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Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde

Chapter 4 Lost Isle

Word Count: 29158    |    Released on: 10/04/2018

he open confines of the cave which the big ogre had been calling home on the island of Ha?

have you been

p friends. Figh

playful tap, "I guess it's okay this time. But, while you've been gone, the dragons have been gett

y, " came the rum

for those things is being very genero

lush forest, watching as dragons and beak-faced k?ecian soared overhead, peered down at the forest with its

would start looking like civilizat

end get ne

string of knives tucked almost out of sight along his small

quickly, "I just foun

her friends say you steal. B

mile up at his large friend

ll brain, as the ogre just stood there scratching his head. Quickfoot s

hey're gett

hat the ogre might come and go along it as he pleased without fear of it being too small for his large bulk. It was now less a path and more a

t?" the hawkman asked i

his head, "they just

ed take car

Fawsil then, " i

roblem?" Quic

high over the island. Small, b

ger, Quickfoot started to loo

ice cracked,

all d

k like

a, " came back the whistled response,

ing back up the path, "then I should stay back up in th

ings and started to lift off the ground,

is wings and started upwards. But they never

d flesh. The hawkman gave voice to the last thing he would ever utter: a scream of sudden tortured pain and agony, as he plu


the sudden combustion was followed by the windy bree

l aflight, k?ecian and green dragon alike. They all stopped their ac

n time to see a prismatic streak whip quickly

screamed, "that thin

as he reached for one of the

he had the skull in his hand the streak had whipped on by, a flurry of claws and teeth ripping thro

than a kozo lizard, "

ng for one of his skulls, the next he was all scratched up

oming flight-path. It flapped its wings to hover in midair, reared back its head, and breathed

the streaking form, all watching saw a bolt of fire encircled by swiftly dancing lights flash out towards the dragon. When they hit, the young dragon became engulfed in flame as the colored lights pierced right through its green body. Before the dragon could even stop breathing his acid breath an

if only but briefly, moving slow en

e counted in the tail, its wings scaled proportionally to its small body. Along its back he saw a row of sharp spiny ridges, each colored a twinkling shifting prism

s that

ere interrupted by a loud roar from his compani

zard ki

wards the small dragon. As it pummeled its way through the air, the dragon turned on wing, looked at it with suddenly swirling eyes, and

himself from the rain of small rocks. Beside him stood a k?ecian, his

dragon turned around to fly back tow

de deadlier still by their swiftness. Back in the time of the

y about them?" Fawsil asked

said to serve unto a dark lord

. "Then if that dragon runner gets b

master Traugh, " Narudwa corrected.

ving as swift as only magic can, it streaked towards the flying dragon runner, hitting it

he results, "it's proofed against magic. My smal

arudwa said as he spread out h

as well shielding the baby dragons that flew beyond them. Blag-ak bellowed out his rage, practi

just leave, " Fawsil was saying to himself,

nearby elf, who came

atrol ship of Captain Starke. Tell h

o concentrate, sending forth his mental

the elf answered, "but their ship's Sea Mage can t

wsil asked, "when

nsignia of rank. Immediately the one with rank shouted out his orders, spreading out his me

rees, " he said. "Its flight won

then, " Fawsil said. "If we can get tha

d, as another of the hawkmen dropped down, now a screaming ball of flame,

d, "I fear that dragon runner may

ard of the cries of the dying k?ecian. Thirdocian, Elf, and Human, they all stood around, wanting to help but not knowing how. Comin

rs, " Kilinir was saying. "I think our r

ebear answered, r

top it are off the island, " Kilinir obse

. Although we seem to have this slig

it down to us, "

Kor-Lebear said as he ga

the street hadn't turned away from them

two of his elves close behind. Fawsil was beside the same elf as had ear

ear?" Faw

hough he thought at first that he'd b

Blag-ak, Quickfoot was shaking his head, as

nd now they leave it up to poor Quickfoot to save them. Mine is not a hap

r made another pass, Blag-ak

behind the ogre's tree-like leg, "we've got to get it down in the t

Blag-ak and fr

ou just have to make it follow you down th

d up Quickfoot under a large hairy arm, and

lizard no harm fr

e crouch his legs in preparation for a jump, then sa

just stay up her

out to hit the ogre with another

the way down, his voice clear for all to hear. The dragon runner quickly altered its course, going after the plunging ogre as he

carrying Quickfoot under his arm. The dragon runner flew by him, leaving a bloody trail across the ogre's b

uickfoot was shouting out as B

e rumbled gently as he sat

pinion, " Quickfoot w

get bad l

from the edge of the trees, flying in sm

ved. "It knows we gain adva

therwise, " the ranked-one said.

t know he means me, " Q

one said, "and hope that I can get back under cover of tr

you, " Fawsi

ked-one said as he crept to the edge of the trees. "I swore to prot

e, like any full-sized dragon with its elemental breath, but out of the small dragon came no fire, nor acid, nor else that could be seen. Instead, coming out through the

had when first the beast attacked. The fire exploded outward to nei

d as they backed away from the spreadin

e attending elves volunteered as he sp

to try, " the

uted out and waved his arms at the dragon runner. The dragon runner saw him and immediately flew at him like a bullet. The man dived nimbly aside, roll

ering, thanks to the magic of the elves. Fawsil looked on as the

us brave men ind

gon runner spat out a bolt of fire from its tail, singeing the man's hair as he quickly flattened himself down to the ground. The drago

ting it despite the dragon runner's swift speed. When the ball hit, the force of impact from the dragon runner's very own speed po

kly entangling it up in the tight weave. Its wings were suddenly wrapped down to its sides, its pass now no longer that of flight but of momentum

aised up the skull, using its claws and teeth to try and break through the tough steel strands, its ridged back to saw through it. Even as it bit its wa

whistle of the fast-approaching head. It only had time t

behind it. The force of impact sent small bits of dragon innards squirt

ph at the dragon runner's deat

ling baby, "

the clearing beyond and the ranked-one got back to his feet to rejoin his men back und

