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Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde

Chapter 2 The Elven Islands

Word Count: 17262    |    Released on: 10/04/2018

robes turned around as his Captain shouted out to him, "

ck of the sleem. With a few subtle gestures of his fingers, the boxes slowly descended down into the waiting hold. Meanwhile, the Captain, also a Thirdocian, dressed in worn bagg

ith that sail!"

uals coming up to him from out of the corner of his eye. His race not bein

within the nev, " he spoke o

ight. "We may have a way of reducing the length of our voyag

needed supplies. Although, you don't have to worry about my men suff

ng- going around the north end of Frecaloth would definitely be the longest way around, but while the more popular so

eavy sea traffic, have made it the perfect area for pirates ambushing. Treacherous indeed f

hannel through the Southern Wastelands. It cuts straight th

is head slightly, "it goes right through the center of all those glac

t we try and follow the original route of Dwingale's ancestor as closely as we can. Anyway,

ctually, " Lin

d, "since they're actually a group o

f as he caught ever

of where Dwingale says the old legendary home of the Evolins was, and that's just a bit north of the Southern Wastelands at that point. I could use Lindel's

tal as would take the whol

ildly, "I've be

" Bronto put in, giving a friendly slap on S

course, with the Elven Islands as our starting point. Subject

"then do it. We'll l

way a teamster might his oxen. A female voice approaching fro

g to leave without me, " c

es, small sword slung along one side of her hip, a small leather

smile, "and while I wouldn't want to bring her into danger

ame from, " she said almost meekly, "I merely wi

fully. "Well, if you think

best, " she a

apping an arm around her waist, "she can handle herself prett

t superstitious about having women on boa

, their women are just as good sailors

rd way, did you?" Elda

chuckled i

ease the anchor

er six main masts, a sleem is perhaps the largest type of ship afloat, yet low enough in profile and maneuverable enough to sail into even the shallowest of bays. Blag-ak was on the pier, Quickfoot atop his shoulder, watching the long ship ba

k miss

send for us when they need us. And the way they

ropped his arm back down to his side, wat

ly slap on the back of his rock-like head,

hip rounded the cliff-side marking the entrance to the small bay and faced out to sea. Then the sails unfurled to their fullest as the ship caught the wind

out them?"

island to be hidden and well defended,

inted out to sea, "Star

s image into clear mental focus. Yes, the ship had the King's markings upon it, a mostly Thirdocian crew along with several warriors both human and elf. He saw a dark dirty-skinned man with the shoulder markings of a lieutenant in the King's army upon the deck, dril

to him. For instance, he thought, I've got to learn not to casually pry into others' minds like with this Lieutenant

guard Ha?kldalnsa, I guess, " Sinda

good, " Sabu observed, "for yo

u know-" Si

ber? You must be distracted. And you're right- it probably

ning up, "but I didn't probe dee

n?" Sabu

More like the feeling of an ant crawling lig

becomes any more pronounced?" Sa

ired smile, "but don't you ha

id, turning aroun

r asked, walking alongside Sabu as he

their way around the sailors, "but it would be b

u if you fall. We wouldn't want to end up o

g, it could be the wrong

bow, the Captain, Lindel,

d, " the Captain announce

odded. "Lindel,

ng golden hair tossing in the br

re it's out at sea. Sindar here will then take that image from your mind a

Lindel said. "

With nary a trace of effort, Sindar deftly plucked the image out of his mind and placed it into Sabu'

head, hand grasping firmly onto

of the all-mighty

rk. Bronto paused in his hauling of a sail rope to look up towards his friend. Eldar and Dwingale stepped up from below decks, stopping t

a single bead of sweat forming upon his brow. He went beyond the need for magical u

here it touched, the glow grew and flowed down the sails, spreading along the entire width and down towards the decks. Another bolt of narlu color then leapt from Sabu's staff, hitting the bow of the ship this time. This one then spread quickly from the front of the ship, racing along the surface of the deck, and down along the ship's hull. The glow quickly spr

sailor as he looked about him and the glow. "It co

the sailor said. "Suppo

d worrying do, " the

oung boy could be braver than himself, elsewhere

hink I'm starting to get u

teresting... way to travel, " Dwin

e position of the staff in his hands, pointing it off in a direction just slightly to his right, as he faced straight out towards the bow of the ship. The glow gave a couple of slow glowing pulses, then started to fade. The crew watched as they started to once again see foggy images of the outside world, growing in intensity and reality as the narlu-glow started to quick

