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I Stalked A Psychopath

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 714    |    Released on: 19/05/2021

er looking he looked up close. She had never been so happy to be bumped into and spilled smoothie by someone. If it was someone else, she wouldn't

he asked, sear

She sta

ld the door open for her and she went and sat by the booth. He came back

ed way better up close. She couldn't believe that he was right there and within reach. As if sensi

in and he is sti

p of faith, "Wh

amusement. "Why do yo

erest's sake.

oes and fetches it. Alissa realizes that

oothie and food. He als

any food." She says. Confused as to why he h

oks like you need

ok her greatest. When she wants to tak

" He

n, and she adju

see you." As his eyes have

food and she

it?" h

eat," sh

As he starts

here often?

ood old sandwich." As he motions for h

then? If not he

amusement. "I usually go o

, "Which

t handle." His eyes

sk him more but the questions where stuck in her throat. She would feel like

p. They walk out the door before he g

t tell me

hat she will never be able to let him go. She had never wanted someone in her life as she

ad taken note of his number plates and she wou

know her name, so when something we

she searched for Aron but found nothing. She needed to come up with a plan and she closed her laptop. She knew

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