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Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 804    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

for a billionaire's son. My room, like the rest of the apartment, is neat and organized, but I still dust and vacuum

are to only touch those things when absolutely necessary. Romina rarely gives me time to myself; after all, being a live-in nanny is a twenty-four-hour-a-day job. When I'm not car

Even though they're a pain to clean, the windows are my favorite part of the room. I never need

for the rest of the evening. Or perhaps I sho

ut from the top. I begin to make my way to the bed, only to realize my shirt is stained with

time to take a shower bef

y a few minutes away. I roll my neck from one side to the other, closing my eyes, as I unbutton my blouse. A massag

, dropping it on my growing pile of dirty clothes, the cold air hits my nipples through the thin lace. I reach up and massage my breasts gently before u

more. But, just as I turn to go to the bathroom, something or someone moves in the building directly acros

t empty not long ago... Is

I observe a man pacing back and forth while on the phone,

scramble to cover myself as I rush to

l happened?"

s a Peeping Tom living there? A Peeping Tom wi

the man resembled anyone I knew. He's never been around here before. I'm pretty s

o bold as to use a telescope. Fortunately, I hadn't stripped naked before realizing I had a

bath, forcing myself to ignore the dull throb between my thighs as I repl

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