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I Married A Beast

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 717    |    Released on: 01/05/2021

lump that had fo

My throat

geous man. The man licked his lips that had stain

unded in my ears again. His eyes turned to me,

ou scared of m

t name to be the name on Ella's wedding certificate. I asked her why the name was dif

y husband or... Ella's husband?! Questions

fact, I walked backward unt

ont, I couldn't

n my presence, this time his eyes had turned r

predatory steps, I w

s your husband, you don't want to a

d eyes flickered only to realize some g

of my wife, she would be going to sch

appened. I can't believe his words at that t

't look like Ella at all so w

ad already picked out my uniform. Yes, I just clo

o get married but because they hardly give answers to my questions, I didn't ask a

ids dressed me up. After that, they took me carefully to

r to take me to my adoptive parents' house. I had

e minutes,

The drive excluded

got down from the car and

se with Ella in the dining room, I

n't for her, my precious daughters would be in th

ely, they all turned to me w

turned pale, she looked a

r features are delicate. She looks like a small egg an

doptive mother asked, since nobody offe

.. the person...” I paused at the sight of what I had seen the gorgeous man doing earlier

ur night” Her voice c

ppeared at the top of my shoulder, I

n't a

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