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I Stalked A Psychopath

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 719    |    Released on: 19/05/2021

m she was very curious as to who he was. When he turned around, there he was with Black

had to call her order number three tim

something to him, but she didn't know what. She realized that she was not

awking at him. Alissa left the store and she knew she wanted to

to Adrianna's room. She opened the doo

u so long?" A

g queue, that's

wking at some stranger. She took out h

again? Who was he? Did

Alissa." L

d to them

but not here."

red. Can we call this a ni

g all right?"

't handle." As she gave

nt back to her room. She lay on he

should have at least asked for his

, he seemed as if he

but she kept on t


xt morning and she sh

She was going to come up with a pla

ack to the café at the same

lectures and q

o she would be at the café at the right time.

othie. When it was ready, she sat there and d

but to no avail he never showed up. After

t. When she got into her bed, she thought that there would alwa

thing over and over again. It was at night-tim

be that good."

em to know that she went there for a guy that she hadn't

felt despondent, even the girl who served there kne

ked her, about the us

ase." Sh

had a lot of work to do. Maybe he was visiting, and h

bumped into someone, and she s

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