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Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde

Chapter 3 Puj

Word Count: 22573    |    Released on: 10/04/2018

he heavy scale armor he wore having many an ingrained blood stain as testimony to that fact. Fierce warrior that he be, he was still a bit more than trepidatious as the sound of his cla

size, and definitely his junior in rank, they were just sentries. At least, thou

at passed for a salute among their kind. The one approaching gave

How i

econd sentry asked,

es were taken aback at seeing their legendary leader so nervous and fearful. Even the voice that spok

d. "His appearance- it would make even a leaf-eat

first sentry said, trying to make

was almost like a sword to the sentry's throat. "He is our master

as the first sentry swal

up. "We've heard stories. They say it's

his voice to a whisp

say that he

ond sentry sprawling back up against the rock wal

s voice. "The Change did not affect him, nor is his mind

ked, while the second one starte

w form that snapped his mind... it was the insanity of his mind that shaped his new form

selves swallowing once a

n his cave?" the s

d, the type of cruel toothy smile tha

he answered, "one such as

better!" the firs

vern full of undead. Hundreds of zombies, ghouls, and vile creatures that make even me almost puke. Demons too he has brought us- some of th

head, "the thought of demons running around loose

sudden loud chuc

as they who did the cowering! Why, when one of the demons tried to bes

sight!" the second sent

he nervousness seeming to

meekly. "It was the sight o

off and s

first sentry stated, "they'll bully us and leave us no one to bully b

came another, higher squea

inted ears and sharp claws, he looked scrawny even for his short height. In his right hand he held a wickedly-curved stained knife. His clothes were but grey baggy garments, though allowed for a certain freedom of m

econd sentry said nervou

him, " Grok stammered quickl

about Po-Adar, " Jumpit sai

to his throat, cutting straight through his spine. There was a blur leaping through the air, Grok having time to bu

urn around, fear overcoming the knowledge that it would do no good. A flash of bright light from Jumpit's pointed

last he ever

. He smiled and almost giggled with glee. He jumped out from the mess and the ground, clearing it b

. Master Po-Adar be so proud-

down the cave. He whistled a nameless tune, sometimes giggling, sometimes skipping

991, 34

e. Only three thousand miles of sailing and now we approach the continent of Puj. The maps make it out to be a fair-sized continent, being approximately sevent

at can only be described as bizarre. Not only are there creatures there that can be found no place else, but the creatures themselves are said to be quite strange. Some say that it is where great alchemists

s to this land, the Elven Islands is where such expeditions sail off from and return to, to then sell their goods for a rather nice profit. It is

down giants. I don't know how much of this is true, but throughout history they have been prized by powerful kings, emperors, and wizards as pets and companions. While the adults are deadly fierce, if you can get a young enough cub, it is sai

s out of Puj, and the ones that do a

ugh a section of sea that runs down between Puj and its not-quite-as-strange sister c

choppier, " Lorel commented

eed all of the weather, around the Elven Islands are always quite mild. The seas to the south, though, get cl

as a bright orain, broken up by large patches of dark clouds coming in from the Sout

learing, " Lorel shook his head in puzzlement, "nor of the f

e magicks that the others were using, " Li

o magic, " Lorel pondered, "I have be

se, " Lindel offered, "they're very di

firm agreement, "t

ep up this charade to Lorel. Surely, sometime he must catch on that

nge magic indeed to affect

good at self-denial, that maybe they

and with his proven skills there was no denying his worth. But there was so little on board a ship that he would be of use in, beyond the demeaning role of cab

cross knives with him if Kil

okout's post; hidden from any eyes that might be trying to spy him out. He strained his eyes when he thought he'd caught


n mists. Crew and passengers alike scurried to the ship's bow to see who

it, " Eldar s

eyes, " Shong said, straining

you think we can stop by and pick up one of t

, "just before it would

"one of the cubs. I could rai

de him, "that Puj would be a bit too dangerous for

d. "I want to get one with my bare hands, slicing my way brav

le, " Sabu smiled,

him to roll out to

that we won't have to make for land anytime soon, and the priest assure

"that's some smal

strange land of Puj was interrup

le off

Lindel notched his bow, Bronto and Shong drew their swords, and Sabu's staff popped into his h

ge enough across to swallow a man whole, long enough to best the tallest mast on the ship. Wings the size of sails, teeth as long as any sword. They fle

e?" Candol asked. "And w

bu said, "I've neve

ame up from some steps leading up f

yebrow. "I thought you wo

ed with a grin, "you know

d, "and if you don't want to end up at the poi

hefted up his sword, s

hadn't received the special magical treatments of Lindel's friends. It sliced

flame engulfing well-aimed arrow as it burned its course on to

ected by my arrows, " Linde

" Bronto called out,

ith their black flame, reaching swiftly out to engulf the whole top of the ship. Bro

