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Author: sweetpea20

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

om table's various knickknacks. I'm sure everything is already clean,

e room, a smile cre

est thoughts could I imagine myself walking through such a place, let alone living here. Fortunately, Rachel, an

efore I took out all those student loans. But when I met Andrew, Romina's kid, I was completely enamored with him. There's no place I'd rather be after three months of full-time caregiving

t enough, I'm now able to devote my full attention to my true passion... cooking.

night, it seems, I'm trying out new recipes, such as the roasted duck I cook

, as with everything else around here, no money is spared. Romina enjoys organic, home-cooked meals, which is

rror. Romina's body has never looked better, despite the fact that most women require some time to heal following childbirth. As best as I can tell from the images I've seen around the apart

me size because I adore her fashion sense. She has way more clothes than she knows what to do with thanks to her big wardrobe allowance. I

gals who can pull off

rs in gorgeous waves, and the color explodes against her perfect olive tone complexion. Andrew, who is currently napping, has inher

mes, Aliyah,” Romina says, a flawlessly m

e familiar with the ins and out

I despise any and all contacts I have with Jonas Samonte, one of Metro Manila's greatest jerks. He's unreasonable in his demands, and every thing he's ever spoken to me has been condescend

referred to as a glorified concubine. I've watched her cry more times than I care to remember, and I don't think it's worth it to me. Everything she could want is t

for me because I'll be back after dinner." Marie should be here for Andr

gestures to things while Andrew keeps on blowing and spitting bubbles while she says things in French. I've never heard of someone tutoring a nine-month-old child, but everything is

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