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The Watchers –Elementals

Chapter 3 Adike

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 27/10/2021

is unfortunately under Nigeria, well not literally under since the hells is another realm altogether but Niger

arts of the elements, have magic in their blood – which is very advantageous when fighting a demon. The watcher's lord combined their power to bind I, to keep som

n another realm they made outposts that pro

e her team is waiting for her. Thunder rumbles in the cloudy skies and she reacts without thinking, making the human around her shiver with a coldness that comes and disappears ju

ollege gate, where her team of two guards had been waiting – her best friend and partn

you, my lady."Her guard, Yina said in a disap

d."Ola said, rolling her eyes. " besides, you know that

, which didn't impress or seem

ng look which she return

said casually, opening the

, Alike knows her best friend takes the job of guarding her seriously. " don't put us in suspense! Who do you see?" Yina

about?" She said dryly, " the P

falls in the car, even Yina looked surprise

the silence. " I thought it'l

ran i

by the serious expression on her friend's face. She wished she could st

did he

ould give her friend more credit. She saw Yina's hand relaxed

ow a supposed Prince looks like? She th

ook, raising her eyebro

d her shoulde

eared his throat. "Do you think he'll be able to tame the wild ligh

ho of power from him, the only power she felt was that of the Twin guard who was with him – his power had echo deep, she did

adable look from the rear mirror, the three of t


he'd been found. And that it seems central has already c

ered. "Shouldn't the Twin watcher make

n the human realm and had been looking for him and his mother since his father take him off

d after all his father had been the reason her mother died, and the reason she woke up sometimes

get his feet knocked off under him. Who would like to know that the saving of the world

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