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The Wedding Ring

The Wedding Ring


Chapter 1 Part time Job

Word Count: 909    |    Released on: 16/03/2021


is going to clean an apartment. She has no idea who’s living in that apartment. Either a family wit

rt-time cleaning and being hired for more than a month. She needs more extra income

erge and signs up on the logbook. She went to the elevator. While w

opens then she pres

ached her destination, she finds room number 2909. She turned left, following the arrow in the cor

at the owner will be satisfied with her performance in cleaning their

ent. You can only see empty bottles of wine on top of the center table, a wine glass, and an ashtray full of a cigar

oks clean, with no clot

r part-timer,” she said

,” the m

large window, a set of black leather couches with both ends have a small b

own carpet. There’s an eighty-six inches smart TV attached to the wall

en kitchen. Next to it is a small guest bathroom.

ls are in the laundry roo

looked at the broad shoulder of the man who

bottle of water. He’s a tall man. His face was round and shaved. His nose was pointed, and his lips are lush. He has a dimple on his chin, and

t I bite my lower lips o

ing this cold voice and seeing a pair of

es were placed. I could feel my face warming from an embarrassment. He caught her staring at

I have never seen a man before. This no makes sense. I need to

d her, she was standing in front of him

s at the right age to work. What is the problem? Her heart and mind w

years old, a cashier

h is you

and dollar

have a b


ou mar

et, si

funny questions on my first day of work? I don’t have a boyfriend since I wa

How is he now? I’m sure mommy is worried about me, especially when they find out that I


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