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Thirty Years In Hell

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2356    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nt Parents Are Declared

ntract marriage otherwise than in the presence of a C

child, which is the fruit of your marriage, i

hat this is the belief and opinion of all Catholic dignitaries, and this

g by Catholicism, simply because their parents were not united in we

any one in wedlock without a fee, and I have known in many instances where the contracting parties were unable to pay a money fee, and the grasping priestcraft would refuse to unite them in marriage until

ncerned and so listless over the insults that Catholicism daily offers Protestantism, for if it is not a most damnable insult to sti

gs, there will be an awakening among the Protestant world that will make the four

reasoning from intelligent deductions; therefore, whenever Catholicism calls the children of Protestant parents bastards simply because these parents were not united in wedlock by a Ca

ow this vulturous foe of human rights and human privileges to brazenly rear its institutions in Protestant Ameri

dly an institution which exists upon the carrion of human miseries, and is a menace to

Catholic institutions brazenly, flagrantly and openly declare that those children are the offspring of immorality, as they do not hesitate to say that all children are bastar

d also knows that under no circumstances nor conditions would Catholicism allow their children to attend a Protestant college, but Protestant parents go right ahead and allow their children to be taugh

ncern, or do you propose to allow Catholicism to convince you, by her doctrines of degeneracy, that she is

in this chapter, which may not arouse you from your national stupidity, but which, in after years, will rumble down the avenues of the future the truthfulness of this assertion that will make the Protestant world shudder. It is this: "Unless you guard the goddess of your American liberty wi

y men upon the ramparts of this government to watch her progress and batter down her foundation of superstition and ignorance, or within the next fifty years America will find herself bound hand and foot by this R

mish road of despair for thirty years, and I know her cunning and dastardly deception so we

e from one whose back has been lashed for thirty long years with the whip of a Catholic tyrant, and I know the history of Catholicism from beginning to end, for if

because I was forced to become such, after having the scales of Catholicism brushed from my e

rmitted to make a protest; when your wives and mothers are declared whores by Catholici

rty shall be bound to the stake by Catholicism? Are we nearing the great Romish chasm that has swallowed up the hopes of many nations? Are we nearing the crater of a Roman volcano that pours out its desolation and devastation upon free men? Are we nearing the inky night of servitude, where no light is possible, but the dim and treacherous lamp of i

o the end of human rights in Protestant America, unless we call a halt and kindle anew the fires of pa

erpentine movements, for she will appear where you least expect her, as she wraps about her t

ok I have cut every tie that binds me to those whom I have associated with since my childhood, therefore the reader must know that what I am doing i

the information is new." You may doubt what I am te

and have no other desire than to help those who need help, and I have come as a

man has been frank enough to tell us the truth is no reason why we should not

icism, and when you have examined the pages of Catholic history and then scrutinize her present, you m

at the Catholic world will endeavor to throttle its circulation, but we have laid aside every vestige of fear from that standpoint and have made up our mind that we are

, and which, if you do not learn, will lower you and your posterity to the level of the commonest slave and place over

en; therefore, it comes to you with intentions as pure as it is possible for a book to

of Protestantism and whenever she finds a weak spot, she turns her forces upon this weak

he earth would appear as silvery mountain brooks. Could the innocent blood of Protestants shed by the heartless hand of

e who have fallen in all the battles of the world would only be a small portion compared to th

se the word implies, and exercise both our franchise and our brains i

t army and march out under the blood-stained banner of King Emanuel and help

lull into eternal sleep this Romish power which villifies your

-"As the Twi

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