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Word Count: 1641    |    Released on: 09/07/2021

is Chloe Williams the only daughter of a late billionaire. After her fathers death

r most cherished treasure is her beauty- her skin she doesn't joke with it. She doesn't believe in true love because o

yes slitly and close it back immediately because of the ray of light hitting her eyes. she open i

work yesterday night. Although she is the CEO of the company which her late father give to her one of the greatest and biggest company in the

run down her smooth body. after taking her bath she dried her body with a tower and put on her clothes. she wore a short blue dress that stopes at her knee

done with all her dressing w

She answe

loe Mrs Williams

how was your ni

silent for some time

she c

ne she fina

he only one she have since she lost her dad last three years

e caused she

e cause? Chlo

. did you know I was admitted to 9

and you coul

em. I was told I have a high blood pressure just because I w

ed and was thinking abou

ry my grandchildren you are not gett

y this morning did you have to remind me ever

our life and what mak

ater I am late for work she said

the boss of that company why don't you take some months off and

with her husband very soon she will be expecting a ba

lem is. Now listen to me I am giving you from now to your 23 birthday to get

remain silent for a while leaving her mother to d


loosing me and I am dam serious about it. I will kill myself and have your self to

your health Chloe said trying to make her m

n is for you to promise me that you will get a man before your b

get a guy before then

irl. mum loves you

and cut the call immediately be

ir feeling so depressed and frustrated . what are mother is saying is

hat single guy that will love her genuinely but of course she believe that she can never find a true love from the men out there they are all gold diggers. al

diately her workers saw her coming everyone quickly return to his or her

at down on her chair. shortly

eted. as she hand over a

swered not spar

tes for today

ith stonocic investment she said and placed a paper on her table while Chloe go through it and signed

d and hand over the file to her secretary. she

all across to ano

ce now she said in a command

worker opened the doo

ck the door Chl

the door and walk bac

ed you to complete she asked h

on her table while Ch

to do? this document is no

hed him to hospital that's the reason I am unable to complete the

my office Chloe said try

e said in tears as she q

eed a lazy worker in my company ple

oviding for my sick son I have no place to go for t

to amend things or I will kick you

make amendment

d bring it back to me am giving

e stood up from the ground and took t

ted ringing with Andrew

lo b

Andrew asked

am f

st opened and I will like to take

hat time C

dressing before then and I wil

iting for you she


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