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Second Chances

Second Chances


Chapter 1 Meeting him

Word Count: 1863    |    Released on: 03/04/2021




with third-class honors which was not too bad considering that I was not to

earn her degree first." He had insisted. "I want you to be a lawyer just like me, you can pursu

ground. My parents knew my weakness and it was easy for them to get me to do a

ing the hostels for their family home every end of school semester to subside, I wasn't

had everything that would make life easy for me in school, weekly she sent me foodstuffs both cooked an

oked, I also sorted out some of her bills for her while she washed and cleaned up our

my money and connections my influence gave her. Helen was a good friend to me and I was surprised when I discovered that I woul

r, she got a free ride home from one of her friends, as I packed my belongings I realized that I had no one to help me carry my luggage to my car, the car

oor had a total of 6 flats consisting of two bedrooms, a kitchen, two toilets, and a bathroom for each room, and a sitting room.


the other students in the hostel, it dawned on me that

efully arranged at the corner of my sitting room. The furniture and ot

owards my car. I was already sweating before I reached the staircase of my

should send the servants over to me. Now here I was breathless, my nails would be ruined before

down the flight of stairs. my heels gave way as I was about to take the next

e probably from exercising, I wanted to lay my head forever on

luminous eyes. My tongue felt tied and I maintained eye contact with him for what seemed like hou

mouth. I immediately felt stupid and wondered how long I had b

A moment of awkward silence

ony and y

rds his already outstretched hands. His palms h

ay in this hostel, because I haven

said. I noticed a frown crisp on his forehead and I wondere

took the suitcase and asked me to l

hoped I looked beautiful to him as most men and women always complimented

more bags or is t

ive mor

that too mu

e so I'm taking all my s

ony replied and start

t want to part ways with him which was qu

a stude




nd when he didn't I volunteered the information myse

ntinued walking, thankfully he reduce

people had when they came into my apartment for the first time. But Anthon

in the car and he had

e number so I can call you later in the

or mine too. I felt like a child that just got a

He said and ma

you plan to leave," I said, trying

He said and laughed. His eyes shone as

hen we can drive off at the same time. Where is your car packed? I could shift my car clos

I planned on using a

se don't say no, that's the least I can d

few minutes." H

tell her I would be home late,

re speaking, as I was

plus now. Everyone is waiting and I had the chef make your favorite meals." Mother sa

stuck in traffic. I

ctly are y

d and cut off the call. I knew if I stayed longer on t

him coming towards me, my palms started sweating and I placed it inside my jeans pocket to keep it dry. I

," I asked pointing towards the


the driver's seat and sat do

asked as I drove aw

le." He

to be part of my life but Ajegunl

though I stole glances towards him,

g me out of my deep thought. I did as I w

th the huge black tank in th

ng and stopped the car. I knew this

kindness." Anthony said to me, smili

ehow I had thought he wo

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