he big man

above the top deck. Black flame surrounding him, Bronto lashed out with his sword as he caught

om its greedy embrace of flesh and wood, wrapped up into a spinning tow

lumn above Sabu's up-reached staff, towering high and narrow into the air. He watched with some small measur

back through the air as it tried to right itse

embered Kilgar

out, sword ready for

heard the boy's

rled around, slicing out with his

loud thud, crushing one unfortunate sailor, as the large corpse then slid off the deck and out into the sea. He looked around to see the creatures flying all about the ship, some staying out of reach while they tr

saw the real threat

akes, its contracting body slowly grinding the mast aw


another tail whipped by, slicing through three of the Thirdocian crew as it sent the big man flying out across the deck. Elsewhere on the

as he switched to acid. "What affects thes

on the deck beside him. He looked over his shoulder to see Shong, single-cut di

teel to be a good cure for

ldar grinned back at

he noticed that his acid had no more effect upon the

ng and sharp enough to slice through his elven chain clear to the o

osed down behind him, taking a bite out of the deck as Elda


unable to stop his protection of the ship and do anything lest the dark flames engulf them all. H

seemed to keep its distance, leaving him untouched. Care

both basket and boy within. Reaching out from the next nearest mast, body coiling down its length. Snake and Destir, each

creature came at him. He saw death before him as he sliced across the thing's two


ooked up to see that his knife had sliced through both of the upper fangs, cutting t

spread across

're on more equal

to anger. It reared back its head and stru

led one of the flying menaces. Led by their Captain, they fought with

he Captain shouted out, slashing o

er, female as it happened, as her swor

e crew as it sent him flying out to smash into a la

lled out to a nearby crew-m

e s

icance. As he guarded himself with his sword hand, he reached out and gestured with the other. The wind then grew fierce around the snake, pushing against its wings with t

it for a while, "

, a blur of speed as its sharp teeth snapped the Sea M

had his arms raised up towards the heavens, calling out the name of Indra as he sent one windy bolt after another down upon the beasts in an effort to forestall their attacks, though the only effect he seemed to have was in disrupting the patter

rge mouth was coming down to the basket, he jumped up with all the strength he had in his young body. The snake lunged down, reducing the Lookout nest and the

d crashed down through. He shook himself off and picked up his sword.

ng wail upon the wi

earing back, a small figure hanging from the back of its head by a small pointed object.

ned, hefting up his sword. "N

not more than but a small distraction, an annoyance and fuel for its anger. In health, it still looked like it would last a good while longer. And indeed

o the deck. Kilgar clung on with his knife, not being tossed around anymore as he hung on to the back of its head. It swayed back and forth as it slowly headed for the deck. As Kilg

asily off, breaking

said to himsel

rating before his very eyes. He felt his dagger grow warm, felt a moisture build up within it. In but moments, he was lying upon a dried skeleton, its own we

fe, looking at it

" he said, a bit amazed, "but they didn't say an

le shield. He didn't know how much longer the wizard could hold it, and his own arrows couldn't seem to get past t

straight in the eyes. It stopped and hovered in midair, pausing its flight as i

the snake's mouth. With a sudden shock, its brain realized that it had an arrow buried deeply within it. T

t, " Lindel said, turning

ng out his new knife, water

e the water went

u've got to help Eldar; he got

from Sabu, engaged in his own

nds, " Sindar said, "their god Set would see

ship from their fire

do them bot

ding onto this staff a bit more casually as he did so.

alf to himself, "m

flame before it. He quickly studied the mystic shield he was holding up around the ship, holding out the flame. He noticed too tha

st the right i

ime he had in which to do so. With a frustrated expression

muttered, and then called out to his o

le shield, as it now stayed up without any further e

it'll hold, " he said. "No

ion, where another diving snake is now flash-frozen, to crash upon the deck in an explosion of icy bits. And yet a third victim,

looked qui

hed as he pointed to yet a fo

ptiles are vulnerable t

t you-" S

auklo repli

f them suddenly screamed out in pain, wide look of sudden fright upon

t?" he asked Sindar a

" Sindar answered, "so I did something else. I reached into its

something then, " Sabu note

t of Set's, " Sindar replied.

those snakes; ca

and then pointed at one of t

ne, " h

hissing it violently coughed, as if with something stuck in its throat. A convulsion racked through its body as its ta

ith it. The snake was turning itself inside out. In the process, Eldar popped out, covered in muck a

before, " Lindel said, "but isn'

isplay, " Lorel comm

s he landed lightly upon the deck, giving a small curtsey as he did so

o away from his face, "it's

ly to a frown as she punched him in the arm. "And if you ever go

out them, the only sign left from Mauklo's

asked, "why did you go leap

he wiped off some of th

d have gotten chopped in half, so I figured that the safest place would be inside of it. Did

