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The Wedding Ring

Chapter 5 I Am Married

Word Count: 809    |    Released on: 16/03/2021


irt and black pants. She was straightforward, and her shiny black hair was ponytailed.

seat door. She went straight and got in the car. “T

,” he answered

hey were five minutes away from the cafeteria when he sp

re are we goin

eplied in just two word

’m getting married. Can’t we be at least a girlfriend and boyfriend first? But it’s

er of his eye. He saw her smil

nd sudden reddening of the cheek, and she s

” she replied i

. She felt a sudden reddening of her cheeks. He was looking at me di

ssing was fast. After signing some documents, now

f a day, I

ning in her life. She married a man. She did not know his name. She just heard his nam

n two years, no one can know that she got married, after two years she will also separate, Just think

office and holding their marriage certificate, she fol

ified married, welcome to

Let’s go get your things,” he

she lived, but

ot of an expensive restaurant. She looked at the

your belongings to your place.

e inside the restaurant were looking at them, she knew not because of her, but be

it for the end of the two-year contract, sh

himself. The waiter came for their order. She let Alex order food fo

rs running. She noticed two men hurrying to ride inexpensive cars. She seemed to know them, even if she wanted to ca

Since they sat down, he was looking at h

” she uttered w

e seen someone y

made a mistake

the dorm called them, but no one knew she was here. She said in her min


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