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With the Dyaks of Borneo

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 7322    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


on the prahu as soon as she rounds the bend. If, as seems more than likely, her boat is dropped and preparations are made to send a party in pursuit, we will steal off into the forest, using the utmost care to leave as few trac

ang ashore, and, lifting the dinghy bodily from the water, carried her up amongst the bushes. A h

rees near at hand will serve as a mark by which we shall be able to find her when we come this way again. Now for th

more. There was the schooner with her head in the wind and her sail flapping loudly. That she was deeper in the water both could see at once, while the manner in which she careened to

in making for this river, and knows well that it is our intention to escape him by that means or by the land. But he will hardly have expected such complete preparations as we have made, and his anger w

antly delayed. Besides this, Hanns Schlott and his fellows will have seen our dinghy, and will guess that we have rowed up stream in her, hoping in that way to escape them. That being the case, we m

James Brooke, is there at this moment, and if we could only reach him we should be perfectly safe. But it is a long journey from here, and before we can hope to

face anything almost, for there will be little mercy if Hanns

across the water, and the Malays were seen preparing to throw themselves on board their prize the instant that they came up with her. It was pretty to watch the manner in which her lateen sails were dropped when well within reach of her prize, and at another time the fugitives would have admired the seamanlike way in which the operation was carried out, and Hanns Schlott's handling of the craf

er the reward which I have offered. Take them alive or dead and it belong

ooner so that she glided alongside with a gentle

hey are not on deck search for

two white-faces who had punished them so severely, and stimulated by the offer of a special reward, the men struggled to be first, and almost fell into the cabin, their shouts startling the peaceful scenery around. Hark, something is wrong, for a head appears at the op

condition of the schooner. "Do you wish to tell me again that two boys have frightened you, and that you are flying from them? Back,

upon which he alighted with every sign of satisfaction. "The cabin is filled almost to the top with water, and in less time tha

bulged from their sockets, so great was their alarm and consternation at the trap into which they had fallen. A few, however, who had been unable to reach the deck before owing to the narrowness of the ladder and to the press of men, found that the jar with which the prahu had hit against her prize had caused her to sheer off into deeper water, leaving a gap which no one could hope to jump. For an instant they hesitated, and then with shrill cries of fright they plunged into the river, and went clambering i

ched for them in the forest or upon the river. But it is not too late even now. I must not allow my vexation to master my reason, and I will at once see to it that they are followed. Listen!" he

en one of them, anxious perhaps to appease the anger of his leader, or drawing upon his imagin

s the upper reaches. There you will find the fugitives rowing for their lives. Hasten! Send after the

not be the case, for the sinking vessel lay wallowing in the river, which was slowly drifting her towards the bay outside. Already part of her deck was awash, while a trembling of her rigging, a curious fluttering of the sail, seemed to denote that her end was at hand. Indeed, as the Dutchman observed her, and endeavoured to make up his dull and heavy mind to the thought that she was alone, the schooner suddenly came to a stop in her gentle course towards the bay, then she heeled to starboard with such a jerk that her topmasts bent like fishing-rods and threatened to break away. Next second, however, she righted, and then her

nd we do not see them within half an hour we shall know that they have landed and hidden in the swamps, for our progress will be far more rapid than theirs. As for you other men, you are to search the bank of the river closely on this side, for it is obvious that th

were nicely taken in over the schooner, but now they are going to take up the pursuit in earnest. Here

of anxiety. "If we remain here we shall nearly certainly be disc

have been very careful it was quite impossible to set foot upon the soft and muddy bank without leaving impressions behind us. These Malays are, no doubt, excellent trackers, for they have been accustomed to these forests and swamps all the

oke into a trot, Tyler being in advance, and this they kept up for half an hour, when the jungle thickened and made rapid progress impossible. Squeezing between gigantic tree trunks, at times crawling beneath tangled masses of creepers and undergrowth, they sped on their way, taking the utmost pains all the while to replace branches which had been pushed aside.

at they had come across a creek or some arm of the river. "Let us listen so as to make sure that we are

and listening eagerly for sounds of the Malays. Nor were they destined to be kept waiting long, for hardly had they regained their breath than shouts came ec

fear that, after all, we shall have to fight for our lives. Now,

th one hand, holding the guns above water. It a

ing until the current almost carried them from their feet, commenced to swim for the opposite shore. As John Marshall had truly stated, it was no easy task which they had set themselves, for the ammunition, bearing upon their heads, made it difficult to keep their mouths c

rest and watch our enemies. But I suppose that they will make nothin

light? Why not look out for a likely spot at once and get ready for 'em? With our rifles we ought to be able to kill a few of these Malay ruffians, and

creepers and weeds which abounded everywhere, demanded so much of their breath that they had none to spare for talking. However, a few minutes brought them to higher land,

es. Listen to me, for an idea has suddenly crossed my mind, and it may mean the saving of our lives

eckon," was the rapid answer, in tones which sho

before they came up with u

t a question of the denseness of the fore

and, turning to the right, strike along the margin of the creek, and within this screen of trees. A mile of water should bring us to the rive

ithin the next half-hour, for if our pursuers cross the creek and plunge on into the forest we shall know that all is well, for a time at any rate. What's more, I've a kind of a notion that we shall find it suit us