" Sabu said thoughtfully, "I wo

pted as he came lumbering over, Shong on one s

f the battle; broken or missing masts, shredded sails, large chunks of the deck chewed

to asked. "Why? They tried to tear th

ked out to sea, the distant view of Puj

filiations, with the cult of Set. It appears, however, that my recent association with all of you has cas

out, "helped us from the brink of death eve

pleasant smiles as he f

o remain loyal to anyone that wants me dea

hat's our Mauklo; himself

said, "that Mauklo may yet beco

" Eldar asked. "Maybe; although I'll find it easier to believe whe

uklo replied, a bit miffed, "though I do seem to

s, each wondering how much to believe. Fi

away from the forces of the evil god Set and have helped us

ve that when-" Eldar st

at Eldar's shin with he

to Lorel's invitation, looking h

with a slight grin. "Maybe there is a future for us all toge

acing off towards Sabu, "we need to make port someplace for repairs.

ould use some of my magic to help out, but you're right

re is one place real nearby. And while

won't" Dwingale qu

then turned back to the Captain, "make for Puj; the ne

e s

ng at each other and the land on the horizon. No one there knew what to expect in Puj, just f

uietly talking into an open

hey now trust me more than before. The illu

ant, my servant?" came a dark his

their plans, and will thus be able to keep you informed. We set for Puj now

leased. Keep

humble servant,

stirring the coals around with a small stick, to make sure that i

pered, ever so quietly to himself,

oth upon the floor as he stre

ones with greed in their hearts, "

walked towards

y this game that I h

at the Captain and the others had found was to replenish supplies lost or damaged in the attack from Set's minions, Eldar's own personal reason was much simpler- he was bored and figured Puj as a perfect source of wondrous excitement. To make it easier to transport any new supplies, Sindar had erected a b

y enough, " Shong comme

uj, " Bronto pointed

ide trunks. Of the beach itself, the sand seemed almost velvety smooth, with but the occasional boulder to break up its texture. Shong had his diamond-bladed sword drawn in caution, though Eldar seemed to be in a bit more m

ed. "Land of excitement

husiastic elf, " Mauklo

d as he walked through the smooth sand, "the air is fresh, the

of the small boulders, "a land untainted by the evils of th

e both going at it! If you all do

his eyes, his arm bent down at the elbow. As he was about to co

ely around towards the nearby forest. "Why, just looking at

om deep within his throat. He then brought down his right hand in a single s

d his skipping long enough for Dwingale to come up b

e come to join us for your outing,

e sand was a tiny creatures, no more than about three inches long. Like a slim liza

sual, I'll admit,

s he looked up, he saw what looked like a silver parrot with golden-furred cat's paws instea

than a hint of the uncommon, " Li

bound in this land, " Sheil-Bor(h) observed,

the edge of one section of the forest. A multi-colored pine tree grew at one end of the trail of red and blue sand, its needles being wider than normal and

rent varieties, were colored with hues not normally found in Nature, both subtle and garish. Insects like golden twigs, a creature looking like a sm

joy the sights, " Lindel said, breathing in air subtl

easant surprises, " Sheil-Bor(h) cautioned as they fann

ither looking or running, towards the other end of the beach. There they found Lorel, his chest h

"and it moved. Not only that, it tri

, sword dropping as he tried to cover his head with his hands.

adrenaline shock can also trigger Lorel's


right, " El

lgar immediately had

r said, "I can sens

k his head

ense, " he answered, "like u

urface of the sand, leaving a trail of even smoother and more finely-ground sand behind it. On the top of the boulder, several sharp ey

ched it make its way slowly past them, "turning it into even more finely-ground sand beh

, "which would also make its mind t

as this, " Sheil-Bor(h) pointed out, "would imply a gre

utioned, "this beach has more of those bou

need to stay alert. We don't kn

ng to summon Blag-ak up here to he


orm struggling out of the larger clothes a

bout him, "

e of the sailors

t accept it, "

t kill! Big r

n four feet tall and rather scrawny. Schanter looked up at them

mebody watch over Schanter, and the

of the Thirdocian sailors replied. "Some of thes

l one gets into no troub

nto the woods, the third exploring further on down the beach. Schanter tagged around Bronto's heels like some demented puppy, Shong and Kilgar also following along behind. Lindel struck off in another direction through the wo

