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I Married A Beast

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 1204    |    Released on: 02/05/2021

I couldn't help but marvel. Because I was in a hurry to meet my ad

w when his colds hands held me, I remov

me out of the car and took m

me between his arms. I felt hi

felt his slender hand on mine, he held i

hat I couldn't move my body like they were

me, this time I could let ou

o me, it was already evening and this bloods

ired body, I hear the bloodsucker whisper in my ear;

aid my feet on the floor, I felt pain in my w

f in the strange bathroom, it's really wei

this will be my

find the maids from yesterday, they stood in a

'am” They pronoun

me made me blush, no one has

call me, Clair

ut saying a word. I ignored that re

l wear my cloth mys

r again, I couldn't keep

leave your sight until you've gone to sch

dent Dawson?!” I

bloodsucker is President

hat bloodsucker is the owner of the pr

ing?” The maid's voice jo

Dawson of Dawson Techs is one of the most powerful, arrogant, despicable freaks in all o

so a strange person. No one knows who Dawson's

here” The dri

the car and headed for class. Sincerely, I'm a little

't deny that he almost killed 15

ed, bending my face to the

on or even talked to me, I appreci

m when I suddenly hear some whispers, I dec

als that's why his company is so prosperous” o

d bag suddenly appeared, I opened m

ough my forehead, I placed

ther class, I scurried th

go to that's bloodsucker's

s' house. I walked inside, my breathing hit

d more beautiful under the light makeup. My a

ive mother adorable smile sudd

doing here?!

when she laid her eyes on me, s

te you to the family meeting” Sh

r neck. Why do you have to be so shameless especially in front of your sist

yes laid on my naked neck, I should

d away from me, he then removed his hand fr

from Ella, I'll be leaving now”

why he made it clear that he only came

he was out of sight, she immediat

held my cheek a

u think you can ruin Ella's future?!” Her fierce voice pa

her. If not for us, she would have been dead by now, we saved her life for a day like this so how is she he

y cheeks were now red a

never come back. Because of her Brandon left. Sister, you're happy and marrie

of words. What could I do? That beast already overpowered me, if I tell

I'm d

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