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Twist in time

Twist in time


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1971    |    Released on: 07/12/2020

I slowly opened my eyes to see my ch

g embarrassed and noticing everyone's eyes on me. She didn't repl

a damn help to wake me, " I scolded my friend

did befo

anation" I kept wal

o see you. He said he wil

to the restroom and washed my face. My blonde hair

relationship I never felt he really cares about me. He's a sh

can't you just come on time" he yelle

ut this. Hazel informed me a fe

ve to meet my friends after an hou

arted to get frustrated. Why did I ever love him? he

our collage work." He said trying to hide his irritated look. I nodded a

an meet today. I have got to t

ure, I am

nior girl I ever talked with and become close within a few months. My mood brightens whenever I talked with her

ting, "Adam rais

y are you bein


sked me to meet her at her home. But I wil

m. He irritates me a lot. I hate when someone ignored while we are talking and here my boyfriend is an example of that type of perso

me, I heard the crashing sound. My eyes went wide when I found th

eat faster with every step I took towards the

t without my permission"

r with you two" I

ving here in the middle of my problems. Great, there's no peace at home either. Now where the hell should I go? some problems someday are fine but every day, it sucks. Maybe reading books will take me somewhere I can find happiness but that too in this noise, I can't even read. Since my childhood, I always wanted to go somewher

hether to tell this as ridiculous or not cause they are fighting as they can be separated at any moment. If I came to know about these problems, I

"my dad shouted at m

ing with her co-workers. I wanted to be like her. but her home is not just a home. There's a secret entrance to her lab where she finds some new devices. Due to this secret lab with many valuable devices and inventions,

identity" the sec

ok a specific book from her bookshelf. A secret passage opened from it and I walked inside. The lab is larger than her house, more stunning, excellent maintenance, all

I hugg

not seeing you but I feel l

rallel universe. We can go there with the help of a spaceship and

to take me there and I will ne

you seem a little irritated.

amily problem and we

ll change

to eat. I am soo hungry" I

got out o

for a century generation after generation.there's a spacious place allowed for the spaceship. When everything is prepared for launching, the rocket will take off, the ceilings above the lab will open up to reveal the blue sky. But we a

guys doing, "

ed of working the who

more works in-ho


p, don't

can tell my mood by seeing my face. It's much easier w

mes to my friends

les in her hand. I don't know whether she prepared it for me and brough

my fav

watched everyone. This is the best place ever for

w a little android whose he


it. Especially this one is amazin

der than me. He's the one and only friend in guys who I had been close fo

g time. It's like my se

ome. You a

AL".I finished the noodle

odded cheerfully and pressed some buttons from

Did you created

ly be used when there's a need or it will be repaired and I can't l

now, " I sa

f her house. My mom will surely questio

back to reality. A car is about to hit me as I am standing nearly in the middle of the road. I did

ed and got up awkwardly wit

and he is holding on either side of my waist. In a second, I c

was to ask about him if he was hurt or not.

second to rub the dirt off me and next second I looked up he's gone.

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