ad a different wa

faced out towards the land before them. He raised his arms

s voice carried loud upon the wind. "An untouched land

he sound of suddenly-displaced air. Sabu lowered

in a kind of dangerous area and ne

" the big ogre rumble

not seeing the little one up on his usual s

say want fin

the port tavern. That's a habit we're going to have to break him o

friend to get hurt, " the ogr

towards where most of the others

Bor(h) to come and join them from their examination of a slowly scuttling rock, the ogre had to push two of the trees aside that he may pass. But, instead of breaking, the

tree no

to join them. "That would imply that those trees have elastic cell wall

ing the lore of the land which we n

the trees; just continue on before we lose some of t

ted expression on his frie

imself. "Something perhaps watching, but resistan

en, " Sabu adv

ay into the woods, as evidenced by the crashi

"we'd better catch up b

than a few of the trees by the brush of his passing. When they caught up to him, they found him holding the limp form of a larg

t crush Blag-a

ed a little at the mess.

nstrictor snake in these climes, " Sheil-Bor(h) s

" Sabu

woods, its owner jumping silently

ly beside them, sword s

ontinued, "but it's like none

ommented as the ogre tossed the dead snake

can't quite sense, " Sindar shook h

Sabu and Sindar not quite used to the sudden physical exertion, though Sheil-Bor(h) kept up behind Shong with nary a pant. At the base of the slope, they saw Bronto, Schanter, and Kilgar, gat

, Sabu saw what it was about the

the stream's edge, "it is the bright color

be water?" K

ring to the jumping little menace, "he has

a convenient twig, "that this substance originally started out as water, but the

ysical activity, " Sheil-Bor(h) pointed out, "the pro

his special sense can make of this, "

out of a brief reverie, "alr

wrong?" S

gave a wan smile,

watched, but he can't tel

ingle group then, " Bronto advised, "an

as trying to leap up and off of the large one's shoulders, the ogre had decided to g

e water. Makes

m as he came walking down the slope towards them, Dwingale

to the rest bef

, " he continued, "like a healing pot

the ogre and Schanter splash

more you have the more energy you'll get. Drink a small bucket of

an ogre with boundless energy

ised his voice towards the ogre. "Blag-ak;

, " he rumbled as he slow

d, "it's probably the first time in his life that some of

bouncing off of Blag-ak's shoulders and back down

back up to the surface, thick blue gunk dripping off from his leathery scraggly

und. "And the three sailors? They should be here by

hreat, but yes; they still watch u

n, " Eldar said, unsheathing his swor

aid, a brief moment of concentratio

rhead, as if thrown from a distance, arcing out and down through the trees. The figure landed hard against

ilgar pointed out, swiftly dr

got Schanter's nose twitchi


, Evolin sword suddenly appearing in his h

nd shivers of fear coursing through one's body. Dwingale clung fearfully to Eldar's shoulder, while the others readied what weapons they had. From wh

S?lvasea was that!"

is-" Sheil-B


me ten feet in front of the others, blue gunk still dripping from his body. Barely s

m as Schanter dived into the

et him, " the

air against a large boulder by the stream. Claw marks, two finger widths wide and just as deep, slashed across his chest, made as if from some single large paw that could get

f towards the same trees from which Schanter

th. Claws that could peel through ogre hide like a flaming sword through ice. All four paws raking down, tearing limbs to shreds, cutting through ribs and bone. Cat-like snarl of battle, s

hree feet tall at the shoulder it was, and five feet long and powerfully built. Lightni

ook up and see it coming,

re force shot out from the staff, while Sindar came forth with a plane of amber-colored light. Pure magical force was the ball, that it should h

while Sindar's plane of light just seemed to disappear in front of it, as its two far sides went around it, though cutt

Sabu shouted out, "and Blag-

me, " Bronto hefte

ng added, his own diamond swo

h from Kilgar's brave little Destir heart, as his sharp senses caught something else

tood protectively in front of a shivering Dwingal

" Dwingale said, trying to not look as afraid as she fe

of them, "our magic will not harm it, and only throug

mething, " Bronto said, holding off on his attack, but s

" Kilgar said as he crouched by Bronto's side, all s

asked in surpris

Kilgar pointed

ltered sunlight, only his middle clothed in a single draping of worn grey cloth. Of medium height was he, with no hair to be seen upon his body or chin, just but a mop of golden hair atop his head and golden eyebrows lacing over his gold-sparkling eyes. As he came up to the large cat, it seemed to almost purr at his

the color of

gypsy we keep seeing, " Elda

e species of Human, rarely appearing as more

dar said, looking slowly around th

pacing up at his side. They came out from all around them, surrounding them around both sides

ed, "right now they l

the lost homeland of t

y saw a familiar face. Lindel, bow held by one of the Vina, with the other two sailors, all bei