gside Bronto, "at least we aren't in t

amiliar sight of hundreds of tiny islands crowding in around them. Ins

the distant outline of

t suddenly almost n

he lowered his staff, just a couple drops of sweat showing upon his face, "it'

looked on ahead into the fading light. S

d, " he pronounced, "the southern-

eck, Dwingale walking up at a slower pace behind him

bu shrugged, "I felt I was

threw a hug around his human friend, "we came clear

him, "after all that effort, Sabu no doubt needs to

e suddenly released his hug around Sabu.

've learned how to control the magic flow without straining mysel

e's face as she heard this, but she quickly reverted back

m alone for a few moments

I have relatives there. Since we'll be passing by there in a

et there, " Sabu said, "I wouldn't wa

sleep, remember? I guarantee that th

Eldar put in with a smile, "they'l

ourse for that nearest island and dock for the evening. Your men can have a b

out, "Okay men, we head for that land over there. Steer course south by south-east. Lookout, shout out when

he forward-most tip of the bow, Sindar coming up to his left side, Eldar to his right, Dwingale standing a

ven Is

n degrees off th

last of dusk now but slipping away. A port was needed now if ever they were to find one before e

colored shapes dimly glowing within the trees, as if to give decoration to the tall sylvan trees. A single small boat come sailing out to guide, its hull seemingly the stuff of moonbeams,

hey sailed towards shore,

at every night?" Shong

rom several feet further down the railing. "Wha

and pointed ears glistening in the silvery light as they wave and beckon, dressed in scant-covering garments of dark pastels woven with the orains, narlus, and light greens of their forests. Pulling in between the twin silvery lines, sh

-like amidst the elves helping the Thirdocian crew to tie down and dock the sleem. He spr

e, hide your women, and start th

w-lowered plank onto the pier, "'hide your wome

said quickly as he stepped over to her to wrap an a

ve him a light ki

with a smile, "or I'll have Sabu t

s you wear me,

n coming down onto a new land, " Mauklo remarked casu

single story high, but they were built around the trees, as if one didn't have the heart to clear a space for a proper building, with the smaller trees growing straight up through from inside some of the buildings. Others of the structures seemed made out of the trees, as if someone h

sant spaciousness. As one looked closely, the city could be seen to actually sprawl all along the shore around them, though with its s

m one treetop to the next, some dancing in the air overhead. Others as tall as a human's waist, with features drawn out to an impossible thinness and tall pointed ears rising up to the height of their heads. What looked to be a small boy ran skipping through the woods, looking normal enough until one saw that his leg

el said to Sheil-Bor(h) as they cam

r(h) remarked. "If you carry your heart

responded with a half gr


o the pier, the others coming off the ship behind him. His face then gre


e pearly white as the stuff of the pier, her dress a flowing pastel blue, its fabric almost as delicate as appeared her skin.

kled. "So, how many other

ing itself around the both of them. Finally, Lindel managed to gently pu

gathered around them, "it's go

coming from his friends around him, looking on

Lindel quickly explai

iends since childhood, " Gwen

dy, " Bronto winked. "How many other pr

, "how have you been? How's the family? My father

r- isn't here to greet you right now, but h

ve and a half feet. He wore a light green shirt and trousers, the material seeming like leather, but being light and delicate as silk and clinging to him almost possessivel

of the elves of this faultez of the Elven Islands- in a

"We don't mean to impose, but we

errupted, certainty in his voice, "sinc

ed, "and I see that you have

ar, " Eldar said, "he's jus

inally released herself from Lindel, "those that must stay with the ship will h

elf from partying, " Mauk

have their own serious ponde

he stood beside him, slight

t over to Sabu, just a general foreboding that th

own time then, Sabu thought back, but I thin

d, "we will treat you to

hanging suspended several feet above their heads, while they walked on towards the forested shore. A forest lit only by the single golden ball of light hanging above it and by the light slowly-changing pastel shapes glowing do

ck around, looking out to sea. He couldn't be sure, yet he thought his mind had caught a faint trace of something dark; dark and threate