yone what it found here, " he said

whence came the silvery ball, jumped Kor-Le

asked as he walked up to them. "Even sha

you might think, " Kor-Lebear replied. "And if you

"Oh, never mind. I think Eldar's right-

inir smiled

swered, her voice sweet as honey

andle this answer was interrupted by the a

ng back to our ship. If not, then we could stay on for a bit

il snapped back to himself. "I would know the nam

under the direct command of Captain Stark

eatures, and nodded approval. Kor-Lebear, meanwhile, jus

th your help. Narudwa and his people can probably scour the island for any others, but I don't think w

midst, "else they would never cover but a small fraction of the islands to be found hereabouts. And, if it wasn't a scout,

d. "How fare your peopl

others of my people are wounded, not to mention the ogre. Of others of

now, then, " Faws

r you, " Gormal pointed out, "or at least

sil admitted, "considering the projected fates of thos

" Narudwa said. "Their voyage is to be quite

red. "If you wish, my men and I shall stay

red, "thank-you. I shall have a calling sent to

ll make camp at the base of the cliff, where we

men, gathering them about him in preparation to leave, as Ko

reetly guiding Kor-Lebear's hand away from his knife belt. "Bu

leave, then turned towards his elves. "Okay

enant Gormal away with his men, Kor-Lebear and Kilinir moved silent as death back to

then?" Kor-Lebea

Kilinir came back, sp

King's men, " Kor-Lebear said, "n

mbleness that we ourselves would be hard-pressed to m

ut his abilities, not that those fuzzy-eyed elves would notice it as naught but normal. He ha

then, " Kilinir said, then ask

rds the port town and the hidden portal to the Harbor Of The World that Mauklo had secretly set up for them, and a

e, is indeed

she gazed out to the sea beyond. A pulling filled her heart, though she knew naught for what. Behind her Eldar walked up, g

summate our wedding v

e her breasts. She just stood there, staring out towards the sea, as if caught u

opping his gentle massage of

in thought, or perhaps lost in a faraway


d, rousing slightly out of her trance. Still gazing out to

it is the right direction

ween his desire for his love and his co

hat, my

turned her head back towards Eldar and smiled. Later that evening

991, 42

is two new Pugen cubs, vowing to raise and train them properly. I must admit that they do seem to be rather amiable creatures when they are

ssively cooler and windier the farther south we sail, though not as bad as I would estimate for other regions this far south; due no doubt to the protection given to the gulf by Puj on one side and Ji?a on t

ced something amiss. Twice now have I caught her standing by the ship's railing, doing nothing but gazing out to sea for almost a nev, always towards the South, her eyes with the distant look of the possessed within them, noticing nothing around her, until she finally just gives up her regard of the

to her, of that I am certain, but

urt her any, will

sleem, heading directly towards Dwingale, as she once again gaze

see what is there, " Sindar reassur

ed concerned. "Would you have to rip through her mind t

, " Sabu put up a hand to stop

her how to resist His calling, as did I myself

Eldar was the first of them to come up to Dwingale

o help you. We think maybe that Miro may be calling out to you

side, Sabu stepping up next to Eldar, Dwingale

indar asked. "Now, a

here, " she

when she said this, while Eldar conti

here, honey?"

gain, her voice distant. "It

tion on his face. As silent ans

f Miro, " Sindar said. "If something

" Dwingale said from within her trance. "It call

and her strange answer. Sabu s

n what do we do now?"

ed as he offered o

starboard- unless anyone has

ned around. "I'll go tell the Captain. Ma

nything unusual for the next couple of ris

ar stayed by his beloved's side, gently stroking

sked. "Are you sure

ned her head towards Eldar, reaching up a g

e said. "What calls to me is

ers as Eldar stood by Dwingale, both gazing

led out to her. Even the others became concerned over Dwingale's state; Bronto, Shong, and Kilgar looked in on her almost as much as Eldar, while Sheil-Bor(h) offered up occasional pieces of wisdom in an effo

ed back at the island receding behind them, Bronto stand

e lost ship, long ago buried at sea, its ghost crew calling out t

onto, " Shong smiled, "perha

one as large as I strumming away on some small lyre. Oh, the audien

beside them. "Besides, I don't think it's a ghost ship or any form of malevolence. My Dwingale is

what it is that we

, " Eldar answered. "She just know

and Sindar were talking, offering each othe

ale said about her being the last on

a rather significant sta

nd there is a possibility. Something of w

he immediately caught on to what Sabu meant, "t


ice proclaiming their destination, as she h

around, struggling to see

see is

othing aro

he middle o

as they could see. Eldar ran across the deck and up to

is water, " he said, "

onto the hand-railing, her distant look leav

p its secrets with t

as thrown back, nearly pitching over the side and out onto the main deck. Sailors held onto rigging as others were thrown to the deck

p had s

Captain announced as

ing a fresh bruise to his forehead. "In the name of Indra, on wha

led back, "there are no reefs or

to the edge of the ship, gazin

o as Dwingale suggests and allow the tide t

water picked up the ship and carried it up and out to sea. All hands grabbed onto whatever would hold them as they watched the tall circular wall of water fall swiftly back, the noise of its recession pounding on all their ears, the white froth of its movement splashing up o

its smooth surface, sliding out to sea. Not small dome of glass meant to cover but a few small feet, but large jewe

But as Sheil-Bor(h) held back the seas, so then, with but a tap of his staff, did Sabu hold up the winds, to cloak the ship like a giant hand, gently carrying them down to the water's surface and safely away from the miles-long wall of

name of-" E

ir, capping what seemed steep walls of blue crystal that fell away into the water like sea-side cliffs. Like a dome capping a large stadium, it was, only this stadium was several miles across. While the blue crystal sides remained solid, though, the red crystal atop i

walked over to Eldar's side. She wrapped an arm around his waist, urging him gently to walk with her

vertheless heard clearly by all about the ship, a gentle echo upon the ear. The crew silent, even Eldar

ak half-breed blood; the last and greatest of what m

having guessed already what lay before them eve

y of the

sted. The sleem sailed around its base, her crew looking up as it soared high above them, a majesty from a past age. Some of

itement, "and it does mention the Capitol of the Evolin realm as having sunk beneath the sea, some ten thousand rels ago

ent, "if this much has survived, one wonders how much of what they wro

to pace in another direction. "The knowledge of the Evolins was great, the hei

lost arts but the whole city, " S

im, Bronto suppressed a slight chuckle at the almost comical walking about, lik

his question came out, voice almost tired. "You look l

t. Beside him, Sindar also stopped, nearly bumping into Sabu, so

y by Shong's shy smile and Lindel's own laugh.