, "but one of those large cats actually got the drop

, "before we knew it, there were sev

ds where what was left of the third sailor lay. "Well,

shook h

h was cloaked from the reach of my mind, but I could sense it. Of these here, I have no sense. Neither the minds

first of the Vina to come out s

y Indra, I bless this untamed

the coast, each time sending forth his power to put

his land is that big then I fear that this weak servant o

r lapping at his feet, a small rock or two quietly scuttling ou

about this land to carry his word to others. Thus will spread the word of Indra about this land without the need of this humble servant of

and flipped it high into the air. Catching it as

" he said, lookin

t out towards the forest trees, back to the

e been stalking this servant of Indra for more

he trees. Dark of skin were they, with dark grey plate and chain armor, their breastplates painted with the image of a coiled snake, the keen edge of their drawn swords gleaming in the sun. Th

ssionary of the mighty Indra, " Candol offered, "and I will let yo

on his face. The three stalkers just looked at each other, grins breaking out on their faces as if at some mar

lence for acceptance

ts tip, swiftly making its mark in the ground in front of Candol; a large hole, the sand within it blackene

ng down at the hole then back up at them. "Pity; you

hing through the air, three ebony bolts slicing

priest may be, but foolish he was not. To wander alone in a land with such a reputation as that of Pu

e from the hand of a g

de. The minion of Set had but time to look to what lay to either side of himself before they closed upon him with the speed of thunder, crushing him into a red puddle staining the finely-wrou

ough, Candol gestu

gue of Indra, " he

kinned man in more places than one had time to count, the sharp blades cutting cleanly through t

the three. As this last one approached, Candol saw it change shape before his very eyes. By the time its sword came down at the priest, its head was that of a large hissing co

end, " Candol said as the other hissed in hi

uscle to run, his features to blur. He dropped his sword, screaming and hissing out in agony as parts of him puddled out around him. He dropped to his knees, as more of him lay strewn about him than was attached to his bones,

ra, " he said, putting his s

d then started to walk away from the site of the brief con

red by such stalkers, " he sighed. "If it weren't f

lls of colored light discreetly weaving their way amongst the trees, ob

Indra couldn't be too caut

en atop the unmoving form of Blag-ak, and then faced back towards the others. Neither he nor any of the others around them spoke a word, nor gave sign of any communication amongst th

ragged by a large cat no mo

let go of Blag-ak and casually rolled him do

r whispered to Dwingale as the P

d that we're surrounded by th

tly. "I've just been trying to discreetly cast a spell

ll or piece of magic can I get to work. The only thing I h

eil-Bor(h) theorized, "might also their very

s many cats surrounding us that would ex

power much deeper than just magic, " Sindar pointed


he small stream, his large bulk forming a small island that nearly blo

t of what he's saying,

e Sileesh, " Shong obs

"the native language of the Vina, long t

ty alive to me,

gain, his almost melodic tongue da

bu asked, "can you

xtends only to the reading of i

e stream, to now squat down beside its apparent master

I could cast a spell of tr

id, staring directly over at t

" came

t say anything, " Sho

ndar explained,

ilent for many a long moment, all the while

anion, " Sabu suddenly realized

nions and the cats themselves w

want one, "

th very well-guarded minds. I can only delve into the parts of its mind tha

to do, " Sabu said.

isn't slave to its Vina master; they're more like life-long bonded companions. Anyway, it asked, on behalf of the

-brow. "As opposed to being ab

, " Sheil-Bor(h) offered explanation, "it is only when

norted, "such greedy lizards, th

Slavers but are here seeking only supplies for our ship.

ar said that, showing o

so many expeditions don't come

ile its Vina companion remaining alert and untalkative,

spoken communication, "why are we hu

ong and Lindel

r realized,

at you've sensed stalking u

Kilgar finally spoke up, "w

ag-ak, blue gunk now flowing slowly over his body. Off by the tree where he'd landed,

hat attacked first, " Sind

first we ever saw of them was when that

ch other, as Sindar once again started up

lors said, "I'm afraid that it may have

towards the mangled rem

w Thirdocians to not be given

had not seen sign of any game animals about, and the stores are low in fresh meat. So, we started to hunt the creature. We didn't kno

lized, "it probably saw the desire for its death in y

rs, " Sindar finished, "for they are the only ones

a mistake then

Sindar nodded over toward

lled Blag-ak, " Ki

ak not

ue gunk move and slowly sit up. The ogre turned

Kilgar said wit

iver in long thick streams. He then shook his body from hea

n't quite dead after

Sindar explained. "The Pugen had held off on killing him just

to was the first to put a lightly-restraini

the gold-skinned people or their large

Blag-ak li

ed him, another stirred, a familiar vo

got up, "I find myself at a loss to re

aw that rock move, " Kilgar

ere sight of a new and strange creature? No, that rock creature must have stung me when I sat on it,

e enough, " Eldar agree

ends, for watching over me while I

wrong, " Sindar explained, "though they are pu

answer to that one, " Eldar commented.