the islands around are infested by pirates who fall upon any and every ship with the one object of plunder. Crews are ruthlessly slain and their bodies tossed into the sea. And when there are no ships to be attacked these pirates make for the shore, and, ascending one of the rivers, fall upon the peaceful tribes within, with the sole object again of obtaining booty and the head

him with a sense of their danger. "If this here scoundrel will follow us across the island it'll be well for us to obtain th

treme, while it would have been impossible, in spite of every care, to traverse it without leaving abundant signs of their passage behind. By keeping to the water, however, their course would carry them through a portion of the swamp where creepers and bushes were few and far between, and could be easily avoided. Indeed, there was little doubt that if ordinary caution were observed they could pass along beside

art of them, and in their eagerness to come up with us and revenge themselves for the suffering which we have caused them they will rush on thoughtlessly and in hot-headed haste. While they do so we will kee

f when, happening to peep from their screen of trees, they caught sight of some dusky figures swimming across the creek, while

us to make full use of their senses, or otherwise they would have seen in a moment that we were fooling them. As it

s, which will go to right and left. If they do so it will make our task an easier one, for then, should they come up with us, we shall have fewer enemies to deal with. But

he latter would betray them to the Malays, for scarcely had Tyler and his companion progressed a dozen yards than the thick mud settled upon the bottom again, leaving a clear surface above. At length, after traversing half a mile

to the opposite side of the creek and make along to the dinghy by means of the shore? Or shall

ould pick them up. We shall be wise if we leave the land alone altogether, and take entirely to the water till we reach the southern shore of the river. Yes, that is my proposal; for if

en left in the sampan which brought these pirates from the prahu? Supposin' we was to drop down up

hould attempt her capture. And if men were there they would certainly find some means by which to attract the attention of their comrades away in the forest. A shout, the report of a gun, would go echoing along the swamp, and would soon acquaint the pursuers of the fact that their prize lay in a different direction; then bac

must now turn to the left and wade through the swamp beside the river until we have ascended sufficiently

e the stream will run strongly below, above it will be pent up and there will be little flow. T

h of river, and there, swiftly coming into view, was the nati

rry as far as the prahu. "It is clear that they have found no trace of us above, and are returning to rejoin their comrades. How angry t

e to keep out o' sight of them chaps when crossing above the bend. Now they've

nks, for the sound which they made as they plodded forward seemed to their anxious ears so loud that those who were in pursuit of them would certainly hear. Then, too, the dread lest a clearing should suddenly bring them face to face with the Malays filled their minds, and caused them to halt every few minutes. But not a splash, not an answering sound, came back through t

there to help our pursuers, and no doubt will soon clear

t any sounds which they might make would fail to reach the enemy, they crashed on at their fastest pace, without care or thought for the traces which they might leave behind them. Indeed they had already planned a clever ruse which had gained a long start. But both knew that ere many minutes had passed the lynx-like eyes of the searchers would discover some sign of the fugitives, and that done, to trace them would be a matter of no great difficulty, for the

Tyler thoughtfully, "but the distance is greate

st set about it at once. When all's said, i

You see, this is a far longer swim and a far bigger crossing than we had to face at the creek, and even t

ot going to desert them without an effort, particularly the guns, for our lives depend upon 'em, do yer see, Mr. Richardso

"John, you have a knowing head, and have been of the greatest help to me. Wait here while I see to the matter. I

e sailor had dashed forward through the swamp at their topmost speed and without any great amount of care; but they had been particularly cautious when first they had

be led to imagine that we have pushed directly on, and as the river is wide at this point they will readily believe that we are still in t

land upon higher land at a considerable distance from the edge of the swamp. To draw his knife was the work of a moment only, and very soon a shower of creepers was being directed in John's direction. For the purpose of binding the materials together these were all that could be desired, but for the raft itself something entirely different was required. Fo

stant shouts which came echoing through the forest, "and I think that it is high

bag, please, and now your rifle and revolvers. That's the sort, Mr. Richardson. Mine join yours, and this length of creeper fi

e that we take to our heels and run for all that we are worth, so as to put a good distance between ourselves and the pirate

in that the top would be above the surface of the water, they began to direct their strange craft through the swamp, guiding it carefully amongst the trees. Soon

their depth and were forced to swim, on this occasion finding the task of crossing to the opposite shore far easier than before. Indeed, now that they were freed of

"Now cut the creeper through and push the raft out into the open. Yes, that will do very well, for

his spirits rising as the distance between himself and the pirates steadily increased. "And now, sir, which way? I reckon that we've got the whole of the northern port

he fact which I have mentioned before, that they are splendid trackers and thoroughly used to the country. That being the case, we must use the utmost caution, for our lives will undoubtedly depend upon

led along to the shoreward end. Another branch here came to their aid, and ere many minutes had passed both were safely on dry land, with the satisfaction of feeling that however closely their enemies searched the fringe of trees which bordered the river they would find no trace of the fugitives. Then would commence a tedious hunt a few yards within the forest, and while that was in progress the

jungle was broken by a clearing, and, throwing themselves down upon the ground, waited there to rest. Scarcely had they recovered their breath and turned to one

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