, " Gwendel' was saying, "I'm happy to s

and Dwingale were in the midst of it all, dancing around the forest like their feet were on air, while Shong tried shyly to develop his own meager dancing and social skills at the hands of two elven maids. Bronto's deep baritone voice sang out through the night, singing songs of battles past, while Candol tried to extol the virtues of Indra upon anyone w

ven women walked out of its doors carrying plates of hot food to pass around the party-goers. A single artfully-built building, nestled in as if to augment the beauty of the surrounding forest, yet meant only as a kitchen for just such events. Peeking distantly through the trees could b

ebration, as if kept warm by the happiness of those within the woods. Sabu and Sindar sat with Lindel

y already?" Sabu a

ss-legged. "It serves no purpose. When do they practice? None of them even know

aerie flying by overhead, "solron; you should live to enjoy your life an

ulder while Kilgar gave a slight grimace,

I've heard of your people but never seen one

dled knife and began randomly sta

ot too many people outside the de

ns and Mountain People are almost the same way; not letting their offspring

up to their little group, Dwingale at his side. "You've got goo

to come out of nowhere, just as Eldar and Dwingale were sitting down

playing with his knife in the groun

there something

ld most any young lad when questioned by an adult ab

ness of both childhood and his people. "It's just that t

ght sight of Gwendel'. Her face shifted from happiness to a sort of mild nervous concern flickering

I had earlier, " Sind

he boy didn't have need of y

. "There is somethin

she sought to give answer. Seeing her cousin's t

, " she explained, "that we shouldn't bot

are my friends. They're not just any people. I could tell you such tales of what we've a

nned lady came by a few motabs ago and told us tales of your exploits. We'd thought t

. "Were her eyes a solid gold and

" Gwen answered. "But she

the same one, "

Sabu said, "telling tales of our

eated Krey and survived journey to the planet of

voon?" Eldar questioned. "Next time we se

he sat down on the other side of Gwen, "in a

ecision over in her mind. Everyone saw the worry now on her face, even Kilgar

re ones I can tell. We have not even told the King of the Grea

continuing, the gay sounds of the party now see

everal of our ships to it, never to even see a trace of them again, n

evil takes?" Lorel asked. "Th

time seas, " she went on. "Even our best seers have been unab

?" Lindel asked. "Has th

hed the small group. She looked at him as if

gh it might be seen more often. We've lost three ships from our own island, an

orel said, "seeing what you have in

ense, " Sin

ost?" Lind

acing across her face, "a ship with your father and broth

as he tried to comfort his cousin a

e, " she fought back a sob

utting her face into Lindel's shoulder, while the lat

e said slowly,

ou, " Fellor said, "we didn'

you-" Linde

ou left, " Fellor explained. "We still search for th

ble indeed, " Dwing

"to lose so many in su

" Eldar said, "that's n

ooked over at Dwingale

agic, their forests, or of life itself. The happiness is one of the soul, our zest for life that you see in the celebratio

ore than most,

when they lost this, and then gained it back when the survivors were welcomed by the Great Human Kingdoms of old. After Th?r T?orca fell, my people once again fell into a darkness of heart, with only the faintest thread

e came, " S

oy was replenished. That is why we left the valley wi

to test your defenses so much as they are to slo

ten rels of such tactics to have weighed down upon their souls. They will be un

orld. Not only is their collective magic well known, but they are a strategic location between Frecaloth, Puj, and My-

e right about the loss of our souls. We hold ourselves well now, as you can see all about you, b

ould indeed be tragic, " Candol spoke up, walking up to th

ut it, " Kilgar said. "Let's

luntly stated the obvious, though

a plan, " E

ily, " Lorel said, "for the de

ce, " Lindel corrected, "though I would ind

d looked up at her cousin's face, "then you t

alent for surviving. When we find that ship, we shall dispose

heil-Bor(h) put in. "In the eyes

e here than we would know. That it be a part of

ge?" Eldar asked. "I don't t

said, "we can but a

upon you then, " Fellor gri

rinned, "we do this sort

n us new reason to celebrate. In the mor

w showing naught but happiness on his own. They left to join the food and merriment, leavi

ed it. He heard the gay music all around him but its happy call did not reach him. There was vague gloom hanging over things and only he seemed to care. He wished briefly that he was back

yish determination on his face and hung a hand nearby his sheathed knife. He took but a single glance in the direction of the partying and then

ea breeze, his dark eyes gazing out to sea. Mauklo peered out into the dimly-lit night, listened as the sea lapped about the shore. He did this for a while, pacing slowly about t

