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Second Chances

Chapter 5 First Date

Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 04/04/2021





tiently waiting for her, she

understand. Their meeting each other had been a coincidence and w

is mind all day long. Though he didn't have much money to offer, he knew he had the emotional su

ow and people were beginning to stare and this made him uncomfortable. He began to

thony turned towards the lane leading to the bus stop, hoping to see her. With a sigh,

looked more beautiful than he remembered, she stood tall and graceful. Her lip

ate," Elena said, she look

ry at her, just seeing

that matters." He replied smiling, hoping to ease h

long?" She asked, her e

want to start with a lie. "Don't worry about

ed in. She was so lush with a sensuous

n empty seat and they

insisted they go out together but she had feigned stomach cramps to avoid going with her when her mother left home after delaying for about 20

ke simple conversation, he already figured out that she was the shy type so he tried his best to make

lena said to the waitress w

ncing at the waitress before focu

ve you bee

t. An


ry silence before A

ctice law?" Anthony asked, it felt safer t

ld be going into f

to be a lawyer if you

ore answering "My dad insi

gine himself going against what he believed in. He wondered what made Elena agree

ed independent and strong-willed ladies who were

you can now purs

tart as soon as poss

t their food to t

ooks de

it d

e?" Anthony smiled at

of the talking. He wasn't much of a talkative but he felt

cleared and they ha

each and said the first thoug

a quick stroll? Oh!, I f

ers in my car. I could

ady to let her go. He stood up followed by Elena


the shoreline they stopped. Anthony reached out and held Elena

ver her face from the force of the wind blowing it, her

iful Elena." His v

tood over her, not intimidating but more protective, she had ne

tared at her lips and watched as her mouth parted, he lifted he

nge, probably from the fact she drank Fanta during l

d his hands on her cheeks and looked

ach other's embrace, heart beating against one another, the wind blowing around them, the echoes of the waves making swe

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