it excited, " Sabu apolog

added in quickly,

our scuffing about, I'm sure that this is the

Sindar put back on his no

e calm, "the point is, that it's a wonder

aid distantly, arm around Eldar as she

ldar breathed, "to be so clos

ilt to last, " Mauklo corrected as he st

up at the tall lean wizard almost a full h

ntous occasion, " he glowered, "what could you po

ed out at the island as

all we see is a pretty-looking shell. It remains

ce seemed confirmation enou

l admitted. "For all we know there might

till looked on at the island. Suddenly though, Eldar's eyes lit u

t's go inside and see of what the Evolins left. It would be venturous in

gst the group, as everyone see

) admitted, "the opportunity to gain knowledge, w

re than curious myse

ough?" Lindel asked. "What

map may hold great importance when Miro fin

gathered group, excitement and desire in his eyes. "Ther

atement, though, that fin

go, " she s

nd jumped up next to her, wrapping

nts to be known to the world again; a knowledge that must not be lost. I

d that calls out to you,

the last full-blooded Evolin, my father

gued. "There might still be oth

head as she walked ove

e said, "as I am now, I w

ide her, excitement gone, though

n so will I; with or

" Sheil-Bor(h) decided, "or to see it vanish forever-

spell to fill our sails with a little extra wind later on. Those that want to,

erupted from B

lone? We'd never get you back without someone aro

Bronto's side,

nto and Shong, hand on his knife

n, " Sindar began, "wou

t voice, Dwingale's response c

I can see it in my mind. B

o heard the comment he made to himself under his breath


e only light about was that from the blue crystal of the island wall, as it apparently extended all the way down towards the ocean flo

l asked, looking a bit nervous. "

that he wouldn't change into Schanter in such a small space. The bubble was just larg

bu answered. "But don't worry, my bubble of

ain peak, " Sindar observed as they passed on down alongside the blue unde

down the Evolins really sank th

unk, " Maukl

t?" Eldar asked. "We're th

nk an entire mountain,

med their reluctant admission of

ed with a shrug. "This should be a p

"that if this is the Capitol of the Evolin na

h. "Dwingale, do your people have any stories a

at struck them down, with only a few survivors escaping the destruction of their

d the water level around the island. Or maybe a combinatio

said with a slow shake of hi

wn such a magnificence as this, "

name for this sea, " Eldar su

more eerie. He saw floating shapes in the waters about them, swimming dimly by in the darkness. He looked above them at water enough to

e fear apparent on his face. He reached

said, "the spirit of Indra

ignant glance ove

ot become afraid of a little... small space such as t

Candol said, gently

ers above them, Candol quietly placed h

ar, we can now add small dark places to ou

getting quite large

rigger Lorel into becoming Schanter, came E

ut, "move ahead towards the islan

As they approached, they could see a large dark hole in the midst of the glitter,

ig enough to easily permit two or t

hey floated towards the cave, "there m

" Sindar said as he no

ence into the cave, a large bubble bobbing along a giant tube. About them they could see the water flowing about them, fish swimming by to stare curiously at the strange occupan

to solid ground; popping as it unceremonio

not encroaching beyond whatever unseen barrier held the waters back. About them the cave was dry, its air that of several long tristurels of preservation. Before them, there stood a gat

id as he looked up, "looks kind

self looking at the wall of water behind them,

ll be intact after such a long time, " he said to himself, "is indeed an im

d to Shong, after he got to his feet,

nd headed the big man off, walking up towards th

may be before us, Bronto, " he said

d throughout the cave, but to no apparent effect. Long moments passed with no effect. Bronto smiled a

d long creak echoed out as age-old dust shook loose from the edges of the sealed gate. Slowly, a seam began

g loose from its edges, its hinges being worked for the first time in a very long time. T

s if to say 'see, I told you not to worry'. Bronto shrugged

ce sank, " Shong remarked as he cautiously readied his sword, "I'

on ahead of them. "My ancestry may permit us entr

ut his own sword, "just so long as yo

cave being dark, Sindar carried his spell of light with them, brightly lighting their way as if it was

liked their security, " Eldar grinned.

bu once again rai

ain the gate opened. But this time, as the second gate w

echanisms must be linked. As one opens,

t then, " Bronto mot

Brightly lit though Sindar's spell made the place, and large as it was, it was still a cave-

first two, the second gate now closing as the third

ed like almost a mile of tunnel, th

arked, "but for a place that's all u

r corrected, "they may have had need of these

n his staff, Dwingale looked

The Ten Gates to the city of the

asked, his hand now having a nervous twit

long trip through a mountain mig

enly puffed himself up, heaving out

ost normal men, yes, but fear not for myself young lady; I

olite acknowledgment

rt then, " she said. "Ple

prerogative in thoughtfulness. There

ed to once again walk down the final length of the tunnel, it was all Dwingale could do to keep from running out in eagerness. Amazingly, it was Eldar that

ly overhead. As they each walked out onto the wide plateau, they looke

feet above them, circling completely around the entire valley that was the sunken island, with nary a gap amongst them to permit a view of the crushing sea without, as they reached up to meet with the shimmer in the sky. The mount

carving, filled with gold, silver, and brightly-colored stones, its meaning now lost with the missing pieces that had long ago chipped or fallen away. A path, perhaps once lined with flowers and manicured bushes but now just choked

littered the land, their once-bright colors now but faded shades of blue, green, and tairu, glumly showing about the pearl-white rock that formed the bulk of the ruins. The occasional building jutted stubbornly up through the ruins, though never entirely intact. Several buildings thus lay about, scattered abo

the sunken city below. Even Eldar was looking on in silent wonder, amazed as h

wingale finally said, breat

ted, " Eldar echoed Dwingale's implicati

stes fresh, " Kilgar noted, lightly sniffing the lon

at red crystal we saw from the outside, yet now,

only one color in one direction while still making it completely transparent in the other. That alone suggests a mastery over

hat such wisdom should fall forever out of the sight of history- though, one still wonders

place, " Mauklo said, though perhaps for di

to see and only but a few nevs of daylight left. Left to you great i

nly intact structure that they could discern from afar. They headed for the large round structure that all could clearly see. Several times did Kilgar have to urge Sabu awa

ldar remarked to his beloved as they picke

place, sent me images of it directly from her mind. Though it was descript

n?" Lindel asked as he jumpe

between the dragon's claws, "

t's a good thing Quickfoot isn't here with us t

e arena, " Sabu gest

circle. In front of it was a large rectangular front, with a curved roof that curled decoratively about, shading the open-air entrance beneath it.