that the stream's simple powers of physical

f the sailors interrupted, "but Needar i

in Selgish, "though we sought only to protect our

nexpected prowess with such a more common tongue ca

ish through his Pugen, " Sindar shrugged.

rideds, " Eldar shook his head. "Can we talk a

ained of your need for supplies and fresh food. We now know you to not be of the Slaver

r scratched it behind the ears, unaffected by the

e rumbled. "Of such people and their com

ntacle-covered fish. The sights of the land were strange and new, with many a sight to keep Sabu occupied in their watching. More than once did they have to prod the wizard along, lest he spend the entire rise at his studies. Through forest and over hill they went, the Vina

oy in their strange tongue, while mothers both young and old looked after their household chores wearing nothing more than a strap of cloth about their middles. Older children there were as well, helping the men go about the daily duties of cleaning a fresh kill for the evening

e village did Valkar finally speak up

movements were stealthy, our cats deadly quiet, you were the f

, "and smelled the odor of lightning as it strikes th

my people would need a cat with them to sense such an approa

re we have to move without moving even a grain of sand

bit jovially, "and one of these rises I'm going to visit the d


ed through the trampled path that was all that the primitive village had as a main street, past several large family huts, and over towards a hut much larger that the rest. Large enough to easily house a small famil

leader of the village

of a people would have guards about his home, t

ined, parting the large woven gra

" Sabu said thoughtfull

y may enter, " Valkar ordered

ugged, as he, Eldar, and Sabu st

started to object, b

d him, "just make sure that Blag-

Shong relaxed h

r and his Pugen now entering with them, they im

opposing supporting poles. Piles of the mats served as apparent floor seats for both person and cat alike. Though the room was large enough for twice the number that had walked in, there was only a single man seated upon a large pile o

n Powe

ght, " Sa

the lack of any gua

e a slight bow of respect, acknowledged by a faint nod of his head. Valkar then spoke rapidly in his native tongue for almost a diid, th

ur tribe. I have told him of our meeting and

ieve us?" Si

s, " Kilgar put in,

the safety of his people and of the cats, " Valkar continue

e, " Sindar said. "He m

ithin him. All three wizards present felt the surge of magic flow about them, seek into their minds and souls, as it sought to determine the r

ear those cats, " Eldar exclaimed in a puzzled t

start to fade from around them, "it may be that onl

ar agreed. "A wizard who cannot be affected directly by magic,

ne of those things

of words to Valkar, who nod

lk among our people. The cats will relay the messa

ed with some respect, sti

ow, " Eldar suddenly int

large floppy hat with which to swing down from atop his head. He ended with his head to one knee, his

head in Volair's direc

to Valkar, who then nodded with a

t. He would know more about the people of the Destir and the desert fr

gar answered before any

ve a brief bow of respect in return and proce

r well, " Eldar said o

rd, " Sabu noticed, "it looks like t

d each of two bare-breasted young women. They saw some of the kids playing around Lorel and Blag-ak, one of the older kids holding a small Pugen cub in his arms. Almost as if with a swit

knew we could have been some sort of deception on the part of the Slavers,

m, Bronto going off with the two ladies, Shong staying with the men, Blag-ak staying with the kids.

ats. Many others have tried to find the cats and pillage this land for its many secrets. Many a wiza

ot up, "did you say five hundred r

"Either Sindar didn't teach you our la

ey are bonded, or that of the bonded onto the cat if such is the longer. Only those who are to become hunters are given a cub when they are both you

id, "a pet that m

Valkar corrected,

nodded, "for more than just the companionship. There ha

d in front of one of the huts, "for it is a completeness of spirit that comes along with the bond.

s the immortality that most would go after.

ss about the only one close to Human that's ever found i

wing along stopped and stared at Eldar,

sked. "Was it s

ark Wizard, " Valka

heard of him the

ud, " Valkar confirmed, "among our people a name that mean

of him all righ

that was learned by experie

the Hidden Realm remains hidden

s eyebrow. "That is not a name that

out to talk to a conspirator. A little nuzzle though, by

ed for after evening meal when the sky grows dark and the moons grow bright. Then you may ask all you want

rds the hut in front

e you may stay whil

tales until dinner t

head and then left, leaving t

ting, " Sabu said after Valkar ha

is region of the world, " Dwingale offered, "one that used to trade with t

jection to Miro's name, it sounds like there may be something to

d was blocked from

g shrug, "now that I've had time to get to know their minds, it's just a matter of practice t

