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The Wedding Ring

Chapter 2 Be My Wife

Word Count: 975    |    Released on: 16/03/2021


that cafe and

e ago. Is this day lucky for me or not? She’s suddenly confused, a

ou, we can make an agreement. We just need to get married

e right mind. I wonder why somebody offers marria

to stay home, accompany me to any party I will attend, travel with me, and be a submissive wife. Don’t worry, we can live in a separate room,” he patiently explained, hoping that this woman would understand and agreed with what he said and from what he wants to happen. “It’s only for 2 ye

ht be dreaming. And at the same time trying to absorb in her mind what the man was

fter that, he fished out his wallet in his pocket and took out the money. He gives the money to Diane. “Here, take this $100. I need you

e can’t believe what’s happening—what’s going on. As soon as she reached the

ore. I feel hungry and thi

nly to clean the house and do some ironing of clothes but it doesn’t happen. What happened is

e. When she arrived home, it’s already seven p.m. She needed to cook for dinner while wait

amily back home. They apply for the same café. Diane is on a morning shift while Margie’s in the afternoon. My duty is

learned to cook because of my mom. She taught her how to cook. I miss my mom. She felt the warmth of the corner of her eyes until she could no

the man,” she said. After five rin

, Di

name of that man you ga

Alejandro Smith.

his occu

s all I knew. Why Diane, is there any proble

ng, I’m ju

u come

I went

it messy? Did you

of work. Have you been to that place?” She asked bec

for a part-time job, I ask my boyfriend if he knows anyon

k you very much for your he

it. What our

have time, I’ll tr

ht? It’s my day off the


all set on the table—this is my routine. She never ate alone, eve


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