t wistfully, "tests of skill and a place for gathering. My mother

roat. Eldar came up to her side as the others wa

d you were a part of thos

ed about. I just can't bear to see such things gone and forgotten. I see the ruins and see a thousand dreams all broken d

gedy for more reasons than even Sheil

these ruins, to preserve what the Evolins of old may

found, we'll get it. If you say it needs be done, then I will

erself close to Eldar, plant

she kissed him, then continued. "A

you be

want their learning to be forever lost, that they would n

what those precautions

e sages. All she remembered was when she was hustled off in a ship after seeing her home collapse around her. She never even kn

r said, his voice a bit more light-hearted now. "I'

"I've found another building, a

aps twenty feet high and at least as much across, fully intact with nary a chip on it, its walls of a dark dull metal, its gate closed

have something inside it, " Lore

towards the gate, studying its r

observed, "from its color, I would ju

Eldar said as he walked up with Dwin

What forces of the unknown were the

, "anything this protected has to be valuable. It might

abu acknowledg

she answered, "it is in none of th

put here after the destr

d to protect whatever was in it, " Lin

of the runes, "to keep something from g

ped over to Mauklo, im

reason to open it. If the dark-hearted one here

form of reasoning, " El

at least allow me to see what

d calmly as he distance

htly with her hand, just but brushing it with her fingertips. Immediately there was a loud creak and a sudden gasp o

ouched it, " she

lf, " Eldar reassured her. "But now that

his way past the widening gates, "to safegua

the building, sword in hand. Only mo

s a s

e noticed Mauklo stepping farther away from the building. They saw Lorel, eyes wide, pale with fright, back up agains

" Bronto said, looki

d towards the gate, it seemed of petrified flesh and not just a large stone carving. Yet flesh though it was, it had not decayed in the least, and would look

" Sabu said as Lorel slowly slumped

mind within it, "

know, like when I took Krey's head after we killed him. Maybe this was the invader they'd killed and they kept

d was enough; I won't be having this thi

wanted to put it t

e just

on its forehead appears to have some significance; it appears to be made of bovom, the use of such a

"then I have heard of no mere giant that would

legends of old, " Sheil-Bo

to where Lorel had slumped to the floor. In his place, was now the shriveled green warty for

r, " Sindar sighed. "Perhaps sometime I should peer into

d at the head, "that it was buried for a

d, stepping back towards the gate,

jumped through the air, now only a short strip of cloth wrapped around him. He landed

ale exclaimed, her eyes suddenly

rds the head. "You've got to come on down fr

dar, apparently not yet not

chanter. You want

indar calmly reassured him, "just c

anter ste

nst the forehead, right where the gold seal

ce. Large eyes, several feet across, stared back at him, as he found himself standin

st any sane person. Instead of leaping away from the large face, he leaped towards it

, sudden realizati

of the golden disk. In the time it took Sindar to take another step forward, he'd popped the disk off and sent it flying out, a golden discus, to land and rattle upon the ground lik

backing up, "now t

ce of-" Sindar began as

was the first to see its obvious source. The large eyes lost their fixed stare

to happen, " Shong said, leaping in front

vercoming any fear that most normal people may have had in such circumstance.

began to make some quick distance from the building. Sabu just stayed, looking up at the thing, muttering his observations. Inside, whil

in. The creature ignored them as the head sw

our weapons, " Sho

s eyes, I would judge its actual

ted from outside.

, the ground around it to swell and recede like a ti

t him, " th

e found Bronto and Shong facing towards the head, ineffectual swords poking at it, Schanter c

here being one left, but had n

t the wizard's sleeve, "it'

d away across his back, "but I'll wager that it's affected by som

ds into fists, while Shong started to back away towards the gate

nally looked o

t to get o

abu protested, "this is a

ch, as it landed squarely on the base of the large chin. This was fol

tention, " Shong said f

ding. As the gaze intensified, the wall itself seemed to shake, trembling as if with unseen force. Moments later, the wall exploded outward

" he said, grabbing up his st

ead, Shong stayed backed away from the head, his sword thrust doubtfully before him. Bronto h

oing in there?"

ing it, " Sabu answered, "but I

be dangerous, "

Sheil-Bor(h) anticip

Mountain-crushing, earth-shaking, ta

e Sabu's co

f Indra, " Can

the Fondar left. This may be what had caused the downfall of the Evolins. They appa

summoned it forth or set it free?"

it was sent, " Sabu cor

interrupted, glancing around at the

huge strength, even when compared to its large

a problem, " L

out, leaving just the head stuck in the rock. Now all could plainly see Schanter clawing away atop its scalp as Bronto delivered punch after punch upon its huge chi

ed, as now the head rolled its eyes to cast it

to disintegrate anything at will. While adamantite is tough enough to just be

" Sindar sa

my friend, Sindar sen

telekinetic power. At the same time, the Fondar's gaze met the rock beneath him. The rock buckled and cracked, tur

disk?" Sabu

"between Schanter throwing it abo

s?lva', " Dwinga

hock. The others followed her gaze, to s

bow he'd readied slipping

ood up to its full towering height, gazi

tall, " Eldar said, the shock

ed and facing towards the enemy... and completely unable to move. The very presence of the creature had se

him Sheil-Bor(h) closed his eyes in meditation, concentrating on maintaining his composure against the quaking fear that threatened to trem

d calmly to himself, eyes closed, "I am in full contr

rge hand towards his head, Schanter still clawing away at the yards-long strands of hair. Like picking a bug o

bite your big ugly nose in tw

yone there. Then with an earth-shaking chuckle he glared down at Schanter. The green w

reen dust, to float down into

ar that seemed to grip his comrades no

s the fear slowly got its own hold upon the wizard,

fear upon us all, " Bronto shout

long sleep. Standing closest to it, Shong still stood, unable to move, but for

calm. He faced towards the Treblor, his fear conquered, as he thrust out his right ha

mind, " he said, "now shall I

zzling the very air through which it flew, as it hit th

ned, the valley resonat

ht now giving reason for his fear to firmly tak

d as he looked from one frozen face of fear to

ar he felt out of his voice, "but rather some sort of subliminal impulse radiated from the creature and into our mi

om my mind, " Sheil-Bor(h) explained calmly, "and your own great

t fe

m boyish face looking up at them both, knife

resisting the fear showing slightly on his face

id by way of explanation.

