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I Married A Beast

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 858    |    Released on: 01/05/2021

ncing at Ella's smirking face, she look

shook it off

en have evidence on your body.” She pronounced, he

ther and father, if he did, will you tell him I am not Ella and I'm not ready for marri

acefully looked up at me. He came towards me with hatred

at my previous ranting. I watched my adoptiv

that Ella's middle name?” I asked

u told me Ella was going to get married so why Is that man callin

ain everything” Mother's ferocious eyes

stroke my hair slowly

, no one could heal this diseases until one day, a man approached us. He to

man at the building. I guess this is why Ella always replied t

ged her to

when Ella would be 18, he would have turned to an old man which is not s

I raised my brows. To my surprise,

before we adopted you, we spent a lot of money on you so you wouldn't die? Isn't it right for you to pay

ped her eyes and

words mother had said about her fr

the time Ella was sick so I wo

cer, and when they adopted me. They spend a lot of money to m

I was always grateful because they saved my lif

heartless, after all these years that we've cared for you, do you want to pay us this

r since I was young, they had always made me do all the work,

everything cheerfully but now, this

't want to do it. I will go back to the mansion and tell that man, I am not Linnie

One more thing, when he healed Ella of her sickness, he added that Ella must be pure until

p at Ella, she

virgin anymore. That statement b

so pure, they

f it, fear crept

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