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Second Chances

Chapter 4 At home

Word Count: 1351    |    Released on: 03/04/2021





t day. As I drove home I couldn't help but grin from e

He reeked of arrogance and wouldn't stop paying me compliments for my looks, though I didn't mi

Trying to make light of his behavior, I endured the night

for Mike but I knew she didn't choose him because he was going to be a good husband to me but because he was from a wealthy and

yself." She wailed and wouldn't stop till dad apologized and got her another set of expensi

ed date. I didn't want it ruined, I would keep it a secret till it becomes necessary. After all, I wasn't e

ated with balloons and a sign with "Congratulations on your graduation" written on it. I should have known my mother would insist on throwing a party,

Where have you been, you had your guests waiting for y

knew defending myself wou

ugh, you were meant to

raffic, I told yo

urther throbbing from her and I would spill, I had never been able t

around and greet them, you and your mother

us look in his eyes, I knew he had come to re

trangers to me. I was exhausted by the time the party was over, my

me. He sat beside me on the three-seate

r bite into the shawarma that I was eat

r plans now that

hat tomorrow Dad? I'

ld be. Thank God the guests were patient enough cons

already forgotten about my date tomorrow,

to go to bed now, I'm exhausted." I stood up and kissed them both on the cheeks before heading


umped on my bed and slep

to him, surprised to see him

here with me." I said smiling down at him. His eyes sparkled as he held my face in his hands

him, my lips parted on their own. He drew his head closer

disoriented I searched for him, but he wasn't there. It ha

it would be one of the house servants, so

id you should come down for breakfa

dn't take no for an answer. "Okay, let

air of slippers. When I got to the dining table, dad was a

ew she wasn't pleased with my choice of clothing. She liked us to be fully dressed before com

with a tiny chain around her neck. Her hair was packed in a bun and her face had full makeu

elet into her mouth. She chewed her food slowly as if trying to imprint the taste

plied. I couldn't te

the day, your hair looks tattered and your nai

ing of how to say n

I want to sta

l, I could cal

g myself a sharp look from both parents. "I ju

a cup of black coffee. My mind was in a daze and my stomach churned in anticipation of my date with Anthony. A

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