glance showed him that the utmost confusion had resulted, for Malays could be seen rushing towards the spot, while a burly figure standing beside the tille

des the upper reaches. Keep at your post, John, and head her to the left. Then, the instant we are round the corner, bring her up into the wind and put the weapons in t

With a twist of a rope attached to the bulwarks John Marshall secured the tiller in position, and at once commenced to carry out Tyler's orders. As for the latter, he ran below and, seizing the hammer, began to knock out the plugs which kept the schooner from sinking. At any other time, no doubt, he would have hesitated before doing

e last plug from its position, and stood there watching some dozen col

joined his companion. Then both hastily quitted the schooner, a

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