of his stretch while the other

mind, " Sindar nodded in realization, "

w let's see if we can best that thing together. Think that ne

g upon the frozen Shong. The Treblor smiled as it picke

n as fast as he could towards Shong. "Sindar

ng, " Sindar imme

hong; a square of light several feet across, much like Sindar's bridges of solid light. Bronto leaped

ay like loose sand. Bronto knew this, but he also knew of Sindar's magic. The plane of light beneath his feet would give way to no mere physical force; Sindar had perfected his spell at least that much. Instead

ice came out, "I can't hold this for

houlders, his foot-long pearl-handled knife in hand. As the Fondar was thinking of which best wa

didn't dry up and turn to du

ar said as he climbed b

d. "Now try and get the others

s side, he found the mentalist'

ened up his eyes. "I shall try my Hevon

as he struggled to regain his own mind from th

t?" Sindar asked to

ng for

ind them, standing upon a small mound of rubble, ho

dar began, "how

I told you all not to open up the gate. Now quick

y to make it disappear and then reappear by Si

y would lie with Lindel and his bow, " Sindar said,

Kilgar said as he w

solution w

at his bruised shin

m, "we've got to get this back on his

s, " Lindel objected, "I c

ybe you can-"

!" Kilgar

them with his immense sword. Large enough to carve up the

rier of Sabu's invis

eathing heavily as he held his glowing staff aloft. "

ndel said, picking up and notching his

t him crouching closer and closer to the ground, Lindel's golden arrow was sent speeding up towards the plaque. Just as Sindar's mind had thrust it up high enough for the Fond

ed mark that marked where

ng, his eyes now fixed once again. With a great heave, Bronto thrust up at the immense foot crushing down upon him, the Fondar now being but a lar

hey tried to shake out the last of the fear upon their souls. Shong was the last to come out of it, so close had he been to the source

t of the yellow puddle of his own liquid waste

oe to toe with something that would have made most people's hearts stop beating wit

s you and

courage, and Kilgar's whole race has not a spoonful of fear amongst it. Yo

o Eldar's shoulder, as Mauklo rejoined the grou

Dwingale sobbed, "destroyed all t

e Fondar and whatever others w

figured something

d all the ruins we see about us. Yet, how did it get here? Dwingale, the stories from you

to control her sobs. "A

ted out, "along with the gates that we came

d up on the thought. "It didn't fight its

ccess, " Sabu continued. "Perhaps an ins

e betrayed the city,

ways for the imaginative to gain entrance and thence to summon forth such a beast. For all we know, they could have invited

hat rise, " Dwingale said thoughtfully. "Nearly everyone was the

the Sileen, sob

" she said. "And y

mind grasp hold of thes

would do it, " he smiled, t

g walking up, Bronto holding a small leather pouch in his

Schanter, I'm afraid, " he said. "Candol, ca

lt, and then only with great reason. I think that Indra would not want h

t me keep it. I have an idea I can try once

Sheil-Bor(h) said as Bronto handed over the

nce again. "There is an entrance to the undergro

the obvious request of him. A brief moment lat

the arena, " he said, "in

o took up the lead,

rted off, "there may have been other things t

lagging behind by the fallen Fondar as he discreetl

blor through, " Eldar asked qui

was, " Sabu asked bac

think-" E


between the two carved legs. Of the gate itself, it was black, of the same metal as had been that of the building which had caged the Fondar, made of immensely long bars of steel that stretched up to their top, decorative cross-pieces connecting them at several points; wide and tall was the gate, a trellis-work of bars and connecti

t tall, towering high above th

d, "your ancestors reall

" she said. "It is a great loss that we cannot see of

, "we've got to ge

nd of Indra himself to open

l it, " Sheil-Bor(h) added, "though mayb

g this large, " Bronto said, "though maybe after I've re

a key for the lock,

Dwingale said as s

a large gate?" Bronto aske

p to the gate, serene

ood, and allow me e

f the gate. She stepped back as the gates slowly withdrew, receding quietly into the mountain, behind the carved stone dragon claws. She lo

in?" she sh

ef moment of sh

"when the lady's right,

ey gathered themselves up, entering into that which had been un

he looked around, "this is

age, some pieces even missing entirely. The ceiling of the hallway was plated in silver, still shining forth its tarnished luster. A dim light emanated from the silvery ceiling, as tho

floor was tiled as had been the hallway, though the patterns now larger, swirling and weaving about the floor as it stretched on about them; an immense room broken only by large ornately carved white pillars that reached up to the remotene

the stadium from outside with some room to spare. Light within this room came from both the wall

al dimensions, being tall enough for one of Blag-ak's height to walk through, and wide enough for two or three men to walk comfortably across. Along some sections of wall would also be the occa

tecture sweeping and grand, echoing with the sounds of many voices and happy sounds. Now, empty and silent, strewn wi

e must have been like, "

owed his blessings

said. "A nexus for all other parts. Just judging from the number of ha

ole place, " Bronto said. "Is there a

hing calling to me from somewhere within this p

" Eldar urged gently, "may

" Dwingal

oncentrating, letting the distant voice call out to her. Fi

s coming from someplace

x hallways, " Mauklo grimaced, "not counting w

lightly, "that's more tha

ised up his hands and intoned to his god. "Let the light of Indr

ly along the floor from the base of Dwingale's feet across the room and into one of the several archways. A golden path of lig