"lurking about these seas. Making of yours

gently to his leather-shod feet. He continued to gaze dir

my plans and only then will anyone find out of whence I would go. No, you shall be dealt with in suc

bout the air, curling up around his legs. He smiled, the minor threat to his dignity removed, and gazed back up and out to sea. In the distant night, he c

he said quietl

tting down at the end of the pier, looking out to sea, a row of silvery lights suspended high above his head. To the untrain

of his surroundings. His pearl-handled knife, though sheathed, was never more than a finger's breadth away from his ri

iling time away. He watched as it glided peacefully along the dark waters, glistening in Gamro's orange-hued moonlight like a sparklin

n Warship, it dwarfed the elven vessel as it came speeding straight towards it. Though its outline ap

vessel nimbly swerved aside, altering course in a desperate attempt to escape. Like dancin

ark shape seemed to slide sideways along its path, calmly out-maneuvering the elven ship's nimbleness by seeming to defy the Laws of Physics that governed sailing. With an unnatural speed, the shape closed on

gh the elven vessel, swallowing it whole as an eclipse would the sun. Distant cries of tortured voices carried lightly over the ocean breeze, as in but moments the black ship had consumed th

e quick and unavoidable death of the pearly craft. Fear was not in his heart, for that is not the way of th

eir souls as they lay helpl

andled knife in hand. He'd been alert all this time, even with the shock of the black

oung, perhaps in her mid twenties, wearing a single blue dress, a light gossamer weave covering her down almost to her ankles, with just the suggestion of a low neckline.

id softly, as if not wanting to disr

ady Sabu and Eldar talk ab

said calmly. "You can put down your kni

ing out of his battle-crouch but

p next to him, putting a gentle arm around his

still staring up at her vacant eye

g directly down at Kilgar thou

ew feet around you is then no hard task, " she responded,

ck towards the wooded shore. Kilgar seemed to accept her explan

oothsayers, " he said, "tha

better part of what I am. One who serves to guide but

rfere with what you know is going to happen, then you'll e

ted, "sometimes one cannot even say directly what

t now, " K

iled a

can be, especially little orphan

ayed quiet, willing to let her talk in her own time, as they w

saw back there?"

ng about, " he said, "I wanted to go

metimes strike too swiftly. Eve

s tracks, looking up

die, then what h

uld be the quest

hat you can't a

f your people, " she paused, then continued, "No, that is not a question

said brightly, catc

e said, "if there were some bright boy to

there's something bad about those ships, my friend

lgar started off in the direction

and turned around to hear

said, "at least not until after the coming

stir, " he said, "and a Des

d not two paces when he stopped, one last quest

ur name-"


ked down at the ground where she'd stood- there weren't even any tracks to lea

id to himself, now a

remembered what he'd seen happen at sea. He whirled on heel a

e black ship had been so short a time ago. A large black bird

uiet, ever polite, v

id, "or at least beyond the r

th, the hilt of his sword just showing itself from underneath. His handsome features and short bro

l see your hand in

e Sabu and the others who find out about that ship.

s still can't see t

rce, " she shook her head. "For me to do so, the amoun

against him, " he agreed. "It is best th

them in such danger, but s

y, you are helping t

ey will still need a bit of help

glowing sword from beneath his cape, "I

ch help, remember. If they don't earn their destiny on th

Lady Yiad?ia, I

Blacksvain and the others how went m

er bird seemed to fade away, as if but a pale ima

now before him. He gripped firmly of his

the white stone

d to rouse the big man, pushing

ay was a small stone cottage, its walls of green stone, its windows of delicate woods, the whole structure carved like the

ing first a single eye

he mut

thers, " the boy urged, "

u d

ning up her eyes and quietly massaging his large ha

r ship, swallo

suddenly fu

ve to do something ab

hand off from his chest, putting

d, "that our night of fun is

musical voice as he stood up, "but t

m; she still lying down upon the gr

down to her, then turned to Kilga

d to a small mansion in the woods, looking like it was itself carved out of two immensely large tree trunks, the ornate door set

he called out.