plimented, "for your abilities as well as your morality. But I

s that?" E

them, glancing around at the passing villa

a? I have not seen him since

as they all suddenly realized that they did

d blessing the whole beach, he should still

"I would not want to see him

once more, as they walked up to thei

beasts flew about her, gnashing their fangs at the Thirdocian crew that stood amidst the magical grey flames. But it was not the ship, nor her crew, th

eir eyes turning into puddles running down their large snake faces, their very scales turning black as if the snakes actually burned from the

forth his arms as more and more of the flame gushed forth from them. H

Be gone, oh vile servants of Set, go bac

nd. As the crew cheered, Candol then lowered his arms, the flame dying down as he did so. When he was finished,

u did, " he said, "with no magic aboard, my sa

le the rest of us were ashore, " Candol agreed. "Fortunately the e

ing light, "and it nears early eve. I would wonder of

aised deck, looking out to Puj, "especially with these minions of Set lurking about. Th

and your companions, " the Captain offer

so, then the forests of Puj would be no

to a trap, then, "

know of what stalks them. I will go to seek out the foll

em? That forest is thick and you are no woodsman, nor skilled in the ways of h?rton. The

egan to show forth from beneath the skin of Candol's ch

and amplified by the Hevon Gem he now used. The Captain watched as it lifted him up, high into the

lse attack the ship while I'm gone. I have Indra's work

no monster shall take this ship whi

hing through the tall canopy of trees. As he flew over the forest, he gestured with his right hand, ending by cl

he said softly, "go forth and

and, spreading out and down through th

r sides. They were flanked by a dozen men in black armor even now shape-changing into large flying snakes. They closed down upon the cave entrance that was the lair of the wild Pugens that he'd found. He watche

the tall treetops. He was quite pleased. The others had believed his ruse of going off in a

. From them shall I brew my own army. I still have other ingredients to assemble but th

ire burned through into Pugen fur as sharp claws tore off one snake head after another. Demonic power rocked the cave as a hurtling ball of fire exploded from within it. But fire seemed to do

have little effect upon them. I shall have to

as the demons enlarged their hands to twice their normal size, now large enough to catch and crush a Pugen in but a single hand. More Pugens

s from Set shall not survive this battle. I shall have to see to it that th

d quietly

he observed, "neither cat nor sn

elped him in his own private quest, but at the same time they themselves were also

rent from those of the evil god that

had before, " Bronto said as he took anoth

it doesn't even taste l

agreed, "the fruits and vegetables you ge

le. The bowls were passed around as needed, or one just leaned forward and took what he wanted. At one end of the mat sat Volair, Kilgar seated to one side, Valkar on the other. In the open field around them were several other mats such as this one, each with its own gathering of gold-skinned people p

h place to live, " Volair said in haltin

Sindar had taught it of the language to the other Pugens, who i

id as he bit into a round juicy purple fruit, talki

ese, " Bronto laughed as he hugged close the two

ir women any differently than the simple loin cloths of their men. Bronto winked over

per, "you ought to try one out. Their lack of b

s face quickly into another piece of roast meat,

to enjoy life, " Valkar said to

as he protects it with the strength of his sword, " S

amused indignation. "Why, you ought to see me pa

ription of women and debauchery, in the form of a well-planted kiss

saying, "

en, " he said, "I'll just stick with this

hubbub, and Volair talked to Kilgar about the

izard, " he asked, "you sai

tarted gnawing away at the bone. "Our stories of him come to us from the Hi

is there tell of a lady of your own race, young or old, that is versed in the seeing of the future

s end of the mat, his interest focusing an ear on what answer

e from the Realm before it became hidden, that she knows of what the future might hold yet can only advise

ring what had been said, "sh

cion in his mind, "how long ago

d down the bone and reached

re the dominance of the Dark Wizard was firm upon the land, when there

eft the Hidden Realm b

ur legends say that she's appe

e obvious. "Sounds like she's got on

of a Pugen is long, but not nearly as long as the many tho

a crude goblet, "for I think I know of what battle you

h part of a dalnmar was turned

foothold and when the world first learned of Miro's evil in a great

ed. "Such a war that could create an enti

w too much about the details or specific causes of the war, though. I sh

d rels?" Shong blinked. "No one

he more one finds that there is so much more to le

at towards Sheil-Bor(h), "where did you ge

the only answer he ever would that evening,

s he once again failed to get a st

le of the Vina did not want to lose themselves or their learning to his evil. Thus, they hid themselves away to never be seen again. It is said that they

is still about?" Lorel asked. "Twen

nland from here, in an area cloaked

, " Eldar said, exuberance leaping t

ered. "We have other things to seek

t as suddenly back to his normal self again. "Oh well,

ndar's face then, his eye

abu asked.