as he faced the others,

" he said while Mauklo frowned

path, then, " Bronto said jov

n through the openness. As they walked, Kilgar would glance constantly round himself, sniffing

kid?" the bi

, "it's too open. Too easy for

ing following u

" Kilgar asked with

lf had discreetly notched his bow. "Of course, being raised in

er. The two of us are just a couple of warriors, plain and simple. W

?" Sabu asked, getting

ting his head to one side as he list

eady then, " S

almly, "I just don't believe in let

makes sense, " El

the way, they all walked into the dim place. It was a long hallway, broken only by the occasional branching corridor and closed room sealed

s, " Lindel observed after

r suggested, "so they're either curious or the one that

awing out his diamond blade. "Let them come a

dar suggested, "no doubt left here to keep any intruders

l alive after all this time, " Lind

the same, " Shong put in, "

ed as the path of light fin

der elves in colorful robes. The light coming from this ceiling was brighter lit than any thus far within the complex, casting forth a brightness to dispel the gloom. As they turned into this new corridor, they co

t quest, " Sheil-Bor(h) observed, "assuming on

she looked towards the doors, "though she hadn't yet b

Eldar said. "Come on, let's see

"It will no doubt be trapped and

mselves in such a well-lit area. They were not halfway down though

bedded itself into a large lump of r

an, puzzled look on h

colorations and appearance of such. The rock was now a normal-sized man, dark of armor and complexion, a longsword in one hand a dagger in the other, grim fac

of Indra is that

forms, each armed and with the same symbol engraved on their chest pieces. Six in all they were, as Bronto, sword in h

any, " the big man said. "I thi

d Mauklo's voice, "y

placed around the ends of their limbs, their nails long green claws, their teeth sharp pointed fangs. Their skin had a plastic sheen to it, and of no apparent sex had they. Their heads were topped by stringy strands of sickly green hair, the only form of hair on their entire bodies. In

ted his sword back and forth, battl

abu and Eldar, a mild sens

are Vold's own Sentinels. They cannot be defea

d of something?

responded calmly, "jus

Bronto said over his shoul

ing while Vold's Sentinels came charging straight on ahead. Shong did a tumble and roll up to his feet, swinging his diamond sword straight up in an arc, just as one of the tezars came leaping down at him, both large swords coming down for his neck. The other

pieces. The ones on Bronto brought their swords down on him, raking them down along the sides of his shoulders, leaving deep marks down along his arms. As the wounds visibly began to quickly he

hong's armor like through paper, while Bronto received in

e being mobbed by th

ds the double doors, while Sabu a

es, and why do you say they can't

but the Sentinels are Vold's own guard. They cannot be killed in combat and are resistant to magic

dy, " Eldar countered, "

oice, "I'm just telling you how to save the rest

epped between them, "f

Hevon swelling within

of Indra, " he p

thering its two halves together as, still alive, it fought to rejoin itself. The one that Candol had flamed came at Shong with a violent sword thrust, which Shong parried neatly. Shong countered with a thrust of his own that went straight past the

rd was removed. Similarly, Bronto's own two seemed to instantly heal, as their deep cuts look

ed. "Fire harms them not, and even sh

uklo said, "now g

ak spot, " Lindel said,

er. Beyond the fight, the three tezars that had held back from the battle noticed her approach. Sheathing its two swords, one of them quickly leaped up to the ceiling, dug its claws into the stone, and began to quickly scurry along it like som

ed in mid-sentence as Eldar whirled around at the cry of his bel

od there, four-inch claws popped out but an inch from the boy's face, glaring down at hi

pon the creature, the tezar resisting but only with much apparent effort. As Eldar rushed over to Dwingale's side, the tezar began to take on a dry less plastic-looking appearance, its skin sl

ldar asked as he helpe

nodded. "Kil

should-" El

d, "I've got to get

few scant feet in front of them, studying their lines, their car

liquid leaking from out of their ears as even their incredible resistance to attacks upon the mind fell prey to Sindar's own great

be immune to attacks upon the m

o be, " Sind

going to get those th

d to the ground. Bronto looked around to his friend, but himself was too occupied; two tezars and three of the Sentinels sought to pile on top of the big man, their combined strengths proving an equal to Bronto's own,

y of Candol. The knives seemed to tear through them, slicing through their bodies, threatening to cut them into several small bits. But as the knife rain ended

dless body slipping heavily down to the ground next to the fallen warrior. Shong grimaced a smile over t

tarted to back up from the approaching Sentinels, "th

, "now if we can get those gates ope

lo, "then they heal almost instantly. But, wound them enough

Lindel said, letting loose his a

Bor(h) pointed out, "a middle ground between

greed, "with just the right amount o

ng, I believe that I could figure out just what th

asked, sparing a quick look at the three

ions going quickly through his mind, "with the amount of trial and

l said, quickly backing up

lder to see the double doors opening at Dwingale's light touch up

said, "I should have trie

aid, then shouted out. "Bro

presence of his strong magical staff blocking it from slicing him across

eapon for such close combat, his sword still in

ng up from the very floor, encircling them in a tight

Sheil-Bor(h) said as he finished

the rest back towards the open gates, "they shall have need o

o face off in the center of the corridor, next to the

led to drag his broken legs towards his friend. He pulled up at his now heavy-seeming

breathed heavily, "I wil

iamond edge sliced easily through the thick armor, but with barely enough force to just nick the Sentinel, cutting through part of its s

and down onto the ground- unmoving. The creature then began to slowly melt into a pool of thi

rway, "the precise thrust needed to kill it.

him suddenly back t

little detail. For a brief moment his face no longer held concern over quick retreat, as

a way of killing those t

from in the middle of the hallway, "deli

two tezars and the two remaining Sentinels against the opposite wall, struggling against the mystic barrier. Freed of opponen

d as he stood back up, "this

s friend quickly towards the open double doors, watched as the priest quickly retreated back down in the same dire

andol rushed past her. She saw the two tezars catching up to Bronto and Sho

e Evolin be upon our en

to, a wall of light and swirling energies went up behind him. The tezars ran full into it, not even having time to cry out a

on their own, sealing them all off from the hallway just as the three Sentinels broke free of

elped Bronto put Shong gently down on

way, " Eldar grinned. "Makes

d, after they'd propped him up a

kneecaps, " he winced with a qui

knelt down beside him, "the power of Indra

gale walked over to where El

" she asked, going

e, I'd say, " S

e them. They were at the edge of a short hallway, before them a large room s

on shelves going all the way up to the high ceiling. All old beyond figuring, all sealed within glowing fields of magic that kept the ravages of time and wear from affecting any upon the shelf. In this well-lit space they could see the far end of the ha

old golden hair falling down about its withered shoulders. Its skin was dried and cracked, the grey robes dusty with time but still intact even after all the thousands of rels it must have been

le breathed as she gazed about at th

g over towards the seated mummy.

