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Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1229    |    Released on: 25/10/2021

the building via the glass just in time. The black Mercedes Benz Jonas usually send to fetch her is parked just in front, with the

meet him w

n his behalf, sometimes even passing it to me to tell her that she is needed. He mak

clink against my ring, I reali

s fit as a fiddle at forty-two, and he's annoyingly attractive for someone so cruel. His blond hair has a

background, Jonas made a significant portion of his fortune through hedge funds. I remember I nearly choked on my cappuccino when I first learne

to any job that I'm aware of, so I believe he

and she continually recalls stories from her modeling career. She's o

tory after story about his wealth and multiple sightings with various female members of the city's elite. He'll be on the beach with a blonde bombshell

e being so enamored with my partner that I would overlook his philandering. I d

about their little arrangement. If the boss lady is content with her status as a hidd

is nap and is calmly rolling about in his bed. I ascend the stairs and proceed down the corridor to his room, which is directly across f

fore I can take two steps, he's on my tail. He's only lately discovered how to move his legs sufficiently to be called c

down with one hand to grasp him a

im and the toys on the blanket, and watc

eated while I pre

organic cheese puffs and milk. Just as I'm ready to sit down, my phone rings. Wh

I am unable to go out

se. When it comes to going out, Romina is very rigorous, especially if it involves drinking. While I appreciate her logic, I'm respons

proudly waves his small arms as I settle down and place his snack in f

smiles, as if he truly understands what I j

hen I answer the door, Maria is waiting there, clutching

" I gre

head at me, her thin brows

s a habit of speaking English when she's around, so I guess

I move to the side

f approval. She walks over to Andrew an

k for myself and plan out what to make for dinner. I rummage through the

t, I grab a fe

majority of the time. Romina does not trust store-bought baby food, and we both agree on that. Most of th

me alone with Andrew. I can't imagine being away from him, even though his parents appear to prefer going out with the

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