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Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde

Maldene II: Mysteries Of Olde


Chapter 0 PROLOGUE

Word Count: 433    |    Released on: 10/04/2018

g mid morn light entering through stone-lined window. Friendly smile upon the big man's face, right arm resting lightly upon the magical

nodded, "especially experienced help such as your own

umble expression creasing its way across his stubble-covered chin. His eyes show

avely voice, "but it was in a rather small army. In such an army a

f him. Baldegron walked slowly back to the iron-wood desk of his small office

egron gave him a good-natured slap on the shoulder, "you'll

if it would pl

nsider yourself in the King's Army then. The

e dark-haired man nodded, "I shall

out, "show this man to Captain Sta

f Th?r Glomd?ita?or. They walked across the early spring morning, tall white towers shining around them, the sergeant making small-talk about Captain Starke's growing abilities as

y, he s

a King for which he'd just been recruited. No, the lo

than this as



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