af-shaped rugs. Books lined a shelf along one wall, while a single bow rested mounted upon another wall. Light seemed to come from the ceiling itself, illuminating the delic

Lindel sitting beside a grief-worn Gwendel'. Fel

ship, " Bro

act with the ship a few diids ago. Eldar and

Gwendel' said, too much in grief to eve

said as he lumbered across the room. "W

ke at us from out in the open, " Fe

lgar interrupted, "and

all eyes faced towards the young

llor asked, walking qu

lgar explained quickly. "It just seemed to sail right through it

ebris, " Fellor said, "but

s so, then we'd pro

his side, Sheil-Bor(h) just behind them

we've learned the hard

"the boy is as much a trus

hey all walked into the room, "

find out. You said that your seers couldn't pier

id, "with far better skills

d, "that sounds like a c

ers, " Sindar commented, "but we do ha


as it passes, " Sheil-Bor(h) explained, "and sailing, it cuts

ed, complete puzzlement on her face.

id, standing up, "and I suggest we do so from

ther, shrugging mutual puzzlement a

lead, Bronto bringing up the rear. As they gathered about the clearing, Candol came walking up out of the woods, smoothing ou

"and then I heard one of the elves mention someth

u said, as he, Eldar, Sindar, and Sheil-Bor

oin in?" E

the disposal of the righteous, " Can

ed off to the edge of the clearing, L

r if we stay back h

quite some time, I'll have you know, " Fellor said

ou don't, " Li

up in front of Fellor, standing facing the clearing. He then took out the Dragon Sword from within his belt and held i

as Shong stepped up alongside Bro

on't get interrupted

n, " Lorel said, pulling out his own sword and

and the others were joining hands,

gh, " Sabu was explaining, "then I'm

klo would show up to hel

r shrugged, "probably out tortur

d, " Sheil-Bor(h) said. "Concentrate, a

eyes, each concentrating upon the

y doing?" Gwe

" Lindel said

out from within them, encircling them like a thin fog. Dwingale, Gwen, and Fellor watched as something seemed to shi

rystalline confines. Each was glowing with its own light, one blue, the other an airy light green. Gwen and

's explained them to me, but this is the f

ms?" Fell

'll see, " Dwi

ring them as a light globe of mist. Sindar's vo

rough the surrounding forest, "we ask of the Winds of what has sa

sudden torrent. It whipped around them like a small tornado, the colored glow ris

gh the trees to land upon their branches and also watch the spectacle. All watching the display of magic, all knowing better than t

ellor nodded to Lindel. "Such magical

yet, " Lindel answered, "th

small tornado, an image of a vague black ship, sailing upon

n our seers got, " Fellor admitte

orrected. "I know my Eldar; they'll

rang upon the o

has to say, " he said. "By the power of our

Heads looked around for the source of the sou

t is, they

he wind, becoming one single whirling mass with it, the image of the black ship being momentarily washed away. But then they separated, the wind rising to the top, the water settling to the bottom, all s

closing in upon the si

w, " Kilgar said,

sy, " Lindel grinned as they

re than a trace of awe in his voice, "it

as the one rammed the other, and started to engulf it. But still, could they not get a cl

called out above the roar of the win

this is the best that th

ing us, " Sabu yelled. "

he vision's maelstrom. Down from out of the sky into the center of the

e source of the lightning, even those with

est, Mauklo walked with calm and dign

ge, " Mauklo's calm voice was somehow heard above the conflicting eleme

I knew you'd come! You just l

hape, though they caught vague movement upon her decks. It crept across the whole of the elven ship, engulfing it like a ghost-like glove. Where the blackness touched, they could see the ship fade out of sight, merging into the black of the larger ship. Wher

p. The image was brought into greater focus, zooming in upon the very deck of the dreaded ship, getting a clear view of one of her

of terror, of grief, carried through the air. Piercing enough t

, swirling winds, and lightning, blasting suddenly outward at tree-top level, as fast as a sonic boom, as loud as the roar of a great dragon. Splintered branches and leaves suddenly showered down everywhere, mixed in with a thin warm mist o

tinued. Sabu looked up, sticks and remnants of wet leaves falling down a

hat, " he said, in an understated voice. "These

amed?" El

Dwingale call out from

lding her as Dwingale tried to bring her out of her faint. Lindel was a

Eldar asked.

