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SUBMISSIVE TO HIM - He's my boss

SUBMISSIVE TO HIM - He's my boss


Chapter 1 Agreeing to the job

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 22/10/2021

id those words, tears

always stood for honesty. Little did she know that her life w

ll speak to the master" The girl whom

amount of money. Since they had nothing, Lisa started looking for where to borrow from, sh

really need the money, please

art work today and also get paid today " Gabrie

much" Faking happiness,

dream was to become a cop, but now she was gonna

join this game it's hard to step out... It isn't what you can eas

She took in a deep breath." That man, my father

ngs, I will dr

est, they passed through many bushes. As long as the street , no hous

t, not only the car, bu

car and walked to the b

ate, they did a scan check on Lisa, th

ened for them an

an order from Gabriella

obey Gabriella. Since it wasn't her place to talk much, sh

se and Lisa was told to

s beautiful. She was starting get cold,

herself, things from the pas



aded with her husband, holding his rig

t want that, am gonna leave with my children, you are gonna stay here alone!.... Fiona is gonna take care of

years old Lisa cried, she jo

informed. He took Lisa's hand, an

n't leave my mother, alone" With the little strength she had, sh

ured her little sister, who

e" Little Becca who wasn't that clea

while Becca to her dad. They never thought a day would

osen to suffer. Not a single dime, will I send for yo

a word, she just

e a cop, and in the future am gonna arrest ungrateful men like you , am gonna make my mum proud, you'l


hose to do this, I just didn't" She cried, forg

ished my studies, how can I even train to be a cop... I tried finding a legal work, but the pay for even two months won't be

ig room, she searched for th

?" She aske

oom opened, and there he was, l

ng wet. He had features th

ows furrowed as h

yes staring at th

gaze down, in order not to m

Her gaze was still fixed on the

st signaled her to brin

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