eave, to guard their knowledge, " Sheil-Bor(h)

" Dwingale said, "it is time that

r soft footstep. The others held their breath, perhaps in anticipation or perhaps in respect, as she app

aring another set of soft footste

something we should do to

sighed wi

she said.

both proceeded along together, walking slowly and respec

ey can trigger any traps in there and then

him, disgust regis

not-" Sa

miled pl

bu looked back toward

rble chair, looking down at the

me, ancestor, " she said softl

ldar echoed the sentiment, and then to Dwingale,

" Dwingale agreed. "Eldar, have you thou

lowering his voice so o

ious to lie hidden around, and too potent for any one person. A

sense?" Dwin

than knowledge, they are a record of the Evolins' culture. I sense within them a rec

made their sharp blades?" Dwingale prom

eir pursuit of knowledge was equal to their pursuit of life. But, to answer your original question, I would take all the knowledge

race. I don't know how, with my thin blood being the only part of them lef

the wrist, her other hand clutching tighter into Eldar's own. The mummy hand mo

ngale. The hand held firm as the withered skull turned slowly in place, facing dead empty sockets towards them both. Dw

er struggles, "I don't think it wa

t in marriage, " Eldar responded, relaxing

Sindar's mental quest

back, it's okay; just s

ards it. Eldar kept her other hand held within his own, staying by her side. The mumm

ietly, "it is one of my ancestors, the origin o

he ground in front of her. Releasing its grip on Dwingale, its head

it, " Eldar realized. "He's gi

she said, "an offer to t

en like; had he been handsome, did he have children, was he gay and playful of soul? She saw imploring eyes in

preserve and redeem what is Evolin, b

broke out on

ity to become the preserver of all Ev

still holding on firm to its length. The dried grin on its face seemed to widen; its head to nod slightly forward, perhaps in

ightest, the mummy's hand released its grip upon the staff, the grip that he had held for so long. His hand fell loosely do

len hand, placing it carefully in the mummy's l

for one of the very few times in his life, "your torch

ploding under the weight of time. Its head fell in upon itself, its limbs slowly curling back along their length. The two watched as the withered flesh of the mummy began to quickly turn

ingale brea

now empty chair and calle

guys, " he sa

his own feet, limping only slightly, his leg

waits, gentlemen, " Sabu off

as he stepped forward with the othe

ulture, " Sheil-Bor(h) said as he walked in alongside S

ng to see of what they wrote conc

towards the nearest section of shelves, a deep lust showing up withi

id, looking the books and scrolls up and do

an instant, both light and books were gone, the shelves now comple

ner of tr

from the marble chair, "and will remain that way until w

brightly lit with its own light. Beside her st

ople, " Eldar said, "and then those who would

't just-" Ma

e of the Evolins, " Eldar continued, "a

falls on you and you take that as

ngale said, holding tightly onto the staff, "and shall be dis

able to me, "

d for just but the sake of it

k up all those books, " Shong said relie

both tactics and mood as quickly as one might douse a li

burst; I was but surprised at the sudden disappearance of the books just w

our intentions are indeed true then you shall not

other end of the hallway-like room, "we'd better see what

in his direction, "you always were good f

y for any sudden dangers. They walked past the shelved walls, away and up to where started the series of archways. They were arranged in pairs facing opposite each other as th

" he said, tilting his head slightl

, " Dwingale pointed wi

ey could all see clearly of what lay beyond each arch. The archway on the left led onto a place of fire, while

ays, " Sindar said, puzzled look o

it, " Elda

le said, "though I stand

and water- two of the four b

lso stand between the two archways. "More so because of the nature of those that feel the connection

Planes. It is our Hevon Gems that are being called t

?" Shong lightly pleaded. "For those of us that don'

which is the source of its respective element. All fire comes from the plane of Fire, all water from tha

archways would be Earth and Air,

o casually as but a hallway, " Sabu went on with a light in

ht on, "is the connection of the Hevon Gems,

hat the Hevon Gems are definitely not sourced from any mere magic, but from the ba

two then, " Eldar sa

down the hillsides, as would a normal stream of water, but this one of earth, even to falling out over a sudden cliff-side in a waterfall of earth. The archway on the ri

" Eldar said,

bu said, "but almost as if from a d

er to Sabu, "if there are only four basic Elemen

d at each other, both

" Sabu said. "

When he came up between the next two he stopped, motioning Dwingale to stay behin

s. The right held no more answers for Eldar's puzzlement, as it led onto a realm

They aren't any Elemental Planes that I've ev

by Sindar. Dwingale stepped back some more as th

d them, "one Positive, the other Negative. They are the head and the foo

our more well known Planes, but d

xt to them, "there is not a Gem that

next to the others, "that the answer to t

's. Suddenly, Sabu felt something within him stir, as did the priest. Comprehension flooded through Sabu, as he in turn grabbed hold of Eldar and Sindar. The stir

r said, "but not like bef

g, " Sabu fini

to give forth with a growing dark glow; if darkness could be bright then was that coming from the archway thus. So too, the one on the right starting to pour forth its own bright white glow. From each side, the glow of light, white and dark alike, seemed to pull slow

of Indra, " Ca

their limit. At the tip of each cone now began to form a small round object; a dark swirling mass from the le

to. Lindel held lightly onto his bow, staring with no small amount of shock at the strange sight. Dwin


d slowly, "but it's gotta have som

arly formed into small gems, pulling o

ly, "formed out of the very sub

dark Gems quickly formed and also flew through the air. Then another, and another. A rapid stream of dark Gems flying