the Black Ship, " Fellor explaine

t when I'm concentrating, " Mauklo scow

. Gwendel's eyelids fluttered open as several questioning faces looked down a

d firmly as he gently pushed som

wingale knelt by her side, wiping gently at her face with a small clo

he had recovered a bit, "what

r, gathering her strength to herself, to push

asping a bit for air, "that we s

the one whose face was all tw

as silence settled ove

How could you? He's a part of the cr

n and elven alike, that looked expectantly down at her. Controlling the

, " she said,

st can

amri was full overhead as Sabu got one of his thoughtful expressions, huddling around Sindar and Eldar. Several

was heard off

ng out loud, "that none of the elves have r

w that pit turned humans i

al energy in him than most humans, " Eldar pointed out. "So if they're going

d footsteps slowly pacing

at is sought after, " Sabu went on as h

, " Fellor turned around angrily, "now they seek

t only do we lose valuable elven allies, but we gain just as many

he elves is being used to increase the power of that

-Bor(h) broke in, "the disappearan


ose captured ships are also being used for som

wipe out the Elven Islands and provide Miro with a well-stocked

interrupted, "but now we've

of claws scraping

deadly ship, and to top it all off there seems

ely, " Sabu said to Fellor, "and


lled out a small round pebble fr

ir. The others watched as it seemed to

called out as one

left of the raw piece of meat in his short claws, quickly gobbling it down. His scrawny green leathery form, feather stumps and warts all about his body,

s-" she

w, " Eldar smiled,

pain. Give pain

e backed up a bit, hands readying as if

gger. "Here's all he wants. Schanter: don't hurt any of th

d the small crea

to the surprise of Fellor and his folk, smiled a

nter hurt. Scha

an arm. They watched as the first wound healed up before their very

versation, "I agree that we should do something a

ld sail

ring, facing the others as his deep bari

ht, " he continued, "so that


to stand up by herself. Gwendel' immediately faced aro

imed. "Then the Black

t you take such a risk on our behalf. It would be more than we could al

"so then we need to be sneaky about this. Underhanded and c

urned towar

gning complete ignorance as he casually avoided eye-

Eldar prompted, "yo

o's face, as if he'd suddenly realize

shock crossed his face. "Is th

him to be in possession of certa

iving ideas before, " Sabu said, "I would l

ul grin upon his face. When he came to the center,

an idea. But, it's going to requ

. "Just so long as we can r

s shoulder, "I should probably warn you about some of his plans

people and the Islands

pain! Schanter

f you are going to risk your life for us,

el admonished, "you

nd that's that, " she said,


hat that's settled... Ma

e smiled as he prepar

es something

ow of the ship, the Thirdocian crew seemingly unfazed by the sudden nighttime departure. Sabu, Candol, and Sheil-Bor(h) were with Mauklo, atop the top deck's main cabin, the large hemispherical sail


id, his eyes focused at some unseen poi

n the waiting. Let's just ho

s as we expect it to and not ho

d po

stood, clutching at his sigil of Indra with his r

with us on this venture, but how much

as he got his friend's mental response

one can be in this life, "

noncommittal expression upon

ith such a straight face, " Sabu

long beside him. Lindel had his bow ready, quiver slung

is ship, " he said as he walked up, "but I do wish tha

ter, " Eldar stated, "it's pr

makes me feel

hrough the water. The wind brushed through his golden shoulder-length hair, whipping at him as he looked on into the night. Beside him, Eldar stood gazing wistfully out to sea, as if awaiting but

e've been out here for nearly

nt gaze, raised his right arm,


row. Dark evil ship, bow shaped almost into a sinister smile. Distant crew, vacant look of evil upon their ghostly faces, steering sails that seemed to catch more than just but wind. Wi

to's yell to the crew as he himself pulle

me the Captain'

commented, the arrow in his belt almost seemi

sword almost appearing in his h

aid from back a

down onto the deck, one of them falling down from atop a sail. Before anyone had time to notice that the ship was dead in the water before the on-rushing Black Ship, Sabu tapped his staff