said, his voice also sounding a bit

, " Lindel remarked. "I was beginning to won

in blade appearing as if from straight ou

me out of his trance, "we did

Hand of light, voice of thunder, plunging down to the forest

g their spears lying on the ground beside them, Bronto drawing out his l

laimed, and then shouted out an indeci

ered about the matted field rose quickly to th

ddenly in hand. "Volair, that which you see is

t we saw stalking

Sabu n

" Volair raised up his voice. "To

head for the huts and the protection of the older warriors and their pugens that

s of the dark god Set, and no doubt sent with the approval of

h you, " Valkar replied, "you

than mere men, " Sindar protes

ar waved him off, "we come of

l did they look but for their obvious translucence. Perhaps half a dozen in number, each one up to fifty feet long, they coiled through the sky, swooping quickly towards the village. In their

aised up his staff, "a

n-combatants now safely hidden away. Spear in hand,

of creature..

hed to speaking out loud in his native Jepong, "the cats shall protect us from

one did several of the Vina throw up their sharp obsidian-tipped spea

lly open, green fire boiling up within it. Everyone scattered, the Vina diving aside as the snake sought them out, Kilgar slashing about behind him as he too leaped aside, as if he would guard t

anding briefly on Blag-ak's tall shoulder, and then rebounding up and away from there. He arced through the air, sword slashing out in front of him, crying out as he came down upon the ghostly head. Just as he

sudden burst of light. Shong's sword came directly down through its head, going through it harmlessly, though now the blinding light emitted by the sword came from within

. Part way through the creatures did the Pugens fall, as if they too would fall through them like through a cloud. But when electricity arced off their backs it seemed to hit the apparitions like a solid hand, hol

a new appreciation, a light in his eyes

uld do that, " he said. "

ugens found lightning to be

alight with electricity. "Your magic won't work t

he concerned expression on Dwingale

said, "think you co

to smiled as Eldar

him, straight towards one of the snakes weaving about Candol. They watched as, with a speed faster than a normal man could hurl a small stone, Eldar slammed into the head of one of the snakes,

ed up towards Candol, greeting the priest a

little help, " he said ab

ght be free to give, " Candol replied, "I found

h, " Eldar grinned, then faced off towards the snakes.

n its belly having been too much for the beast. The cats leapt free of it as the snake landed

effect upon the beast. But as it closed Eldar just grinned and slashed out with his sword, ar

ront of him, arcing across the snake as he sliced down. Like a solid sword it seeme

lding out one of his arrows, "could you cover my

I can, " Sabu

then notched his arrow to his bow and let it fly, it was no longer an arrow he sent

sending it also dispersing into colorful v

ing, " he half-joked, "I think I need to get a whole

one up for you late

they watched these last explode in fiery clouds at the hand of Indra, Eldar

n't last very l

ou have command of such great power. Those creatures may have ki

n we work up a sweat, "

m his flying about in the air. Straightening out his robes and adju

those servants of Set, " he said. "Did

each other, as if sharin

s something about,

the village at large, "what's with all

finish what the battle has lef

in his thickly accented Selgish. "We shall help you get your needed supplies. By

k of mild dismay on Dwingale's face

aid "there is

or two, " Dwingale scolded mildly, "t

od that the Vina had brought them upon the beach, putting them into large crates and then floating them over the light bridge with the help of Sin

ith one male and one female we might breed them o

id with a light mock anger, "now it's this. What's to b

. "Besides, we aren't married yet, so I guess,

own to pet one of the cats, "I g

er eyes and knelt down beside

t a pro

gning disinterest as she con

u wish, " was

nger to her chin and closed his

ame walking down from the light bridge. The big man spare

nally come down

nable intellects, yes, " Mauklo calmly replied. "Now, are you pe

ked up the largest of the crates there

over his shoulder,

himself. Don't worry

d, " Valkar was saying to Sabu

ext time we'll have time to explore y

uch to give, "

elgish improved a bit, as he looked down at the boy, "if not

nodded, his boyish features set in a seriou

olitely interrupted, "our jour

said as they started wa

bers of their party and crew walking over towards the br

id, a sparkle of light in her eyes, as she and Elda

"You've finally decide

"We took our vows to each o

ng looked slightly a

in, "elves just need to take vow

her a token of our jo

ophies, " Dwingale

ped along the bridge of light, "I

to think that over, " Sabu said. "We've

eriously, "I have to talk to you about wh

ple's legends, or a visi

actually, " sh

Sabu said, then smiled, "af

out towards their sleem, the bridge of light dis

but recently lair to a group of wild Pugens, one such among many on the continent of Puj, now blasted to rubble, the trees all about broken and burned. Bodies of men given form as snake and six-armed demons lay dead and d

ion revealing the careful and surgical nature of their removal, or perhaps the fact that it was the same orga

g or dead, within sight of the batt

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