s another set plunged itself into the body of Sindar. Sheil-Bor(h) got hit by two simultaneously, while Mauklo's pair seemed to hit him directly in the chest. With each impact the Gems seemed to melt, to flow into the one it had found; with each impa

cede back into the Planes from which they had come; to land, with a final light ripple upon their surface, back beyond to the Planes from

get to his feet, groani

ad, "I feel like Traugh hi

ning up to his side, the e

as Dwingale wrapped

to greet us thusly, " Candol remarked as he to

d the rest walked up to them

ycle, " Sheil-Bor(h) answer

wo planes through their nearby portals. The very concentration of that which is Hevon amon

orm out of the very stuff of

past the two final archways, "and that confi

ving voice as if he'd finally noticed that many o

these last two formed out of the very substance of the Negative and Positive Planes of energy- they were focusing in, creat

uldn't that also imply that all matter

u nodded, "that would open up a hos

word towards the nearing end of the large hallway, "we'v

e, " Sabu admitte

examining his chest as they started walking towards the last

w not of which the edge might be, but the center one would appear to be so

up to the final archway, then turned to

" she said as she steppe

rise, " Eldar grinned. "Boy, I bet that's one use those E

ther room. Brightly lit as was the hallway, with nary door or lock upon it, it appeared to be a large round room of simple design. The golden tip of Dwinga

lls, nor even any fancy decorative arches supporting the ceiling. It was but a large round room with a simple dome ceiling rising high overhead. In the room's center, floati

g her eyes to find any revealing detai

people, " it answered, in a v

d answer, Eldar instinctively popping his sw

r Of The Arts, " the voice conti

e presence of Eldar by her side giving her courage

but of half-breed, " she said, then nodded

oice agreed, "that which I

e to that of light scolding. "Hey, you were giving her nigh

" Dwingale r

explanation, you just call out in the middle of the night to my girlfriend here- do yo

through the side of her mouth, "it's oka

down to Kilgar, "those tw

zed up at the glowing grey ball, "dim and all but go

els have I waited for someone to return to claim the heritage of the Evolins, to once again raise up high their

answered, "and with great

half-breed blood, and Eldar not being of Evolin blood at all,

dar smirked, "but we hope to find someth

s left of the Evolin spirit. I am the embodiment of the Evolin people. Take

oing to make sure that the Evolins are here t

wered, a bit more humbly than Eldar, "then

w if they can just talk that thing into co

ing voice called out, "my

alize what was about to happen, as he tried to lunge forward, protest clearly on his features. Bron

s it contacted the two of them, and then started to fade. It expanded into them like some fading ghost, its grey glo

ce, if indeed possible, while Eldar's features grew more slender and lean. Dwingale's hair sparkled a bright golden blond, her eyes a brilliant gold, while Eldar's hair now shone with the bright silver of clear starlight, his eyes the silvery-blue of twin stars. The curve of their ears grew more p

ing out that she is of royal blood. Eldar's carefree stance turned into that of a prince, gay merriment still shining as bright as ever from with

Sabu asked. "Ar

t appearance to them, " Sindar added, "a

orb do to you

del, who just stared at his two fri

lieve it, " the elf

t and delicate, honey sweet and as cultured as a pea

esent hint of merriment still about it though tempered now

indel said as he wal

rue?" Kil

swered, still holding onto

confirmed what Lindel had first s

k towards their friends, "their culture lives on within us; all that they were, all that they

, I can feel it through our bond. T

t it, " Eldar agreed, "even if I ha

tately demure, "you know there

ill in shock, "now of the grand race o

this mean that you won't be h

they all knew too well. "I know now that Evolins

with Eldar, "although perhaps not in as whims

el snapped suddenly out of his enrap

for recreation, " Dwingale explained, "freedom for

put in, still a bit miffed at losing the g

ed, "though I had thought you aga

bit gruffly, "all the more reason to

ugh down here later, " Sindar said, "but we have been about the

then, " Sabu said, start

dering his great sword, "those Sentinels may have sen

stopping and raising up his staff.

ty of all its guests, not even a grey orb now

a lapped gently about the hull of the ship. Sabu was together with Eldar and Dwingale, leaning

owledge of the Evolins

that did it, " Sabu corrected. "The re

id, serious expression on his fa

's face. Sabu gave an exasperated sigh and shook his head as Eldar let out with a light chuckl

w but a pile of ash which even Candol's powers cannot raise

ship. He'd tried but failed, saying that there wasn't enough basic stuff left of Lorel and Schanter to re

chance; an idea of which I have, though I'll hav

ystal getting farther and farther away, sailing aw

there is a favor I'd

f the Evolin, " he smil

thing but a tomb now. There's nothing within the city of value a

ic, " Eldar agreed, "with naught but t

u nodded as his staff sudd

ale said, wrapping an arm around Eldar's waist,

anding back from the railin

ewel beneath the sea, a glistening tribute to a dead cu

n us, " Dwingal

eement. Then she gave answer to Sabu, her voic

, " sh

ome tezars still scouring the ruins, as the sky overhead began to crack and tumble down, shining shards littering down upon the landscape. Outside, all on board the ship watched as the red crystal fell apart, first in one place then in another, as the ever greater force built up around it. A great crash was heard, as the whole of the red-crystal dome sudde

a floor, began to shake and buckle, to grind itself in several directions. The sea floor shook with v

or effort of will to calm the sea around the ship, to alleviate the rapidly gr

th magic and the power of Hevon through his staff. With great ef

h into the evening sky, lighting up the night with flame and smoke. The remainder of the dome shattered, the mountains that lay beneath melted, and the

he sea around, as the new volcano rose out of the sea, sending forth its fury, erasing that which had been lying hidden for so

she said, "for ones that

eard Sabu say as he br

bright tongue licking its way slowly up out of the ground, pi

th?" Eld

ked up next to them, only but mild exhaustion up

tezars, Sentinels, and a certain Treblor

s some rise, she thought, it will become the home for another new civilization, another chance at greatness

said, her thanks coming

railing to watch the birth of both a new island and a new dream; a dream that

n the molten island, beneath where a sleeping Treblor lay, next to the melted bones of several tezars, a figure was trapped within the rock. Unhurt by neither the


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