Thirty Years In Hell
son, the Power to Reason, an
Catholics, unless she discards her present mode of procedure, and this she will never do. Whenever you tear the clo
Roman Catholic Church of being the enemy of science, detesting it and de
is an intelligent, reasonable and rational God. The Catholic Church must resist, as a matter of life or death, the progress of modern civilization, or else go down in disg
f an inch from the trenches of ancient ignorance and superstitions, nor has she in any material way been instrumental in advancing a single interest of the masses which elevates, as her every cry and her combined efforts have been to paraly
ndividual or a body of individuals who believe whatever they do is right, no matter what it may be, you will find those who believe themselves ordained rulers of men,
of the tyrannical rule of Romanism, we will take the histor
greatly insulted Pope Urban, who grew very angry, as this pope
isitorial board and had Galileo tried by this Romish tribunal, and Galileo w
s, but she would not have acknowledged her wrong had not the world-at-large been thoroughly convinced of her error, which would have brought her to t
ignorant and superstitiously inclined, as those are her dupes and the ones from whom she derives her revenue, and "revenue" is one of the main perquisites of the Catholic Church, as this Romish institution is run for the sole purpose of making serfs of men and contr
est, could turn his back upon the creed of his forefathers and so vehemently endeavor to destroy every vestige of his childhood's doctrines, but thi
e again that never would I enter another Catholic Church in the capacity of a priest, but as often as I declared and made these resolves, just so often I bro
an to leave it on my own free will, but it appeared as though they discerned by intentions and they would not do as I desired, and at last I made up my mind that I would swing out upon my own account from the dark shadows of this superstitious
soon as this book is given to the reading public, then those who wield the axe will let it fall with all the diabolical vengeance of Roman hatred upon my head and declare the "pearly gates" have been forever closed upon my deprav
rickery of those whom I write about and I know full well that the Catholic officials will at once e
ents herein set forth, and I will give ten thousand dollars to any charitable institution in America if any priest, bishop or archbisho
in America that I have not always endeavored to live an exemplary life and rigidly taught the doctrines of the Catholic faith, although at times my whole life rebelled at being compelled to do so, but my whole
e church and bade farewell to the heathen Scapular and the ten thousand other trinkets of blin
ess of the claims of Catholicism, so that you may more fully understand how disgusting it
does upon the saving power of Jesus Christ. Now, this is a broad expression, bu
but which is best known among Catholics as two little pieces of cloth worn out of devotion, under ordinary garments,
gainst accident and disease, and they actually believe it, and should they lose this "n
that the history that I will relate in regard to it is the first history ever
nt, and it is taught by Catholicism that the Virgin Mary appeared to Simon Stock in a vision and exhibited this Scapular and gave Stoc
n great trouble, and gave to Stock a Scapular, which she bore in her hand, in order that it could be worn, and which she guaranteed was an order direct from God Almighty that the Carmelite Order should w
elite Order who wore this Scapular should be gotten out of purgatory by her on the Saturday after their death, and this Pope winds up his declaration with the following se
mulgated by men who know that it is a positive lie, but they do it in order
sm is as densely ignorant to-day as it eve
om Mount Carmel, that he might have assistance from it in his dying hour, and declared that
of its cussedness up to the present time, and you will find that the same hea
d? No proof whatever, only the cungered up proof of the officials of Catholicism, and the Sabbatine Bull
erica, as the Catholic officials do not want "this Scapular business" talked about too much in this country, for fear that the Protestant world will give it the deserving ridicule that it should have. However, we have st
len stuff; the third is, "The Immaculate Conception," which is of blue woolen cloth, and the fourth and last Scapular is one that was originated in 1846 by
which is causing the intelligent Catholics to become a little doubtful as to which has the greatest "pulling power," and many of them, in order to make no mistake, wear all five of them in a bunch; thus they are assured that if one fails to get in its work another will c
will then take them to heaven on the Saturday following, but if they happen to die on a Saturday, bear in mind that the Virgin Mary gives th
g devices of Catholicism, and do you wonder that the dense ignorance of
t light of Protestantism dawns on the benighted minds of her followers that she at once loses her grasp upon her "hood-winked" dupes, as it is impossible for the teachings of
D-With Romish lust, the blo