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The Wedding Ring

Chapter 3 My Proposal

Word Count: 841    |    Released on: 16/03/2021


re busy on your business abroad, there’s something happened b

o months to open a new branch of a restaurant abroad and decided to come back to propose to Catalina to surprise her. But it looks like I’m more surprised. Is this

my first love. I’ve known her since primary to college. We attended the same school, and we’re cla

e, I courted her for more than a year. Now we’v

all my assistant to book my ticket to

Alex was shocked when he opened the d

m Diane, you

the sweet voice of the woman. “Come

pass by the cafe to check for the employee. How is it going? And just saw this lady at the counter while she’s taking orders from the customer. For sure she doesn’t

Italy to settle down, but it doesn’t happen. I gues

the bottle of water, he noticed the woman st

was startled and left. He shrugged. Am I that

home and bring your wife? We’re waiting for you. When will

he responded with no idea who is the

parents are

attend.” He did not give his mother a chance to answer. He hung up the

wearing a loose shirt with skinny blue jeans that just curved on her perfect butt. Not to

nd he smiled mischievous


ed. After I get off the bed, I went straight to the washroom to take a shower.

coffee from the cupboard and sliced bread. She stuffed it with Nutella. I need to go n

aring myself to go to the counter, m

t might be an emergency call, so

osal to you yesterday?” Answered

aybe he just out of his mind due to having a ha

n’t decide right now. I need to submit a


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