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Second Chances

Chapter 2 Meeting Him

Word Count: 1610    |    Released on: 03/04/2021




for me. It had not been easy from the start as I had to work harder than most student

African Examination Council (WAEC) result came in and I made a distinction in all the s

gh to feed us as a roadside carpenter and my mother's work as a janitor in a priv

ring firm, my salary came in handy and relieved some burdens of the family from my parents. I loved my job

t until he called me into his office a few minutes before we closed work for the da

isor and head of the Accounting departme

called me into his office and I became worried he was about to sack me or maybe worse. "What if he found discrepancies in my record." My mind worked in turmoil, diff

My boss must have noticed my discomfort and tried to calm me d

why I called you into my

a yes, tongue-

s are perfect and your work ethics admirable. I also realiz

my mind settled down more. He wa

the university for a degree?" Mr. Pet

pay my way throug

tend if you h

n my mind wanted to fly with possibilities, I calmed myself down

m and send it to me tomorrow afternoon. Our company has a scholarship program ever

ok the form from him g

a month to ensure your eligibility but

e and felt a renewed energy to work h

it and attach the necessary documents requested too.

d left his office. The futu


the labor market. I was thrilled and scared at the same time and with this excite

thing I noticed was her alluring perfume. It filled my nostrils and I found it pleasin

y?" I said s

e years in the university, I had not dated anyone. I had been so engrossed in my studies that my socia

th her. "Do you stay here?" I asked surprised at why sh

t by the end o

buildings standing beside each other, and the female hostel stood in the middle, I had wanted to meet

heavier than I thought. "Where am I taking this to," I as

of a black Venda. The car looked expensive, it only meant she was ri

and waited thinking that was all but from her

dn't, it was better I left and soon. The mor

d. My heart skipped a bit, and

id and started walkin

ry and exquisite furniture In the apartment, my heart sank further. There was n

inted at more large suitcases, I

car. We made two more trips to and from her apartment

ou for y

d and started walking away, glad it was

mpty, when do you plan

ckpack from my ro

r you so we dri

ake a taxi," I replied. I did

u off at your p

nt to linger around her more th

to say t

had no choice but to agree and it

t my bag," I sai

to help but still, I didn't feel comfortable about it anymore. My body was reacting to her in ways I h

ared with two other friends for almost five years now. I scanne

position near her car when I reache

gos do you live

uth, I wouldn't deny my family j

ately from her face. She couldn't conceal her disappointment when we arrived at my residence.

a," I

me, I knew it was now

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