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My dream lover(Mystery behind the locks and love)

Chapter 2 Official Sack letter

Word Count: 714    |    Released on: 30/10/2021

a strict woman so I tried as much as possible not to step on her nerves but on getting to the shop, she paid me my salary in full cash and it was strange to me because

eried you already but you promised me that if I gave you a se

rolling down my cheeks, then there was silenc

I guess you've got some money at hand so

re was no food at home and I was also hungry, I decid

ffee,we left for my home. I cooked vegetables and so we are it along with fruits and a glass of pineapple drink for each of us. When I got home, I remembered that the previous day, Mrs Benes had already given me 30 dollars and then gave me a letter which I didn't remember to read

til he slapped me on my face. I was so frightened so I quickly opened my eyes very clearly and when I realized that it was potiphar,( his name

as early as possible to prepare my food? Look at the t

who made me lose my job or the guy who stabbed me and told me to keep his secret of being the available suspect of a murder c

Take a look at your self, you are

part of the book to be updated. Love you guys and keep on rating.

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