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Thirty Years In Hell

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3723    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

de of Criminals, and Nunnerie

shield a Catholic criminal was a righteous and Godly calling, as I believed that to prevent the civil law from t

than myself; therefore, the things which I now realize are both criminal and immoral, as well as utterly detestable, I at one time considered righteous, simply becau

sertion made but what is true; however, there will be many that will arise from the trenches of Catholicism to denounce

steries and nunneries, which in

bring them to justice, as these places are a retreat for Catholic criminals who are pursued by the ministers of justice, and where, so long as they remain, they cannot be arrested; but in order to elevate these "asylums" to the plane of religion, they, are called by different names which are misn

splendid and godly progress of Protestantism, as Protestantism planted her banner of enlightenment under the glorious leadership of Martin Luther, and such institutions were d

Batavia, in Western New York, who, it was claimed, wrote an expose of Freemasonry, and wh

ared by the Catholic Church for electioneering pu

gave it out that he had been killed by the Masonic fraternity, which is unt

rated around that Morgan was conveyed in a carriage from Batav

of Mrs. Wm. G. Barr, denied that the body that was found at the mouth of the Niagara River, was that of Morgan, and

ade and no one was ever con

lic Church had turned by this excitement the eyes of the world towards Freem

th me in detail, and I was given "The Bulls" of three popes, which excluded all members of Freemasons from the Catho

literal devil concealed in a box, and that when they would meet, they would stick pins i

he supposed body of Wm. Morgan, which was

use his wife had declared "that Wm. Morgan's body had never been discovered at the mouth of the Niagara River, and further

in regard to Wm. Morgan did not sound right, so I took the train for Topeka, Kans., whe

rther told me that Wm. Morgan, before his disappearance, had written her that he was persuaded by a number of Catholic priests to leave the Masons, and that he, to his sorrow, had followed their advice, and that these priests had written

thor of this book, he would be considered as a traitor, and he became frightened and did not know what to do, and about this time two Cat

, and he was seen and identified in Asia years after Catholicism

ssion that I am the first man-in fact, I know that I am the first man who was f

eption in order that the Catholic Church might carry out her diabo

nada, what must be the condition of the monasteries and nunner

that is not exceedingly old, and which every boy and girl is acqu

s mansion and was invited to step into a buggy and was informed that he was under arrest. This boy was th

eks passed and nothing came to light except letters from the ones who had kidnapped this boy, asking for a ransom of $25,000, and st

e devils to put into execution their threat, this poor frantic mother insisted that her mill

rn, and drove to a certain spot, designated by Pat Crow, who is the one who abducted Cudahy, and with this $25,000 bought his bo

s offering for Pat Crow's arrest that there would be something awful befall him; but he resisted and would not withdraw

only by a number of their ilk, but also to the police forces, consequently the

that Pat Crow was arrested. Kansas City police promis

New York, and from there sailed on a first-class ticket for Europe and spent a good time in Lon

blood boil with indignation and the cold sweat stand out

Church in St. Louis, was president of

inspired Irish patriotism by an elegant appeal against "Old England." He was indeed an orator who, by his recitation, he

he decided to leave with me for his hotel, and I was stopping at S

top off with him awhile at the Lindell Hotel, and we were soon engaged in all kinds of discussions, both religious and political. He was a "Dutchman" and had asked his government of Hol

ica, and stated that if it had not been for the bad impression Pat Crow had made in America, he would have told of the trick that ha

tory he told me as nea

w and did not intend to have much to do with him, but he noticed me and I became interested in him, and he spoke to m

d that he had gone through the Catholic schools and was a 'brother' in the cloisters, an

e the crime was committed. He stated that it cost him quite a sum of money to stay with friends a few days

nd stated that from there he went to St. Louis, disguised as a Catholic priest

kinds of things. I confessed to murder, robbery, kidnapping, and the Father Confessor was impressed with me because I was a 'big fish' in my line, and because

third time, which left only a circle of hair around my head, and no P

abit,' which disguised me as a Catholic official, and I went to

no trouble in passing myse

r and raised my buried treasure, as I had left a part of the money that I received from Cudahy buried near the river, a

so I sailed for the diamond fields of South Africa, where I am now free, by the system of 'asylums' (which are Catholic monasteries) of the Catholic Church. Pat

detective is ever allowed to cross over the door-sills into these places of Catholic refuge, where the worst

that this awful history in regard to Pat Crow and

y all guilt from their heinous crimes and that the civil laws have no right to punish these criminals after a Catholic pri

r this diabolical assassination. In fact, it is believed, and the belief is well founded, that through the "inquisition" in the City of Rome that a plot was laid to destroy the republican form of government of the United States, and the assassination of Abraham

s of this house were arrested. The ones who were arrested were; Mrs. Surratt, a Roman Catholic; her daughter, Anna, a Roman Catholic; Mrs. Fitzpatrick, a Roman Catholic, and Miss Hollahan, a Roman Catholic. Before the officers had left this house a l

ly well founded that not only the scheme to assassinate Abraham Lincoln was laid in the Cit

hotel that the weapon would be called for the night of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, which is prima facie evidence of the plot to assassinate Lincoln. After the assassination Booth fled, but on t

rs. Surratt were hung, and Dr. Mudd and O'Laughlin were committed

will tell you! John H. Surratt escaped by the assistance of Catholic officials and went to Canada, and was concea

John H. Surratt had enlisted in the Papal Guards, under the name of John Watson. He was

ealed and then resumed his flight. After his wounds healed, he went to Egypt, as he was not

tly connected with the Catholic Church, but what I have given you are truths, and indisputable truths, which should be evidence enough of the awfulness of monasteries of this a

irls of this country as pure as possible; but from this chapter, Protestant fathers and mothers must know what Roman Catholicism consists of, and Catholic fathers and mothers who are not everlastingly blinded by the false light of this damn

antism compared to th


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