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Thirty Years In Hell

Thirty Years In Hell


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 3137    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

I Am, and Why

for this reason I suppose, is

you see I am now almost what the worl

d nonsensical teachings, as the broad light of wisdom and independent thought has penetrated the dark resources of my bewildered conception of right, and has caused me to

eavor to undo, as near as possible, what

d to this knowledge, and in the second place I want the reader to understand what I am, and i

Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, they settled in a Catholic colony in Ger

ant denominations, known under the head of Methodist, Baptist, Christian, United Brethren, Presbyterian, Free Baptist, or some one of t

s a town of considerable trade in grain, in fine Oldenburg horses

ation. Two fine rivers, which unite their rapid wate

, who are at the head of the intellectual and material movements of that place. They are all related by marriage and intermarriage to

ld-wide reputation, especially of sending many scholars and students to the

became successful in their individual careers, as lawyers

om, and this, perhaps, may be the reason why, when I have come to be an old man, that I have shaken off this e

which Germany could give to her sons, and from there I was dismissed with the diploma of "Maturity" in 1870, which was a passp

sium, and after having obtained my diploma, I cou

fficers in the German army were practical men and they had little use for unseasoned "student soldiers" in the field of action, and I was left in g

Sedan, and this peace was restored quickly in the "fatherla

e of Christ, believing that Catholicism was the only church which had a right to establish her doctrines, and, of course, cast my lot with this church, and to-day finds me an old man with every vestige of childhood's faith shaken from center to circumference, as I have lived in America s

ent meaning to it than the cungering devices of the heathen has t

of blood in my person was electrified in childhood by the cungerings of Catholic legerdemain, and I was taught at my mother's knee to believe that there was no other church that had a ghost of a chance of eternal sal

tful priest, but I clung tenaciously to the religion of my mothe

icism in my college town, but I fought this feeling of dislike down and forced myself to believe that what a priest or bishop did was all right in the sight of God, but at the same time I had a feeling of distrust, as I could not reconcile myself to believ

nding resided the Very Rev. Harold. This reverend ge

ey were there at the solicitation of Rev. Harold, as they were seen there at all times of the day and night, and this certainly made a very strange impression upon us young students, as there were so many different faces; one day we would see two or three young girls, and the next day the same number

who were trying not to believe the scandal were forced to believe t

Vechta and made secretary of this dignitary's mansion, who, during the day, worked in the

emed to like him because he did not meddle with his vile conduct, and the ladies who frequented this place also seemed to adm

as children, and he was soon on such good terms with these dogs that he could approach the house at any time, day or night,

nduct that he was accused of, so they went to Wulf and explained to him that they desired to make a personal investigation, and

ng the mansion and placed a ladder up to the second story window, as there was a brigh

ch in a half drunken condition, with two licentious and lude women, playing cards and drinking wine, and the tr

een, of course the rest of us wished to become eye witness

metimes one would remain so long at the top of the ladder the others would

ear of detection in their drunken orgy of immorality. This dignitary seemed very drunk, and the ladies began to undress him

s, which caused a very great sensation, and this bundle of infamy and abomination was forced t

past, and all that had transpired in this mansion would blush the inhabitants of Sodom if it could b

ldren's skeletons unearthed in the park belonging to the mansion, an

d to some monastery and there was concealed from the law's clutch, as there is no la

nd a very heinous purpose, is to hide and conceal Catholic officials who break the laws of their country

d especially if the culprit who has money or friends supply them with same, as the Catholic Church is and always

, the culprit would never be found, as Catholic institutions are built with the purpose of sheltering her abominable faithless in case these criminals' desire to

ic institution at Vechta went, but we were thoroughly

y woman have her own husband." (I Cor. 7:2.) But the teachings of my childhood caused me to believe that it would be sacrilegious upon my part to even allow myself to believe that the Pope

for him," but whenever I would undertake to study and try to convince myself of the erroneousness of the Catholic doctrines, her teachings would loom up and blind my intelligent conception of things, as I had been taught that I should not question a single mandate that the Pope of Rome should see fit to pr

I was wrong and that my early training was wrong, and that the entire machinery and mechanism of the Catholic Church was founded upon abominations and superstitions, but the teachings of my mother would prevail and I would slink back into the

Him to be a God, and if the Lord of Hosts is an intelligent Creator and expects us, as His children, to worship Him in an intelligent manner, the Ca

my witness, and I am qualified to make oath before any official that is qualified to bind me under oath

f any Catholic priest, bishop or cardinal will prove by any of their church doctrines that I

e capacity of a Catholic priest for the past thirty years, but who, to-day, stands out upon the broad plains of spiritual emancipation, and from this time forward will always be found up


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