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I Stalked A Psychopath

Chapter 10 Ten

Word Count: 821    |    Released on: 29/06/2021

f and soon disappeared. She snapped out of her revenue and made her way

face the co

med to be a man with a lot of means, and that scared her. What would

hat he would do that. She tossed and turned in her bed. Would she stop

ation. Her head was throbbing, and she couldn't handle the pain anymo

ight in the night, she would have t

lessened as the minutes went by. She wou

ssa would watch Aron from afar, she was

ld follow him. Taking the same steps that he usually do

him. She was glad when Aron shrugged her off, but Paula too was relentless. At least Paula was b

hat productive, but she was now back to her normal self, according to Lexie and Adrian

idn't get in the way of her and her friends time. So, she ma

it was five at night. She contemplated going to see Aron, but she had to. She hadn'

there. He was leaving the café. He didn't go to his car, but he actually passed

tance that they had. It was a bit dark, when

ded to wait outside. She didn't want to enter a

ed to wonder if she had even see

at they came from ambulances and po

motion. Stretchers were being removed, police offer rushe

, what is

we don't know if they are any survivors. So, if I were

ot. It was getting very late, but she had to glimpse him so t

eople swiftly. She wanted to run to him but stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widened when she saw him tuck a r

ood on his shoes. No way, he just didn't. Aron looked up and she turned around a

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