loated str

of reach of the topmost mast of the dark ship, just as the Black Ship sailed into where the sleem had been

ort of lifting the ship not showin

upon its chain. He brought up the hand that had been holding it, raising it high overhead. There, in the center of

heir charges, " he intoned,

at the ship was several feet above the height of the Black Ship. At the bow, Eldar and t

to the surface, a silvery sphere around each keeping out the sea. They bobbed to the surface, a dozen

bubbles, "

sudden chorus of pops, now revealing their contents. A fleet of sil

them to scatter! Let's make this as

out's nest atop the centermost mast. From there, the Lookout

ich to give chase to. It then headed for the nearest pearly-sailed ship, swiftly gaining on it, until another ship crossed its path. The Black Ship then changed c

for a while, " Sabu said

riness upon his face, "I was holding those s

oked at

almly, "not to mention that it was I who thought up

Sabu replied,

me his reply, "although I fear that I may not know

ou can, "

Eldar to find out how to rid us of our menace.

to his friend as he tur

of what does your special

his sense able to tell him the very nature of what chased beneath them; its life, magic, force, the very nature of what it was. Eld

ems to be of emptiness and death. Like unto n

its hull, " Sindar said. "You say t

ted, "it has no cap

how-" Lin

ntelligent, "

it taken aback. "But that

swallowed up by its force, their minds and

chnically dead, " Lindel

dar finished for him. "And t

ar interrupted, "I think l kno

t upon the stern of one of the elven ships, fully ignoring the others trying to engage

r said, "and it's a

p touch the racing elven one, its black prow

't let it happen- they would ov

the young w

g him of what they'd found. Up on the cabi

y and raw material that it would need then, st


nds and its territory to conquer, " he continue

w from Sabu's ribs as h

aid. "You would have our advantage w

d. "Sheil-Bor(h),

could hear the frantic cries of the crew of the ship that the Black Ship was now proceed

l-Bor(h) shook his head, "though perhaps one tr

lven eyes caught a view of t

uted out. "N

cousin Gwendel', frightened but trying to

the air towards the Black Ship. It hit one of the crew, but only

ing!" Lind

ight sea-blue glow, a calm voi

Sheil-Bor(h)'s voice rang out. "With the po

iving elven ship flung forward, water spilling into her missing stern, Black Ship flung backward, riding high upon the large wave. Watery hole, then forming beneath it, spinning cavity down towards the ocean's floor. Crash

ced, "it can't absorb the water if it is to sail upon

. Away and below they could see Gwendel's ship stop her sinking as the elven wizards aboard her stopped the water from flowing in, cast

, " Mauklo suggested, "espec

s own benefit again, " Eldar said as he walked u

ight in that I don't think we can kill it yet. It c

as he came up off the steps, "Sindar s

but I don't think

looked to where he pointed and saw the Black Ship, a pillar of black now er

e again, " Eldar

o said calmly, "maybe we

"But where to? I wouldn't want to plague

st place, " Mauklo answered as he walke

ol below, putting a hand out as if to point

s rising up... From the Outer Planes do I call thee. From the lower pits do I open

arge round circle, its face directed down at the rising ship, appe

ed, "to send it back

slow down, trying to come to a stop. But it was too late, for they still rose up into the Gate, a dimensional portal that greedily sucked th

ship through, depositing it to another dimensi

of the dark gift he had just now given, his pre

final burst of blue light from Sheil-Bor(h)'s palm then brought down the walls of

k Ship w

ghed, "that wasn'

ybe, " Mauk

lowly back down to the water's surface, gently deposi

y won't be plagued by that ship anymore, and that we've enjoyed their

n what his psychic powers told him, "it

sked. "How soon

, reassuringly. "But I see it retur

, " Candol said. "A fleet of them

the strengths of the Black Ship as well as of ours. The tim

sked, "how long d

us as more able to handle them. We will not have to worry

t, " Lindel said. "Sindar, coul

r replied, "and she wi

over to the railing to look down upon the ma

the reply. "Setting sail now. Okay you sea slu

want. Dwingale came up from below decks to join Eldar in a passionate hug on the deck, while Candol went down below to rest, tired as he was from safely submerging an entir

t there?" Sindar as

g around slightly,

said, "I just wonder w

ards the deck. Mauklo stood at the railing, staring

s smi

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