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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 990    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

able to make dinner, but I've always liked to be prepared just in case. Jonas has sent her home without dinner on a few occasion

ve some more spinach

s out the green goo that I ha

od boy and eat a

blowing bubbles. I deeply regret the day I taught him how to do tha

I clean him with a towel before attempting to wipe away the blended vegetabl

avorite foods, though he did eat more carrot

in the fridge. After I give Andrew his bottle, I give him a few

continue working as a nanny if I didn't enjoy cooking and cleaning so much. I am infinitely happy when I am mixing ingredients and watch

n cooking a meal and having to stop and search for something you require because you failed to return it to its proper locat

eels and runs her fingers through her now slightly unkempt hair as she walks through the door. Unfo


aims, slamming his fists o

efore walking over to hug and kis

ou just finish your

some carrots and spinach." H

half-smile as she

aked some

of having sweets in the house, but a cookie

ed dark chocolate chips and made

she nods and leans aga

I should probably eat something first." "

towel down on the counter. "Please t

xpression. I sit in the chair across from her, waiting for Romina to take her first bite. While my first instinct is to inquire as to what

is, in my opinion, the high point of the entire experience. I am convinced that the expression on their faces as they take th

mouth curved into a wide grin. Even though her expr

. How w

break. "It's delectable," she says. "You know it's always like

crew, and I doubt she will ever do so. Domestic work isn't really her thing, based on what I've heard. However, a fe

floor while I wait for her to finish h

. "Because things didn't go quite as planned, I'm going to spend some

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